Boots--Myra R. Davis (Communicative Disorders Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Computing resources at UNI a great opportunity
Northern Iowan 90:11, p.8
Believes computing resources at UNI are very strong.
2 UNI students commended for friendliness
Northern Iowan 89:25, p.3
Professor Boots thanks students for being gracious hosts.
3 'No consensus' on electives
Northern Iowan 83:12, p.2
Matter of electives may not yet be dead issue.
4 Article fair and comprehensive but . . .
Northern Iowan 81:49, p.3
Supports Donelle Eller's article, but points out a misquotation.
5 Wishes to 'set the record straight' on Affirmative Action
Northern Iowan 80:3, p.2
Believes that Monteiro was misquoted in previous issue and states that affirmative action has existed and functioned at UNI for many years.