Cook--Lindsey K. (Student--2005)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 206 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 More than meets the eye
Northern Iowan 105:27, p.8
Finds surprising things on Ku Klux Klan Website.
2 The man in the big red suit
Northern Iowan 105:26, p.7
Myra Boots tells the story of Santa Claus.
3 Dead sprint to the finish
Northern Iowan 105:26, p.5
Thinks that the week long Thanksgiving vacation might not have been beneficial to preparing for the last several weeks of class and then final examinations.
4 History of famous Iowan
Northern Iowan 105:23, p.3
Cheryl Mullenbach presents lecture on Julia Addington; photo.
5 The upside of graduation
Northern Iowan 105:22, p.3
The wind, tests and quizzes, the library, construction, and overpriced food are a few of the things that will not be missed upon graduation.
6 NISG Supreme Court mitigates confusion between student organizations
Northern Iowan 105:22, p.1
The Supreme Court of the NISG has been minimally active since the 1980s. This year it has been involved with three complaints, with two going to trial; photo.
7 Homeless for the night
Northern Iowan 105:21, p.9
Heartland Vineyard Church holds third Campout Against Homelessness; photo.
8 Women's roles portrayed in romance comics
Northern Iowan 105:20, p.1
Paul Siddens spoke at the CROW Forum. His presentation was entitled, "Domestic Containment: Women and Romance Comics of the '50s and '60s"; photo.
9 Politics should be open for debate
Northern Iowan 105:19, p.8
Writer notes the during elections, people do not seem to understand when to quit voicing their opinions.
10 University of Northern Iowa one of the best business schools
Northern Iowan 105:19, p.6
The Princeton Review names business school among the top in the nation. The Princeton Review is considered an objective, independent source that offers a useful profile for students.
11 "Wild at Heart" delights audiences
Northern Iowan 105:17, p.9
Review of the play "Wild at Heart", written and directed by Professor Paul Siddens; photo.
12 Pi Kappa Alpha leaf raking
Northern Iowan 105:17, p.3
Fraternity uses leaf raking as a free will fund raising event.
13 It would appear that Iowa is cursed
Northern Iowan 105:17, p.8
A look back at the natural disasters that occurred in Iowa over the past twelve months; photo.
14 "Wild at Heart" offers unique story
Northern Iowan 105:15, p.11
Interpreter's Theatre to present its first production of the year, "Wild at Heart"; adapted by Paul Siddens from the novel by Barry Gifford; photo.
15 Things to do before leaving UNI
Northern Iowan 105:15, p.8
Consider an astronomy class, go to a theatre event, take a walk on campus, listen to the Campanile, play with the squirrels, take a road trip with friends, attend an athletic event, and go to College Hill at least once.
16 Students get involved in political process by attending debate-watching parties
Northern Iowan 105:15, p.5
Sabin Hall and Beck's on University Avenue provided the setting for college students to watch the Presidential debates; photo.
17 Student services emphasized at Gilchrist Hall rededication
Northern Iowan 105:15, p.1
Following the Gilchrist Hall fire in 2005, Gilchrist Hall has been extensively repaired. The rededication ceremony was a celebration that student services are now in one building; photo.
18 Imagine the Impact of $250 million
Northern Iowan 105:14, p.1
Foundation starts a new fund raising campaign with a goal of $250 million to support scholarships and to support faculty; will extend through 2013.
19 UNI dancers to perform at Oktoberfest
Northern Iowan 105:12, p.10
International Dance Theatre Company is headed to Canada to perform in Kitchener, Ontario, at the largest Oktoberfest in North America; photo.
20 Need a place to vent?
Northern Iowan 105:12, p.7
Cedar Falls Productions hosts "Vent TV" every Tuesday and Thursday. This forum allows students to state their opinions without fear of editing; photo.
21 Homecoming lessons, memories
Northern Iowan 105:12, p.6
Memories of bad roommates, students who have consumed too much alcohol, and the Gilchrist Hall fire come back at Homecoming.
22 Progressive rally
Northern Iowan 105:11, p.1
Ann Johnson has organized a progressive rally at the Overman Park band shell. Speakers will share information on campaign finance reform, voting rights, the environment and health care concerns. Three local musicians will play.
23 Go Green Program
Northern Iowan 105:11, p.2
"Get Your Green ON" program encourages recycling, reuse, and reduction. Lincoln elementary students will be involved with the project this semester; photo.
24 Behind the scenes of Waterloo
Northern Iowan 105:11, p.15
Waterloo's "Tour de 'Loo" is a behind the scenes look at downtown's latest developments. Fourteen sites will be open between 5pm and 9pm; photo.
25 Overlooked T. V.
Northern Iowan 105:11, p.8
Television award shows have been disappointing. Writer shares titles of shows to consider.
26 Sick days, college style
Northern Iowan 105:10, p.5
Germs are everywhere on a college campus. Students reminded to wash their hands often. When illness strikes, drinking plenty of water, taking vitamin C, and using over-the-counter remedies for headaches are all helpful.
27 Women take the stage in "Enchanted April"
Northern Iowan 105:10, p.10
Cedar Falls Community Theatre will perform "Enchanted April" October 3-5 and continuing October 10-12; photo.
28 Demi and Ashton speak for Obama
Northern Iowan 105:9, p.5
Lang Auditorium was full for the appearance of actors Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. They were on campus campaigning for Barack Obama for President.
29 UNI to present lecture on Jesus and the Roman empire
Northern Iowan 105:8, p.3
John Dominic Crossan will give a lecture entitled; "The Kingdom of God in a time of Terror: Jesus and the Roman Empire".
30 UNI-TV students demonstrate skills in live news broadcast
Northern Iowan 105:7, p.7
An advanced video production class for electronic media majors produces live thirty minute news broadcasts each Thursday; photo.
31 Hockey for flood relief
Northern Iowan 105:6, p.3
Proceeds from the Waterloo Black Hawks/Cedar Rapids Rough Rider hockey match will benefit those affected by flooding.
32 Don't call me baby
Northern Iowan 105:6, p.2
No Shame Theatre looking for people to audition this weekend for the burlesque show planned for December; photo.
33 More than meets the eye
Northern Iowan 105:5, p.7
Believes people ought to take the time to get to know others well.
34 Students dance for disaster relief
Northern Iowan 105:4, p.1
Disaster Relief Swing-A-Thon, sponsored by Sigma Alpha Iota, hopes to raise money for the Parkersburg music programs.
35 Teen pregnancy trend
Northern Iowan 105:3, p.9
Movies, television, and the print media seem to be reporting more on teen pregnancy; believes that the need for sex education is vital.
36 Aid provided to students affected by floods
Northern Iowan 105:2, p.1
UNI Disaster Scholarship Fund created to aid students affected by the flooding. Requirements for the one time $5000 scholarship provided; photo.
37 The age debate
Northern Iowan 105:1, p.12
Discussion continues on changing the legal drinking age to 18 from the current 21.
38 FINALLY! Gilchrist reopens after fire damage repaired
Northern Iowan 105:1, p.1
Three years after the fire, Gilchrist Hall re-opens featuring one stop services for students; photo.
39 Confessions of a bookaholic
Northern Iowan 104:58, p.2
Bookalholics read everything from newspapers, articles online, magazines, and books. May arrange books either by author and year published.
40 A voice from Cedar Rapids
Northern Iowan 104:57, p.3
Takes a look at the long-lasting effects of the Flood of 2008.
41 Tornado assistance from many sources
Northern Iowan 104:55, p.7
Those who were affected by recent tornado find assistance.
42 Big Brown, Eight Belles, Barbaro, and Rags to Riches
Northern Iowan 104:55, p.3
Winning the Triple Crown of racing is extremely difficult; photo.
43 The pursuit of happiness
Northern Iowan 104:53, p.7
Students reminded that happiness is an individual goal. What makes us happy is a personal thing. Students urged to find something worth fighting for, a cause to believe in and support.
44 Big business and smoking
Northern Iowan 104:52, p.7
Concerns expressed with the recently passed bill that prohibits smoking in most public buildings and businesses in Iowa; questions why casinos received exemptions.
45 Remember to study
Northern Iowan 104:51, p.7
Dangers of senioritis and summeritis are beginning to show. Professors remind students there remain papers to write and examinations to take before graduation and summer vacation.
46 Model citizens mentor area youth
Northern Iowan 104:50, p.9
Model UN is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building an understanding of and support for the ideals and work of the United Nations; photo.
47 YouTube
Northern Iowan 104:50, p.7
Believes YouTube to be a useful tool for social communication; urges people to be cautious in using YouTube.
48 UNI production exceeds expectations
Northern Iowan 104:49, p.11

Review of "Death of a Salesman" production by Theatre UNI; photo.

49 Finding time to relax
Northern Iowan 104:49, p.7
Life seems to be lived at such a fast pace that people do not know how to relax.
50 Freedom of religion
Northern Iowan 104:48, p.7
Believes that people must be aware of differences in beliefs and respect those who believe differently.