Behrens--Roy Richard (Class of 1968; Art Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 70 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Jurors respond to friend
Northern Iowan 72:30, p.2
Art faculty jurors encourage letter writer to approach them.
2 Finds spit art hard to swallow
Northern Iowan 71:28, p.3
Professor Behrens humorously responds to Lawrence Stewart's comments.
3 Sculpture has archenemies
Northern Iowan 71:26, p.3
Professor Behrens responds to "Dichotomy" critics.
4 Unanswered questions
Northern Iowan 70:7, p.3
Believes Cynthia Haring has not looked closely at the questions that she posed.
5 "Dear Schima"
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.2
Humorous look at recent letters about rat lab.
6 HELP!!
Northern Iowan 68:41, p.2
Professor Behrens needs to borrow a 3-D comic book for work with stereoscopic vision.
7 A & I film tonight: " Me and My Brother"
Northern Iowan 68:38, p.7
Film preview.
8 'Electricity creates environment'
Northern Iowan 64:10, p.3
Considers McLuhan's Understanding Media.
9 Behrens' answer to education: tune in, turn on, drop out
College Eye 64:6, p.2
Reactions to recent EPC meeting.
10 He builds environments
College Eye 64:2, p.2
Tribute to Buckminster Fuller.
11 Extra urban pleasures: fun city for free
College Eye 63:62, p.2
Depicts how African-Americans are treated in urban areas by overlaying photographs.
12 McLuhan's message: man-made media make media-made men
College Eye 63:60, p.2
Gives his synopsis of Marshall McLuhan's "Understanding Media."
13 How do you know a communist when you see one?
College Eye 63:58, p.2
Feels a definition of a communist needs to be clarified before people are given the title of one.
14 'The medium is the message'
College Eye 63:48, p.3
Contends that the method and means of communication are often more important than the content.
15 What one red apple does to education
College Eye 63:46, p.2
Criticizes the amount of learning which happens outside the classroom, and advocates more in class learning.
16 'Prehistoric art deserves a good look'
College Eye 63:44, p.3
Discusses the upcoming Art Fair and gallery exhibit; photo.
17 Compares scientists and artists
College Eye 63:41, p.3
Suggests similarities between the work of both groups.
18 Artist Wyeth loved by the public
College Eye 63:37, p.3
Discusses the methods of the artist Andrew Wyeth.
19 Object nothing more than canvas
College Eye 63:35, p.3
Gives explanations for the appreciation of the Maucker-Lechay painting.
20 Portrait worthy of intense analysis
College Eye 63:33, p.3
Declares that the Maucker-Lechay painting is worth truly analyzing to gain understanding.
21 Poet to visit SCI
College Eye 63:31, p.3
Encourages the active participation in poetry by all people.
22 'A lot we don't know about art'
College Eye 63:28, p.3
Contends that there is no possible way to understand art completely.
23 Picasso controversial art figure
College Eye 63:25, p.3
Comments on the abilities of this artist.
24 Art now a religion?
College Eye 63:23, p.2
Discusses the problems of treating art as if it were a religion.
25 So-called paintings in A & I
College Eye 63:21, p.2
Critiques a recent exhibit.
26 Nationally acclaimed artist paints SCI
College Eye 63:19, p.3
Talks about Philip Evergood, who was on campus the summer of 1958, and his works.
27 Art often and necessarily in state of flux
College Eye 63:17, p.3
Comments on different ideas of what art is.
28 Julius System--A Hamlet for ducks
College Eye 63:15, p.3
Uses Shakespeare as way of creating a parody for life at SCI.
29 Ape art resembles abstract art
College Eye 63:13, p.2
Discusses reasons for why people draw and paint.
30 Lysistrata product of belligerent Athenian
College Eye 63:11, p.3
Compares the war in Viet Nam to the Greek play "Lysistrata."
31 First large-scale liquidation of lewdness near?
College Eye 63:9, p.3
Comments on the increase in censorship of the arts.
32 Viet Nam is a recurring dream
College Eye 63:5, p.3
Questions America's reasons for fighting in the Viet Nam War.
33 Nutmeg and 'Godot' help escape from time
College Eye 63:3, p.3
Comments on the play "Waiting for Godot."
34 Is there a game in every human relationship?
College Eye 63:1, p.2
Discusses ideas from the play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?".
35 Mr. Parker presents new Latin study
College Eye 60:57, p.2
Advocates an alternative teaching method.
36 Lechay shows 'painting is not dead'
College Eye 60:55, p.2
Author expresses an opinions on "painting and the masses."
37 Kultur: Behrens presents play on beauty
College Eye 60:47, p.2
A play is presented in which the characters symbolize opinions concerning the new painting of President Maucker.
38 Visits of nationally-known poets, potter 'best thing yet' in SCI arts program
College Eye 60:44, p.2
Discusses the upcoming conference: "Modern American Poetry: Its Teachers and Makers."
39 Kultur: Must view Maucker painting separately
College Eye 60:42, p.2
Claims that if you have not studied art, then you should not make judgments and comments about paintings.
40 'Mother Courage' relates to Viet Nam
College Eye 60:41, p.2
Discusses art as a form of protest against war and violence.
41 Kultur: Faculty show features suicide, tennis
College Eye 60:38, p.2
Compares the art at the New Faculty Show to a suicide or a tennis match.
42 Kultur: Seeker Harshbarger paints 'bad paintings'
College Eye 60:36, p.2
Claims Charles Harshbarger's paintings are "bad," while Harshbarger defends himself by saying, 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.'
43 Kultur: FCM artists try arts, crafts integration
College Eye 60:32, p.2
Speaks on the Fiber, Clay and Metal show that ends today.
44 Kultur: Despairing Giacommetti 'failed' superbly
College Eye 60:30, p.3
Speaks on the life and accomplishments of Alberto Giacommetti.
45 Kultur: Art: Repeated challenges of 'Way to Paint'
College Eye 60:29, p.3
Compares Steven Smith's burning of his draft card with the evolution of art.
46 Kultur: Peasants' art show intense, impressive
College Eye 60:27, p.2
The first student show of the year features the best student artwork of the semester.
47 Front row five year old thinks 'Emperor's New Clothes' terrific
College Eye 60:26, p.1
Review of the play.
48 'Messiah' full of beauty, power
College Eye 60:24, p.2
Praises the musical performance at 'Messiah."
49 Kultur: SCI events suggest art-society rapport
College Eye 60:20, p.3
Comments on the statement "although commercial art can become a prostitute of society, fine art can just as easily become an old maid."
50 Kultur: Blaster Behrens reads reactions written by ruffled rural, rustic residents
College Eye 60:18, p.2
Acknowledges criticism of his work, and prints a letter and an article that are perfect examples of it.