Issue Contents

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# Article Article Summary
1 A number of T. C. girls A group of women attended a football game at Iowa City.
2 Four T. C. men called to service Nelson Hersey, B. M. Hansen, Jesse Shedd, and Professor Palmer called.
3 Geddes thanks Americans for appreciative vote; Teachers College responded almost unanimous
4 Helen Knapp first in oratorical contest; efficiency of students of Miss Shanewise demonstrated last Wednesday Critical review of the performances.
5 Lecture Committee has its problems; unusual conditions of the country have placed additional burdens upon it Committee having difficulty in securing entertainment.
6 Lieutenant Sauvage lectures Thursday; crowded house will greet this French war veteran George M. Sauvage will speak on his military service.
7 T. C. celebrates international holiday; all classes excused to commemorate close of war Monday; students attended down town performance in afternoon Lengthy description of campus and town Armistice Day activities.
8 T. C. H. S. trims Greene eleven Account of the football game.
9 Teachers to play Camp Dodge team; game of benefit to United War Worker's fund ISTC SATC team will play Camp Dodge in a benefit football game to support the United War Worker's fund.
10 Upper Iowa victorious over Teachers College Upper Iowa defeated I. S. T. C. in football for the third time in three years.
11 War work campaign in full swing; student body subscribes heavily; $2200 reached yesterday with more coming in Roger Leavitt addressed chapel on Armistice Day.
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12 11-Nov-18 States the importance of November 11, 1918, which marks the end of World War I.
13 College spirit Editorial encourages students to have school spirit and support the football team in its upcoming game.
15 Said the workman to the soldier An Edgar Guest poem.
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# Article Article Summary
14 Even among fishes A poem by Roy L. Abbott.
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16 An amusing occurrence Woman called to Dean Reed's office in error.
17 B. A. Senior Class of '18 Their sponsor, Professor Getchell, contributed money to The United War Work Drive and College auxiliary of the Cedar Falls Red Cross Chapter.
18 Cliosophic initiation banquet Enjoyed banquet and program of toasts.
20 Laura Hampton and Linna Edgerton Spent weekend at home in West Branch.
23 Mildred Hemphill went to her home Went home to Iowa City for visit.
25 Miss Genevieve Johnson was called home Went home to see brother before he left for service.
26 Miss Grace Gaarder of Kensett, IA Visited sister Alva last week.
27 Miss Harriet Maltas has been visiting Has been Dorothy Lippold's visitor in Bartlett Hall.
30 Miss Myra Sturges visited her brother Visited brother, who is a student of medicine at the State University of Iowa.
33 One of the girls on the Kindergarten course Genevieve Ferguson visited college friends.
34 Shake-Aristo informal initiation Enjoyed time up the river.
35 Y. W. C. A. track meet About seventy-five women from three colleges attended.
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# Article Article Summary
19 Ellen Hovendon went to Cedar Rapids Attended Coe-Grinnell game.
21 Margery Kinne, '18 is teaching Teacher at Washington Grade School, East Waterloo.
22 Maryeda Boyd Was the guest of Helen Davis.
24 Miss Carrie Fonda and friend Mr. Will Noel Went to Iowa City to attend Homecoming.
28 Miss Jeannette Rosemond Came from Waterloo to attend Clio banquet.
29 Miss Margaret Fluent who is teaching Physical training teacher spent weekend with friends at Bartlett Hall.
31 Miss Sylvia Hoffman, '18, who is teaching Primary teacher visited Katherine Berkstresser last Friday and Saturday.
32 Norrine Hess went to Cedar Rapids Saw brother play football for Grinnell.
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36 Capt. William H. Hearst, 1889, 1890 Serving as Chief of Surgical Services, U. S. A. General Hospital No. 8, Otisville, New York.
37 Died: Mihran H. Mardigian Died of influenza and pneumonia; had hoped to return to his native Armenia.
38 Dr. Frank N. Seerley of Army Y. M. C. A. Letter; news and works of his division.
39 Finance Committee Meeting Nina Baumgardner, critic teacher in the East Waterloo training school takes leave of absence due to father's illness. Laura Renner and Amy F. Arey to fill in.
40 Irving H. Hart, Director of Extension On leave of absence doing Y. M. C. A. work; left Camp Dodge, Iowa, for position as Camp Educational Director at Newport News, Virginia, on November 10.
41 Major R. F. Seymour Now in A. E. F. in France; letter; news and movements of his division.
42 Omissions from Service List Oct. 1, 1918 Roster of servicemen who had been omitted from earlier listing.
43 Professor Ernest Zechiel-U. S. Naval Research Laboratories, New London, Connecticut Had been preparing to go overseas, but was ordered to work at the base.
44 Professor P. Young, Northfield, Minnesota Professor P. Young and Mr. V. K. Green investigated the work of the faculty and the College as applied to the Student Army Training Corps instruction.
45 Terance Bryan Black, '15 Arrived in Ft. Des Moines Hospital; wounded in action; former college library staff.