
Displaying 1 - 50 of 275 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Why Sally Rooney is the perfect author to start your reading goal
Northern Iowan 118:29, p.3
Abigail Saathoff discusses the BookTok craze and how Sally Rooney's book are the best way to start your new reading goal; photo.
2 Columnist Wiggins bids farewell
Northern Iowan 116:26, p.3
Opinion columnist Kevin Wiggins bids farewell in a column that includes advice to a younger self and those still on their college journey; photo.
3 Ottessa Moshfegh is brilliant
Northern Iowan 115:49, p.3
Hall recommends author Ottessa Moshfegh; photo.
4 What is it that makes the classics great?
Northern Iowan 115:48, p.3
In the author's opinion, "great" works of literature inspire new possibilities and remind people of their humanity, and should be a requirement of the liberal arts core curriculum; photo.
5 Too many books to choose from
Northern Iowan 111:40, p.3
Student Monica Clark expresses her distaste with how little time she has for free reading; photo.
6 Annual read-in brings familiar face to UNI
Northern Iowan 110:41, p.4
UNI hosted its eight annual African-American Read-In. Children from the Cedar Valley met the friendly Sesame Street cast members and were exposed to many different books and illustrations from African-American authors; photo.
7 Sesame Street's Elmo to visit UNI's eighth African-American Read-In
Public Relations News Release 2013:185, p.1
UNI will host their eighth annual African-American Read-In. Children from the Cedar Valley will be reading books and learning more about African-American culture. There will even be a guest appearance from Sesame Street's Elmo.
8 College students have no more time for reading
Northern Iowan 110:37, p.3
Says college students do not have time to read for pleasure. All of the things they read are assigned to them for class. When students do have the time to read, they do not have the energy.
9 Readership program flourishes in 1st year
Northern Iowan 110:30, p.2
The Collegiate Readership Program at UNI was created by Chris Miller and is funded by the Northern Iowa Student Government. This program allows students to keep up on current events and educate themselves through reading the paper.
10 UNI offering updated literacy program
Northern Iowan 110:26, p.1
UNI is now offering an updated version of the literacy assistance software, Read&Write Gold 11. This helps students with disabilities to improve both their reading and writing skills, and is a free software for UNI students; photo.
11 'About Time' is charming, relatable
Northern Iowan 110:22, p.4
The author found "About Time" to be a charming film filled with a message of the importance of love in life. "About Time" is about a family where all of the males I the family are capable of time travel. There is a strong message of living life fully.
12 Books still hold relevancy in today's society
Northern Iowan 110:16, p.3
Author insists that printed books still top tablets and e-readers. He explains that since books do not need electricity or the internet, they are more reliable. Books also may be better for the environment in the long run; photo.
13 UNI-CUE forming future leaders
Public Relations News Release 2012:319, p.1
Students will participate in math, reading, writing, social justice and conversational Spanish classes. In addition, students will create art projects, participate in cultural activities and go on field trips.
14 Student Health 101 readership picking up
Northern Iowan 109:46, p.1
The Wellness and Recreation Center began offering the Student Health 101 magazine in September of 2012. Recently, the number of students reading the magazine has increased. The magazine includes many different health related topics.
15 The dragon is not a metaphor
Northern Iowan 109:44, p.5
The author feels that his assigned readings and additions to his workload, he does not have enough time for leisure reading.
16 Sparknotes are killing the classics
Northern Iowan 109:41, p.3
Says that makes reading easier. Instead of spending hours reading a book, a student can just read the summary online. However, this is killing the classics.
17 CME to host sixth annual book club
Northern Iowan 109:6, p.7
A diverse group of books will be available for members. Books offer a great and simple way for people to experience a culture.
18 UNI students create books for orphanages
Northern Iowan 108:52, p.1
Students from Waterloo East, Cedar Falls High, Wartburg College, and UNI join to send three hundred books to Haiti and Panama. The books are written in Spanish, French, and English.
19 UNI service-learning project supports literacy needs of orphanages
Public Relations News Release 2011:276, p.1
Students are working on a service learning project that helps children's literacy needs in orphanages in Haiti and Panama.
20 UNI to host 44th annual Reading Recovery Conference
Public Relations News Release 2011:270, p.1
The Price Lab school will host the 44th annual Elementary Literacy and Reading Recovery Conference.
21 Inside the life of grad student Nick Kavanaugh
Northern Iowan 108:34, p.8
Kavanaugh is a graduate assistant in the Administration Office. His area is surrounded by purple and gold. As an undergrad, he studied communication. He is pursuing his interest in student affairs in graduate school; photo.
22 Iowa students demonstrate little improvement in math and reading
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.1
American students have improved in math and reading over the past twenty years; Iowa students have not. This is one indicator. Several factors may contribute to these results.
23 Freshmen getting younger
Northern Iowan 107:46, p.
Photo of college students reading to area elementary students; photo.
24 UNI hosts annual African-American Read-In
Northern Iowan 107:41, p.5
First graders from Price Lab and Waterloo schools packed the Maucker Union Ballroom to learn about African-American history. Over 425 students attended; photo.
25 Annual African-American Read-In to feature celebrity readers, storyteller.
Public Relations News Release 2010:233, p.1
The event focuses on sharing African-American books by African-American authors and illustrators.
26 Censorship is n** the answer
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.12
"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is being reprinted with slave being used instead of the n word. This censorship of an American classic has caused an uproar in academic circles.
27 From page-turns to plug-ins
Northern Iowan 107:19, p.9
Reading brings a simple happiness. Technology has entered the realm of reading. One can now use audio books as he drives down the road. Braille books, Kindle, and Noble Nook are also available. Reading is a good thing.
28 UNI's Reading Recovery program receives grant
Northern Iowan 107:11, p.1
The Department of Education has provided a grant of three million ninety six thousand dollars to support literacy among area first graders. The University is expected to find donors to match twenty per cent of the grant.
29 UNI Reading Recovery Center receives U. S. Department of Education grant
Public Relations News Release 2010:63, p.1
The grant awarded $3,096,000 to the Reading Recovery Center. More than 10,000 Iowa first graders who struggle to read, will receive intense literacy assistance in the next five years. The R. J. McElroy Trust supplied $150,000 towards its matching funds.
30 Office hours: The life of a professor
Northern Iowan 107:7, p.5
Melissa Beall, professor of communication studies, talks about her love of bee keeping, growing up in Nebraska, and her love of reading.
31 UNI-CUE seeks volunteers
Northern Iowan 107:2, p.5
Children attending UNI-CUE are looking for volunteers to help with reading, composition, social science, and math skills.
32 Richard O. Jacobson pledges $11 million to create literacy center at UNI
UNI receives largest gift ever

Public Relations News Release 2010:15, p.1
The Richard O. Jacobson Center for Comprehensive Literacy will focus on educating, coaching and mentoring teachers and administrators to develop effective instructional prractices based on current reading research.
33 UNI holds African-American Read-In
Northern Iowan 106:39, p.1
First and second grade students from Black Hawk Elementary and the Walter Cunningham School of Excellence spent a day on campus with UNI students. The read-in promoted literacy. Author and illustrator Jan Spivey Gilchrist read to the group; photo.
34 UNI Instructor says there's no replacement for a book when it comes to kids
Public Relations News Release 2009:253, p.1
According to Jacquelin Smith, an instructor in curriculum & instruction, children's books are an important cultural artifact, allowing children an opportunity to interact with the world and themselves.
35 UNI's Rod Library to host Cedar Valley Hunger Games Oct. 24
Public Relations News Release 2009:115, p.1
The Cedar Valley Hunger Games celebrates the love of reading and the popularity of Suzanne Collins' bestselling young adult novel while providing a service opportunity and a fun overnight event.
36 Books to read before summer ends
Northern Iowan 105:59, p.2
Suggested categories for reading this summer include; a classic, a biography, an old favorite, a book turned into a movie, and a popular book series.
37 Great summer reads for kids
Lazy summer days make great reading opportunities

Public Relations News Release 2008:564, p.1
Studies consistently show that children actually lose reading achievement during the summer months. "Encourage your children to read this summer," says Yolanda Hood, youth collection librarian and assistant professor. Tips included.
38 This week at UNI
Northern Iowan 105:48, p.4
Dates, times, and locations of upcoming events on campus.
39 'Amelia Bedelia' coming to UNI as reading conference celebrates 40 years
Public Relations News Release 2008:460, p.1
Herman Parish, will share his adventures carrying on the misadventures of "Amelia Bedelia," the beloved children's series created by his aunt, Peggy Parish, in 1963. Herman has added 14 books to the seriew, including "Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm."
40 Elementary students celebrate read-in at UNI
Northern Iowan 105:37, p.1
Students from Cunningham Elementary School and Price Lab School participate in National African American Read-In; photo.
41 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:37, p.2
Scenes from the African American Read-In and the Graduate Faculty Brown Bag Lecture Series; photo.
42 Confessions of a bookaholic
Northern Iowan 104:58, p.2
Bookalholics read everything from newspapers, articles online, magazines, and books. May arrange books either by author and year published.
43 UNI launches Des Moines Purple Reader program
Public Relations News Release 2007:552, p.1
UNI is seeking volunteers for the 2008-2009 school year for UNI's "Purple Reader" program.
44 UNI Price Laboratory School hosts the 2008 Beginning Reading Conference, April 11
Public Relations News Release 2007:532, p.1
Biographical profile of Rosemary Wells.
45 Elementary students celebrate African American Read-In at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2007:398, p.1
Elementary students from Cunningham Elementary School will participate in the 2008 National African American Read-In February 4.
46 88th annual Children's Book Week celebrates "Rise Up Reading!" November 12-18
Public Relations News Release 2007:277, p.1
Children's Book Week is a good opportunity to share how important it is for children to read.
47 Multicultural Education Book Club at UNI to hold first meeting
Public Relations News Release 2007:183, p.1
The Center for Multicultural Education Book Club will hold its first meeting October 1.
48 Tips for keeping your child reading during the summer
Public Relations News Release 2007:29, p.1
Lucille Lettow gives tips to keep children reading while school is out for the summer.
49 UNI librarian chooses fun summer reads for children
Public Relations News Release 2007:29, p.1
Lucille Lettow has created a list of fun summer reading material.
50 Summer reading sharpens skills
Public Relations News Release 2007:29, p.1
The more children practice reading during the summer, the more likely they will be to develop lifelong reading habits.