Benitez--Nixson (Class of 2023)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 65 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 End of an Era: Benítez departs from the NI
Northern Iowan 119:54, p.3
Northern Iowan (NI) Executive Editor Nixson Benítez writes of his journey throughout his time at UNI and working at NI. He gives shout outs and thank you's to all UNI staff and faculty and his colleagues at Northern Iowan; photo.
2 Election results: Taking your ABC's into 2023-2024
Northern Iowan 119:39, p.1
Micaiah Krutsinger and Liz Montalvo won the Northern Iowa Student Government election by 150 votes and will be the student body president and vice president for the 2023-2024 school year. Nixson Benitez gives more details about the election results including the college elections; photo.
3 Meet Micaiah and Liz
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.4
Nixson Benitez writes about Micaiah Krutsinger and Liz Montalvo's Student Body Election campaign and what they hope to accomplish if elected president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG); photo.
4 Micaiah and Liz: Learn your ABC's
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.1
Nixson Benitez writes about Micaiah Krutsinger and Liz Montalvo's Student Body Election campaign and what they hope to accomplish if elected president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG); photo.
5 The search engine war: ChatGPT vs Google
Northern Iowan 119:35, p.3
Nixson Benitez writes an opinion article on the race for adapting AI into search engines. Benitez includes an interview with English department faculty Jim O'Loughlin; photo.
6 McDermott impacting Panther basketball
Northern Iowan 119:33, p.6
Nixson Benitez interviews Maya McDermott, sophomore point guard for the UNI women's basketball team. McDermott shares her goals for herself and the team for the 2022-2023 season as well as what it is like to be an athlete in today's society; photo.
7 The great legacy of Christian Ogbondah
Northern Iowan 119:33, p.1

Christian Ogbondah, professor of journalism and communication, retired from UNI in Spring of 2022. He received the Distinguished Scholar Award last April for the work and legacy he left at UNI. Nixson Benitez writes the history and impact of Christian Ogbondah; photo.

8 The fall of UNI fraternities and sororities
Northern Iowan 119:31, p.5
Kate Murphy writes about the decreasing numbers of students enrolling in UNI which in turn is causing fraternity and sororities to struggle finding recruitment. Starting Spring 2023, the fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha is shutting down permanently due to the lack of new members; photo.
9 Mark Nook joins the game
Northern Iowan 119:27, p.1
University President Mark Nook joins Panther Esports president Tanner Braun for a livestream of him playing on the newly launched campus-wide Minecraft server. The livestream took place on December 1, 2022 in the Esports Lounge in Maucker Union; photo.
10 Updates from the Board of Regents
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.5
Nixson Benitez goes over the seven items that were approved by the Board of Regents on November 9th and 10th.
11 Board of Regents approves nursing program
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.1
On Wednesday November 10th, the Board of Regents approved adding the nursing program at UNI. Nancy Kertz, Ph.D. will be the executive director of nursing and the chief academic nurse administrator while the program is being built; photo.
12 Dining hall disaster
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.1
On Wednesday November 16th, a fan in Rialto Dining Hall malfunctioned which emitted smoke and caused the sprinklers to turn on throughout the dining hall. Students were turned away during the lunch rush but the dining hall was able to reopen at 5pm the same day; photo.
13 Panther Portrait: N.I. Gala
Northern Iowan 119:23, p.5
The Northern Iowan hosted a gala for its 130th anniversary. This article includes three photos from the event; photo.
14 A toast to another 130 years
Northern Iowan 119:21, p.2
Northern Iowan's Executive Editor Nixson Benitez writes an article about the events that will be held for the anniversary. He also explains and interviews fellow colleagues to answer the question of why journalism and newspapers are important in todays society; photo.
15 Former Panther gifts $5 million
Northern Iowan 119:18, p.1
1962 alum Marilyn Bohl donates $5 million to the UNI Athletics department to go towards Dome renovations. Caroline Christensen gives background on Marilyn Bohl and interviews the Athletic Director David Harris and Vice President of University Advancement James Jermier about how this contribution will help build a better community; photo.
16 Austin Phyfe on the road to recovery
Northern Iowan 119:17, p.7
Austin Phyfe speaks about his diagnosis and his recovery time during the men's basketball media day on October 17th; photo.
17 Coach Jacobson speaks at media day
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.6
UNI's men's basketball head coach Ben Jacobson talks about the upcoming basketball season and team during media day; photo.
18 2022 midterms approach
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.1
Mallory Schmitz gives readers information on early voting and absentee ballot requests for the upcoming midterm election; photo.
19 Day of the Dead festival returns to UNI
Northern Iowan 119:15, p.4
The second annual Day of the Dead festival, put on by the Multicultural Theatrical Society (MTS), will be held at the Bertha Martin Theater to honor the Latino community on campus. Carly Mathes Henle interviews Co-Vice President of MTS Julie Matta; photo.
20 TikTok star Jax coming to GBPAC
Northern Iowan 119:15, p.2
TikTok star Jax will be performing in the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC) put on by the Campus Activities Board (CAB) on November 16, 2022; photo.
21 Kurt Warner returns to UNI
Northern Iowan 119:14, p.6
Kurt Warner, former UNI football player and NFL Hall of Famer returns to UNI for homecoming weekend events; photo.
22 Do you have access?
Northern Iowan 119:13, p.3
Nkasa Bolumbu writes an opinion piece featuring UNI students Caleb Gahle and Nick Johnson. Gahle, who has cerebral palsy, is creating a new student organization called Awareness, Community, Collaboration, Empowerment, Support, and Success (ACCESS) which will allow students with disabilities to share their experiences and raise awareness; photo.
23 Celebrando los líderes latinx en UNI
Northern Iowan 119:13, p.2
Nixson Benitez writes a piece for the N.I. In Spanish column about Celebrating Latinx leaders at UNI. Some of those leaders include Director of Mental Health for Student Government Liz Montalvo, UNIdos President Yessenia Rodríguez, and Assistant Director of Diversity Admissions Janine Baeza; photo.
24 Why turning the UNI Health Beat into an Esports area sucks
Northern Iowan 119:13, p.3
Abigail Saathoff writes their opinion on the struggles of UNI's decision to change the UNI Health Beat gym into a gaming area. Saathoff points out that the Wellness/Recreation Center is 12-19 minute walk from any dorm on campus whereas the Health Beat Gym was a 5 minute walk making it more accessible to get a quick workout in; photo.
25 Panthers get ready to growl and groove
Northern Iowan 119:12, p.1
Bailey Klinkhammer reports the upcoming homecoming campus events such as the launch of the Our Tomorrow Campaign, campaniling, and the Homecoming Parade; photo.
26 Proposed nursing program breaks new ground
Northern Iowan 119:11, p.1
The Provost Office released a statement that fall 2022 marks the start of the 3rd stage of the Academic Positioning (AP) strategic plan. This plan includes a nursing program that is said to be beneficial for the future success of UNI as well as help combat the nursing shortage that Iowa is currently facing; photo.
27 Editorial: New Multimedia Editor
Northern Iowan 119:9, p.1
Tanner Raine is the new Multimedia Editor for the Northern Iowan team; photo.
28 Board of Regents meets in Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 119:8, p.1
Nixson Benitez reports on the prepared budget for UNI this upcoming year approved by the Iowa Board of Regents. About $34 million will go towards building renovations; photo.
29 Black Student Union celebrates 50 years
Northern Iowan 119:7, p.4
Diamond Roundtree reports on the events that led to the start of the Black Student Union (BSU) 50 years ago. The BSU held a 50th Anniversary Gala where members of the UNI Seven and other prominent alumni attended; photo.
30 Celebrating Latinx Leaders and advocates at UNI
Northern Iowan 119:6, p.4
Nixson Benitez interviews and writes about Latinx leaders on UNI's campus. Some of the people featured are Student Government Director of Mental Health Liz Montalvo, Madame President of UNIdos Yessenia Rodriguez, and admissions assistant director of diversity recruitment Janine Baeza; photo.
31 Panther Esports levels up
Northern Iowan 119:3, p.1
Panther Esports, one of the biggest student organizations with 235 members, struggles to find the funds and physical space for their club. For the fall semester, the club will temporarily meet in the old Health Beat gym near the tunnel that connects Maucker Union to Lang Hall; photo.
32 Editorial: el Northern Iowan resucita la columna en español del sitio web
Northern Iowan 119:2, p.1
Nixson Benítez writes a column in Spanish about resurrecting the Spanish column within the student newspaper and on the Northern Iowan website.
33 'DIS' is the most wonderful way to get involved
Northern Iowan 119:2, p.1
Nixson Benítez writes about opportunities that the Center of Multicultural Education (CME) will be providing in the coming year. Nixson interviews the Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice (DIS) Chiquita Loveless who explains the goals of DIS and the support system that they provide for students of all different racial or religious backgrounds; photo.
34 Executive editor welcomes new panthers to UNI
Northern Iowan 119:1, p.9
Nixson Benitez, the Northern Iowan Executive Editor, talks about the exciting things the Northern Iowan team will be doing this year and expresses the teams values; photo.
35 Students clocking out
Northern Iowan 118:49, p.1
A growing number of students on campus are skipping or missing classes; photos.
36 Faculty and students demand updated COVID-19 precautions
Northern Iowan 118:28, p.1
A group of faculty, staff, and students came together to form an open letter to the Board of Regents to express their concerns about COVID-19; photo.
37 UNI Theatre in jeopardy
Northern Iowan 118:21, p.1
Students gathered in the Strayer-Wood basement to discuss the large changes to the TheatreUNI program, as only four of the eight faculty positions will be filled next year; photo.
38 Estudiante celebra El Dia de los Muertos
Northern Iowan 118:19, p.5
Students celebrate the Day of the Dead; photo.
39 El Festival del Dia de los Muertos llegara a UNI
Northern Iowan 118:18, p.5
A Day of the Dead festival will happen on November 1, hosted by the UNIdos and Multicultural Theatre Society on campus. Read in English on page 1 and see photo; photo.
40 Day of the Dead Festival to be hosted at UNI
Northern Iowan 118:18, p.2
A Day of the Dead festival will happen on November 1, hosted by the UNIdos and Multicultural Theatre Society on campus. Read in Spanish on page 5 and see photo; photo.
41 UNI continues to grapple with O'Kane removal
Northern Iowan 118:14, p.1
Students and faculty fight back against the decision to discipline a professor for requiring masks. Another meeting with Dr. O'Kane's students was held on October 7, where administrative faculty spoke with them about their class; photo.
42 The new Coke Zero - is it worth the change?
Northern Iowan 118:13, p.3
Samantha Goodman discusses the new Coke Zero recipe and how it may have repercussions on the Coca-Cola brand; photo.
43 Reevaluating negative energy
Northern Iowan 118:13, p.3
Kalvig discusses cutting negative friendships out of your life for your own health; photo.
44 NISG condemns administration
Northern Iowan 118:13, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) resolved to give a statement of support for the students in Professor O'Kane's class who were affected by his dismissal. They also voted on committee chairs in this meeting; photo.
45 Was removing Dr. O'Kane from the classroom the right choice from UNI?
Northern Iowan 118:12, p.3
Author Jetta Colsch gives her opinion on Professor O'Kane's removal from the classroom after requiring a mask in his class, though it is prohibited by the Board of Regents; photo.
46 Check "DIS" out
Northern Iowan 118:12, p.1
The Department of Diversity, Inclusion, & Social Justice (DIS) are hosting a Harvest Conference with keynote speaker being former NFL player Jerry James (J.J.) Moses Jr. Read in Spanish on page 3; photo.
47 Students speak out over professor removal
Northern Iowan 118:12, p.1
Students voice their concern after Professor Steve O'Kane was removed from the classroom. Professor O'Kane mandated masks and threatened to lower grades if students did not comply, which violated the Board of Regents policy banning mask mandates. Students spoke to members of Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) about how it impacted their education; photo.
48 UNI alum and advocate speaks with BSU
Northern Iowan 118:11, p.2
UNI alum and advocate Terry Stevens spoke to students on Friday during the celebration of the Black Student Union's 50th Anniversary; photo.
49 Puedes cambiar de opinion cuando cambian las circunstancias
Northern Iowan 118:10, p.3
Vilma Gomez pushes for people to wear their masks even if they have been vaccinated, according to CDC recommendations. Read in English on page 3; photo.
50 Work for your relationships
Northern Iowan 118:9, p.3
The author discusses how much work goes into different types of relationships, photo.