Blume--Debora (Class of 1994)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Catholic Church not to be condemned
Northern Iowan 86:4, p.3
Believes writer was misinformed about Catholic beliefs on marriage, abortion, and other matters.
2 Bill limiting tuition passes Iowa House
Northern Iowan 85:50, p.1
Would link increases to a particular index of inflation.
3 Harper, USI discuss education
Northern Iowan 85:43, p.6
Pat Harper speaks at USI assembly.
4 Education in Iowa is not big bargain
Northern Iowan 85:13, p.2
Believes students are already paying their fair share of tuition.
5 USI director asks for involvement
Northern Iowan 85:1, p.3
Plans for the year.
6 USI outlines victories in Iowa Legislature
Public Relations News Release 84:58, p.2
Cites good things that happened.
7 USI promotes both parties
Northern Iowan 84:52, p.2
Director claims that Republicans chose not to participate in USI activities.
8 Support urged for fire safety improvements
Northern Iowan 84:48, p.2
Should be a priority.
9 Backing urged for license bill
Northern Iowan 84:47, p.3
10 Lobby Day set for tomorrow
Northern Iowan 84:44, p.2
Wants students to lobby for the passage of a bill that would allow a student on the Board of Regents.
11 USI offers students chance to participate
Northern Iowan 84:41, p.2
Urges students to become involved.
12 Students deserve seat
Northern Iowan 84:40, p.2
Urges students to support legislation to establish student seat on Board of Regents.
13 USI asks for support
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.3
Points out areas in which the group needs help.