Afzal--Fariha (Student--2012)
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Students respond to Angela Davis Northern Iowan 110:22, p.1 |
Angela Davis, civil and women's rights icon, presented her lecture "Finding Your Way: Organizing for Social Change and Human Rights". Many UNI students attended the lecture and found it informative and inspiring; photo. | |
2 | Scavenger hunt will go green Northern Iowan 110:22, p.5 |
There will be a scavenger hunt hosted by the Recycling and Reuse of Technology Center in honor of America Recycles Day. Students can register for the scavenger hunt online for the chance to win prizes. | |
3 | Students react to library changes Northern Iowan 110:20, p.4 |
Students respond to the changes being made in Rod Library. There have been many changes made making the library more integrated with technology and to better allow for group work. |
4 | Reception welcomes LGBT students Northern Iowan 110:6, p.4 |
The LGBT community had record attendance at the fourth annual Rainbow Reception. This is just one of the many ways UNI is striving to be an open and nonjudgmental university. Many students support efforts of UNI Proud and the LGBT community; photo. | |
5 | Recognizing hunger: Speaker addresses how to be more in tune with your body Northern Iowan 110:5, p.6 |
UNI hosted Evelyn Tribole to speak about the importance of making peace with your body. It is better to eat healthy than to go on extreme diets. Many audience members found Tribole's presentation informative. | |
6 | International Student Association brings worldwide traditions to campus Northern Iowan 109:51, p.6 |
The International Student Association put on an event showcasing the clothing, cuisine, and talent from different areas around the world. The event, which had a good student turnout, illustrated the diversity of students at UNI; photo. | |
7 | Is UNI the 2nd-windiest campus in the country? Northern Iowan 109:49, p.1 |
Professor Alan Czarnetzki says UNI may or may not be the second windiest campus in the country, but this is hard to prove. However, there are benefits and disadvantages to having a really windy campus. | |
8 | Scholarship benefit concert held for UNI School of Music Northern Iowan 109:11, p.4 |
Thirty-first annual scholarship benefit concert was deemed a success. Various UNI ensembles and faculty performed to raise money. | |
9 | SIAC changes to SIC Northern Iowan 109:5, p.2 |
Change eliminates confusion with the acronym. The Student Involvement Center covers fraternities, sororities, NISG, and leadership and service programming. | |
10 | Student questions information disclosure by Study Abroad Northern Iowan 108:51, p.1 |
Rebecca Byrne believes that Excel attachments to an E-mail that listed names, E-mail addresses, UNI ID numbers, emergency contact numbers, and the emergency contact relationship violated federal law. | |
11 | Interpreters Theatre presents "Brother Wolf" this weekend Northern Iowan 108:46, p.5 |
An Appalachian adventure, based on the story of Beowulf, will be presented this weekend; photo. | |
12 | Kappa Sigma to host 'Dodging for Diabetes' Northern Iowan 108:41, p.7 |
Dodge ball teams will compete until only one team is left standing. Kappa Sigma is hoping to raise $2000 to donate to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. |