Baxter--Brittney (Student--2007)

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Paired kidney exchanges save lives
Northern Iowan 109:50, p.3
Thanks Beth Monnier for writing about paired kidney exchanges in the April 9, 2013 issue. The author's mother received a kidney through a paired exchange. More people should decide to become organ donors and help save lives.
2 Parents should talk to their kids
Northern Iowan 104:26, p.7
Parents urged to teach children about sex, drinking responsibly, and not just take their children to Sunday School, but attend church services.
3 Here comes the wedding showcase
Northern Iowan 104:24, p.10
Review of the bi-annual wedding show; held November 11 at the Park Place Event Center; photo.
4 Leaders need to be more accountable
Northern Iowan 104:23, p.7
Expresses concern over the complacency of political leaders and the American public.
5 Thoughts on dichotomies
Northern Iowan 104:21, p.7
Personal and governmental dichotomies discussed.
6 Organization works for change
Northern Iowan 104:20, p.10
Considers goals and programs of the Student Social Work Association.
7 Protesting non-protest
Northern Iowan 104:19, p.7
Citizens urged to move beyond bumper stickers; should address concerns with peace marches, sit-ins, boycotts, and similar activities.
8 You're paying for it, might as well enjoy it
Northern Iowan 104:17, p.9
Suggests campus opportunities that students should try; photo.
9 A change of seasons
Northern Iowan 104:15, p.9
College is a time to experience new things, examine your life, and determine what path you wish to follow.
10 Weight gain 2007 due to alcohol
Northern Iowan 104:13, p.9
Columnist believes that her weight gain in college has been due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
11 It's about time, Congress
Northern Iowan 104:11, p.7
Applauds recent passage of law that would help reduce college costs.
12 The neo-post industrial revolution era
Northern Iowan 104:9, p.7
Examines the trend of working long hours.
13 The pawns are real
Northern Iowan 104:7, p.9
War in Iraq discussed.
14 Vote for issues, not for names
Northern Iowan 104:5, p.7
Students urged to research candidates' stands on the issues and vote for candidates who look at issues in a way similar to the individual's view; photo.
15 How to fix the country
Northern Iowan 104:2, p.7
Solution suggested to immigration problem and dangers of coal mining; close the mines and create an industrial hemp market for bio fuel, textiles, and other products; photo.
16 Feeling the (sun)burn
Northern Iowan 103:58, p.7
Explains dangers of too much sun exposure; encouragses use of sunscreen; photo.
17 Brownback visits Cedar Falls during Iowa tour
Northern Iowan 103:58, p.1
Presidential candidate Sam Brownback brings message to Cedar Falls; photo.
18 Spending the summer studying
Northern Iowan 103:56, p.1
Students talk about why they attend summer session and how they accomplish their work; photo.