Carr-Murphy--Hannah (Student--2015)

Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Graduating with #NoRegrets
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.3

Carr-Murphy writes her last piece as a columnist for the Northern Iowan before graduation, giving advice about being a student at UNI and thanking readers; photos.

2 Satire piece not bullying
Northern Iowan 112:53, p.3

Carr-Murphy defends her satire piece "Student orgs offer help to those in need" in the April Fool's Day edition of the Northern Iowan in response to two letters to the editor submitted to the paper; photo. 

3 'Gimmicky' awareness event not enough
Northern Iowan 112:52, p.3

In the author's opinion, the recent "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" event on campus is not the way sexual assault should be addressed; photo.

4 We must be realistic about four-year degrees
Northern Iowan 112:48, p.3

In the author's opinion, colleges should re-evaluate their "four-year degrees" to set reasonable standards given the pressures facing college students and to encourage intellectual exploration; photos.

5 Lecture series urges us to pursue passions
Northern Iowan 112:44, p.3

In the author's opinion, the first lecture in the "Creativity and Evolution of Culture" series, "Everyday Creativity" by Dave Gould, spoke to the purpose of pursuing your passions through higher education; photos.

6 Campus group bars LGBTQ leaders
Northern Iowan 112:43, p.3

In Carr-Murphy's opinion, the campus chapter of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship discriminates against LGBTQIA+ students by not allowing them to hold leadership positions in the organization; photos.

7 Rod Library is my bae and it can be yours too
Northern Iowan 112:41, p.3

Carr-Murphy encourages students to visit Rod Library and take advantage of all it has to offer; photos.

8 IA caucuses: field of (broken) dreams
Northern Iowan 112:34, p.3

Carr-Murphy gives an opinion on the results of the Iowa caucuses and Jeb Bush's candidacy; photos.

9 All-staff opinion column: Who are you caucusing for and why?
Northern Iowan 112:32, p.3

Northern Iowan columnists discuss who they will support at the caucuses: Carr-Murphy for Bernie Sanders, Slaughter for Donald Trump, and Cobb for Bernie Sanders; photos.

10 "My fellow Americans," from President Trump
Northern Iowan 112:29, p.3

Carr-Murphy writes a satirical piece imagining a State of the Union address given by Donald Trump; photos.

11 This year, I'm thankful to be white
Northern Iowan 112:26, p.4

Carr-Murphy discusses why she is thankful for being white; photos.

12 Desperate: send me your internet points
Northern Iowan 112:21, p.4

Carr-Murphy encourages and explains why students should follow her Twitter social media account; photos.

13 All staff opinion column: What's the most important Vote 2016 issue?
Northern Iowan 112:19, p.3

Columnits Michael Jackson, Hannah Carr-Murphy, Amanda Wagner, and Abbi Cobb give their opinions on the most important issues in the 2016 election.

14 The flawed "I'm fine" system: be truthful with yourself
Northern Iowan 112:17, p.3

Carr-Murphy encourages genuine interaction among students, especially in regards to mental health, to make the world a better place; photos.

15 Homecoming pride is more than sports pomp
Northern Iowan 112:14, p.4

Carr-Murphy discusses UNI's history and advocates for taking pride in the university every week, not just during Homecoming celebrations; photos.

16 Cast off those cartoony cultural costumes
Northern Iowan 112:12, p.3

In the author's opinion, people should avoid culturally inappropriate Halloween costumes; photos.

17 All staff opinion column: what does the recent tuition hike mean for UNI?
Northern Iowan 112:10, p.3

The Northern Iowan staff members Hannah Carr-Murphy, Jesse Moeller, Abbi Cobb, and Michael Jackson give their opinions on the recently-approved mid-year tuition increase; photos.

18 More freedom; less paperwork: advising holds hold us back
Northern Iowan 112:8, p.3

In the author's opinion, blanket advising holds on student registration that require students to first meet with their advisors are detrimental and unnecessary; photos.

19 Columnist responds to Right to Life
Northern Iowan 112:6, p.1

The author responds to criticism of her previous opinion column, clarifying that Right to Life is a secular organization. Carr-Murphy further expresses her opinion in favor of Planned Parenthood and writes that Right to Life's partner organization, Alternatives, only poses as a women's healthcare organization; photo. 

20 War on Christianity
Northern Iowan 112:4, p.1

In the author's opinion, the war on Christianity in America is rhetoric manufactured by the Republican party and conservative Christian politicians, and distracts from real issues of injustice; photo.

21 Fight the Iowa bubble
Northern Iowan 112:1, p.1

Student Hannah Carr-Murphy shares her opinion on the "Iowa Bubble". She urges people to expand their horizons beyond a comfortable life in Iowa; photo.