Anderson--John David (Student--2008)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 193 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI President Allen to retire before July 1, 2013 Northern Iowan 109:1, p.1 |
Health problems as well as the desire to spend more time with family prompted President Allen to announce his retirement plans. The Allens plan to do some traveling. President Allen also plans to do some writing on challenges to education. |
2 | If music be the food of love Northern Iowan 108:54, p. |
The university provides many opportunities to hear all types of music. Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center hosts groups from different genres during the year. The School of Music hosts concerts all year long; photo. | |
3 | Hit up these spots when you're hitting the books Northern Iowan 108:54, p. |
Tips on popular places to study on campus; photo. | |
4 | Fast Facts about UNI Northern Iowan 108:54, p. |
Fourteen facts about the university; including four photos from events; photo. | |
5 | A letter from the editor Northern Iowan 108:54, p.5 |
John David Anderson shares his thoughts as he approaches the next phase of his life. His experiences with the Northern Iowan will always have a spot in his heart; photo. |
6 | Dannen: athletics funding model outdated Northern Iowan 108:53, p.1 |
Athletics director agrees that the transfer of funds from the general fund to athletics is too high. He is suggesting a switch to funding from student fees. This concept has been used for several years by other universities; photo. | |
7 | What are unrestricted net assets? Northern Iowan 108:52, p.1 |
Howard Bunsis suggested in a lecture that the university should use funding from unrestricted net assets to cover the current deficit. Michael Hager points out that these assets are reserved for health insurance, parking, and other commitments; photo. | |
8 | The tuba is strong with this one Northern Iowan 108:51, p.6 |
UNITuba ensemble performed "Tuba Wars: A Parody with Music" in Davis Hall. A take off on "Star Wars"; the performance was well received; photo. | |
9 | UNI Relay For Life raises $102,000 to fight cancer Northern Iowan 108:51, p.1 |
Cancer awareness was the focus of over one thousand faculty, students, staff, and community members during the annual event. The goal of $100,000 was exceeded; photo. | |
10 | Changing of the guard Northern Iowan 108:50, p.1 |
Newly elected senate and executive branch of the Northern Iowa Student Government sworn into office; photo. | |
11 | Dean Mauceri to become SUNY New Paltz provost Northern Iowan 108:50, p.1 |
After serving UNI for eighteen years, Dean Mauceri will move back to his home state of New York; photo. | |
12 | A taste of things to come Northern Iowan 108:50, p.6 |
A new student-led coffee shop is coming to the Hill in August. "The Roast" will provide a place for students and community members to meet. Fund raising is under way; photo. | |
13 | Panther Portraits Northern Iowan 108:50, p.7 |
Scenes from the Panther Bash, sponsored by the Northern Iowa Student Government | |
14 | NISG speaker of senate election deemed invalid Northern Iowan 108:49, p.4 |
Last week's election of Jared Parker as speaker of the senate went against Roberts Rules of Order. Parker consulted with the NISG advisor, other candidates, and members of the senate. | |
15 | Parker named speaker of senate Public Relations News Release 108:48, p.3 |
Following a vote to suspend the bylaws, Jared Parker was elected by a one vote margin. The suspension resulted when none of the three candidates received a simple majority; photo. | |
16 | Students hit the road for Iowa's universities Public Relations News Release 108:48, p.1 |
Student led, nine stop tour of Iowa, shares the value of the state universities with Iowans. The tour kicked off with a rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds; photo. | |
17 | Students unite to advocate higher ed funding at capitol Northern Iowan 108:47, p.1 |
Budget cuts at UNI were the topic of discussions between legislators and students. Spencer Walrath addressed the press conference in the Iowa capitol; photo. | |
18 | Freedom Week exposes modern slavery Northern Iowan 108:46, p.1 |
During Freedom Week, UNI students will sponsor several events aimed at raising awareness of human trafficking. Every minute, two children are sold into slavery; photo. | |
19 | Panther Portraits Northern Iowan 108:46, p.7 |
Scenes from Freedom Week activities; photo. | |
20 | House panel votes to freeze tuition Northern Iowan 108:45, p.1 |
Iowa House Appropriations Committee passed a bill, along party lines, that would potentially cut $31 million from Iowa's public universities next year. The bill would also freeze tuition; allowing no way to recover the lost funding. | |
21 | AAUP investigation could lead to censure Northern Iowan 108:44, p.3 |
The American Association of University Professors is planning to investigate the procedures used to determine program cuts. Responses by President Allen, to date, have not convinced the group of the University's good intentions to comply. | |
22 | Board of Regents approves academic program changes Northern Iowan 108:44, p.1 |
Due to budget cuts of over twenty-four million dollars in recent years and facing a nearly five million dollar shortfall, Price Lab School and the University Museum will be closing along with fifty-eight academic programs; photo. | |
23 | Jordan and KaLeigh win runoff election Northern Iowan 108:43, p.3 |
Jordan Bancroft-Smithe and KaLeigh White are the newly elected leaders of the Northern Iowa Student Government; photo. | |
24 | More than 70 programs could be affected by possible cuts Northern Iowan 108:43, p.1 |
A draft of the possible cuts to academic programs at UNI is released. An official announcement is expected soon. Faculty Senate does not endorse any of the proposed changes. | |
25 | UNI faculty pass vote of no confidence in Allen, Gibson Northern Iowan 108:42, p.1 |
Meeting was called by Faculty Chair James Jurgenson in response to a petition calling for a faculty meeting, following the announced closing of Price Lab School and upcoming academic cuts; photo | |
26 | NISG to host runoff election after no ticket gains majority Northern Iowan 108:41, p.1 |
Bancroft-Smith/White and Burns/Thompson tickets will be on the ballot for runoff election; photo. | |
27 | Regents approve Price Lab closure Northern Iowan 108:41, p.1 |
President Allen's recommendation to close Price Lab School on June 30, 2012, has been approved by the Board of Regents. The state legislature is the next step in the closure; photo. | |
28 | Ed faculty votes no confidence in Allen Northern Iowan 108:41, p.1 |
The process, data, communication, people consulted, and the closing of Price Lab School all contributed to the vote of no confidence. The Faculty Senate will also receive a motion for consideration. | |
29 | Cedar Falls a finalist for Blue Zones project Northern Iowan 108:41, p.1 |
Project is going to areas where people live longer, happier lives. The project will name three or four cities in Iowa by May 1, 2012. | |
30 | UNI announces first round of cuts, eyes others Northern Iowan 108:40, p.1 |
Museum, print services, and Price Lab School are slated to close. The Department of Public Safety and low enrollment academic programs are under review; photo. | |
31 | Budget talks require communication, not blame Northern Iowan 108:39, p.4 |
Communication among the administration, faculty, students, and the Cedar Valley is needed during this time of restructuring. People need to know what the plans are for the future. More input has been requested by several parties. | |
32 | The power of pink Northern Iowan 108:39, p.6 |
Visual Perceptions, an art class, held three flash mob events during the spring semester. One featured pink wigs worn by class members; photo. | |
33 | A tale of two chambers Northern Iowan 108:38, p.1 |
Iowa Senate has a 4.5 million dollar increase for UNI in its proposed budget. The House has a three million dollar reduction in their budget. There seems to be a large difference in opinion on education; photo. | |
34 | Are more students leaving the Hill to go downtown Northern Iowan 108:37, p.1 |
The Barmuda establishments on College Hill have seen a decline in business during the recession, but their downtown businesses have seen an increase. The Hill is turning into a younger crowd, since several establishments allow entry at 18; photo. | |
35 | Funding debate sparks reform Northern Iowan 108:36, p.1 |
Precedent and interpretation entered into the denial of funding for the Colleges Against Cancer. Concerns expressed that funding be requested more than once by a single organization. | |
36 | Panther Portraits Northern Iowan 108:36, p.6 |
Scenes from Jazz Band 1 performing at the Hub; photo. | |
37 | College Hill bars lower prices, make changes Northern Iowan 108:35, p.1 |
Three Barmuda establishments on College Hill respond to student/patron input. Cover charges have been eliminated in most cases and prices have been lowered; photo. | |
38 | Panther Village rates released Northern Iowan 108:34, p.2 |
The Board of Regents needs to approve the proposed rates for the new dormitories. The Board will act on the rates in April. | |
39 | BSU welcomes Black History Month Northern Iowan 108:34, p.10 |
The Black Student Union will host various activities in February, including lectures, dances, and shows. Over twenty events are planned; photo. | |
40 | 'Buttongate' debate questions role of precedent Northern Iowan 108:33, p.1 |
A request to fund buttons by the Black Student Union led to a heated debate in NISG. Previously other organizations had been turned down with such requests. Plans are for a look at changing policy. | |
41 | General elections on the horizon Northern Iowan 108:33, p.1 |
Northern Iowa Student Government adjusts to changes in the length of the campaign period and a reduction in the number of senators; photo. | |
42 | There's still magic in that old flute Northern Iowan 108:32, p.5 |
School of Music presents "The Magic Flute". The performance was well received. The only drawback mentioned was the use of subtitles, since German was the language spoken. | |
43 | Positive feedback may keep NYT on campus Northern Iowan 108:32, p.1 |
Northern Iowa Student Government is seeking funding to keep the New York Times available on campus. Students and professors have provided positive feedback. | |
44 | Praying for unity Northern Iowan 108:31, p.6 |
Nearly one hundred students attended a nondenominational meeting in the Commons Ballroom. The event was sponsored by the Northern Iowa Campus Ministry Association; photo. | |
45 | Republican nomination up in the air Northern Iowan 108:31, p.1 |
Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Ron Paul are still battling for votes for the opportunity to face President Obama in November's election; photo. | |
46 | Panther Portraits Northern Iowan 108:30, p.8 |
Members of BASIC provided hot chocolate to students outside the West Gymnasium to help fight off the cold; photo. | |
47 | Branstad proposes $25 million education plan Northern Iowan 108:30, p.1 |
If the Governor's plan is approved by the House and Senate, Iowa will be number one in the country and tenth in the world for quality education. The plan is student friendly as is the education plan in the Senate; photo. | |
48 | Rethinking social change Northern Iowan 108:30, p.4 |
The legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., and his fight for equality can be used today as we discuss the gay rights movement; photo. | |
49 | DOR eyes Redeker expansion Northern Iowan 108:29, p.1 |
With the addition of Panther Village, the dining facilities in Redeker Center need to be enlarged to handle additional students; photo. | |
50 | Cose discusses MLK, equality for African-Americans Northern Iowan 108:29, p.1 |
The CME hosted author and journalist Elis Cose on Martin Luther King Day. He spoke to a diverse audience; photo. |