Athay--Steve (Student--2003)

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Moments of true happiness
Northern Iowan 100:54, p.7
Reflects on what makes him happy and bids his readers farewell.
2 Sorority fun gone too far?
Northern Iowan 100:52, p.7
Description of questionable sorority activities brought to light in Alexandra Robbins's book "Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities."
3 Start early, finish strong
Northern Iowan 100:50, p.7
Urges readers not to procrastinate in life.
4 Build on love foundation
Northern Iowan 100:48, p.7
Debates the nature of love and hate.
5 Cutting edge of image obsession
Northern Iowan 100:46, p.7
Speaks out against fashion as a driving force in human behavior.
6 Remorse over road rage
Northern Iowan 100:43, p.7
Denounces road rage and the stress that comes with driving.
7 Bring passion back to music
Northern Iowan 100:41, p.7
Laments the state of popular music and how it has lost its artistic qualities.
8 Calculating reasons why
Northern Iowan 100:39, p.7
Advocates giving thought to why people do things, down to the most routine activities.
9 Primer in political semantics
Northern Iowan 100:37, p.7
Thoughts on political ideologies, publications, and UNI's status as a "liberal" campus.
10 Doughnuts, coffee, and politics
Northern Iowan 100:35, p.7
Gives advice on how to participate meaningfully in politics.
11 High on hypocrisy
Northern Iowan 100:33, p.7
Feels you should not be hard on people who end up being hypocritical because of peer pressure.
12 Television's tantalizing torment
Northern Iowan 100:31, p.7
Television described as contributing to the downfall of society.
13 Stupid is as students do
Northern Iowan 100:27, p.7
Encourages students to be responsible with class work and attendance.
14 Reflections on Turkey Day
Northern Iowan 100:25, p.5
Encourages students to think about what they are thankful for.
15 Appreciate the world around you
Northern Iowan 100:23, p.7
Encourages readers to appreciate the beauty of nature.
16 The materialism has you
Northern Iowan 100:21, p.7
Encourages students to think about the motivations behind their actions.
17 Harrowing tale of the West Memphis Three
Northern Iowan 100:19, p.5
Feels the trial of the West Memphis Three was unjust and asks others to give their support by visiting their Web site.
18 Is it true that the sky is blue?
Northern Iowan 100:17, p.7
Believes truth must be absolute.
19 An introspection on insobriety
Northern Iowan 100:15, p.5
Encourages people not to define themselves by their consumption of alcohol.
20 Confront questions with consideration
Northern Iowan 100:13, p.7
Believes that people should question statements they hear and not believe that statements are necessarily true.
21 Skeptical summation of 'school spirit'
Northern Iowan 100:11, p.7
Shows his school spirit by supporting the school instead of partying.
22 Poor listeners go off 'deep' end
Northern Iowan 100:9, p.5
Believes people should take deeper interest in their friends.
23 Testing (and breaking) free speech limits
Northern Iowan 100:7, p.7
Believes that false stories about child molestation should not be given the right of free speech.
24 Science, religion and the classroom
Northern Iowan 100:5, p.7
Religion vs. science debate should not take place in a classroom; instructors should not waste student's time with personal opinions.
25 Lynch is many things, but not a hero
Northern Iowan 100:3, p.7
Believes Jessica Lynch should not have agreed to a book deal.