Campbell--Dana M. (Class of 1930)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Unusual performance is presented by college symphony orchestra in concert; Olive L. Barker is soloist; receives plaudits of the audience
College Eye 23:52, p.1
Review of the Symphony Orchestra's first concert for the summer session.
2 Irrelevance
College Eye 23:44, p.6
3 Harvey Waugh plays Bruch concerto with symphony orchestra
College Eye 23:43, p.2
Review of Symphony Orchestra and Harvey Waugh performance on campus.
4 Bel Canto Club appears in concert, assisted by Wilson B. Paul, reader
College Eye 23:38, p.1
Review of Bel Canto glee club's performance last Tuesday.
5 Glee clubs give annual concert; Euterpean and Troubadour clubs combine for evening of music
College Eye 23:36, p.1
Review of Euterpean and Troubadour glee club performances on campus.
6 Paderewski is given ovation; world-famous artist receives plaudits of audience numbering 2500
College Eye 23:34, p.1
Review of Ignace Jan Paderewski's performance on campus.
7 Students here acclaim artist; Nevada Van der Veer presents varied vocal program in Auditorium
College Eye 23:31, p.2
Review of contralto singer Nevada Van der Veer's performance on campus.
8 String quartet is heard here; London String Quartet wins enthusiasm of local audience
College Eye 23:28, p.1
Review of London String Quartet's performance on campus.
9 Salmond recital is well received; cellist plays varied program; demonstrates infinite artistic skill
College Eye 23:22, p.1
Review of Felix Salmond's cello performance on campus.
10 Musicians open season capably; concert Tuesday wins praise for smoothness; Squires delights hearers
College Eye 23:21, p.1
Review of the performance of the college symphony, and the recital of Ralph Squires.
11 Welsh chorus gives concert; audience applauds eighteen year old tenor; chorus sings old favorites
College Eye 23:19, p.1
Review of Welsh Imperial Singers' performance on campus.
12 Kryl concert is well received; Kryl organization and Cedar Falls band merge in closing numbers
College Eye 23:14, p.1
Review of the Kryl Band's performance on campus.
13 Large audience attends Mrs. R. W. Parrott organ recital in auditorium
College Eye 23:14, p.6
Review of Mrs. R. W. Parrott's organ performance.