Beard--Renae (Student--2013)

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Welcome, from your NISG Pres. and VP
Northern Iowan 112:1, p.3

Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) president Katie Evans and and vice president Renae Beard welcome students to the Fall 2015 semester; photo.

2 Welcome, from your NISG President and Vice-President
Northern Iowan 111:54, p.
Katie Evan and Renae Beard welcome new students; photo.
3 In the name of misconduct
Northern Iowan 111:52, p.3
Renae Beard looks at some of the new laws in place for UNI faculty and Staff concerning sexual misconduct; photo.
4 Inclusivity, equality and utopia
Northern Iowan 111:48, p.3
Renae Beard gives her opinion on gender equality and inclusivity; photo.
5 With December comes a time to give thanks
Northern Iowan 111:25, p.3
Student Renae Beard encourages students to give back for the holidays, keep a positive attitude, and help those in need.
6 It's not an ad, it's a cry for help
Northern Iowan 111:23, p.3
Student Renae Beard criticizes the Northern Iowan's ad for employment due to its suicide undertone; photo.
7 We reform the social culture, not them
Northern Iowan 111:20, p.3
Student Renae Beard talks about the increase in reported sexual assaults on campus, and explores ways that students can take a stand and prevent further issues.
8 Experience college on your own
Northern Iowan 111:8, p.3
Senior Renae Beard gives her advice to the freshmen at UNI.
9 Affirmations to help get you through finals
Northern Iowan 110:54, p.5
Author shares retrospective thoughts on the semester.
10 Build your own future as students
Northern Iowan 110:52, p.3
This column stresses the importance of learning outside of the classroom.
11 Consider midwifery as an alternative birth plan
Northern Iowan 110:52, p.3
The author encourages young women to look into having a midwife help with pregnancy and the birthing process instead of a hospital. Midwives help ensure comfort with natural births. The cost associated with a midwives is also much less than a hospital.
12 Remember to 'bee' considerate of honeybees
Northern Iowan 110:50, p.4
The author expresses the importance of honeybees to our lives. The survival of the human race is related to the existence of the honeybee thanks to their pollination of most crops and plants.
13 Thinking about more than just ourselves
Northern Iowan 110:48, p.3
The author believes that the current generation needs to strive for world peace. Americans are privileged compared to youth in other countries. We need to be more concerned with the world around us and realize that not everyone is as fortunate.
14 Challenging university costs
Northern Iowan 110:45, p.5
Gives the facts of the two-year advantage plan offered by the Department of Residence. Says that the plan does not save money in the long run.
15 TWLOHA to help winter blues
Northern Iowan 110:38, p.2
Seasonal Affective Disorder is the symptoms of depression onset by winter conditions. UNI's chapter of To Write Love on Her Arms, TWOLA, is open to all students dealing with depression. TWOLA's goal is to give hope to anyone who is struggling.
16 Take some time to thank a farmer
Northern Iowan 110:35, p.3
Says everyone should take the time to thank farmers for all that they do. They feed this nation. Iowa is one of the most prominent contributors to agriculture in the United States. We should be thankful for that.
17 Out with the old, in with the new
Northern Iowan 110:32, p.3
The author explains that ridding your life of unnecessary belongings and tidying things up is the best way to start a new year. Studies have shown that cleaning actually reduces stress and leaves you feeling organized and in control.
18 We're waiting on the world to change
Northern Iowan 110:21, p.3
The author reminds readers that her generation has been given the tools to change the world. Many people have become hopeless when looking towards the future, but this generation can be the solution. We have the opportunity to change the world; photo.