Copley--Jaime R. (Class of 1999)

Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Kits for Kosovo huge success
Northern Iowan 95:55, p.1
Project to help the refugees of Kosovar raised over $8000 in aid.
2 Big year of changes for UNI
Northern Iowan 95:55, p.1
Highlights from year include Stein's liquor license, Panther Shuttle, peaceful Homecoming, $3.6 million gift from the Alderman estate, death of Sue Follon, Kits for Kosovo, construction, and technological advances; photo.
3 NISG committee looks to book big bands at UNI
Northern Iowan 95:54, p.1
NISG's University Concert Committee wants to bring popular groups and bands to UNI to entertain students.
4 Assaults on College Hill probed
Northern Iowan 95:53, p.3
Cedar Falls Police Department are investigating assaults that occurred on the Hill after the bars closed Friday morning.
5 Podolefsky named UNI's provost and vice president of academic affairs
Northern Iowan 95:53, p.1
Aaron Podolefsky will oversee the operation of the five undergraduate colleges and graduate college in new position; photo.
6 Tales of generosity mark Kosovo relief efforts
Northern Iowan 95:53, p.1

UNI community has supported the Kosovo relief effort in donating over $2500 and other items for the refugees thus far. NISG passed a resolution supporting the Kits for Kosovo project; photo.

7 University joins hands for Kosovo relief effort
Northern Iowan 95:52, p.1
Students and faculty members from Human Rights class, UNI Amnesty International, and UNI Global Health Corps have begun a Kits for Kosovo project where they will collect money and emergency items to be used to help refugees of Kosovo.
8 NI production staff receives national award at CNBAM
Northern Iowan 95:51, p.5
Northern Iowan received an award for an ad created by Janell Edwards at the 27th annual College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers convention in early April.
9 LGBTA 'builds bridges' throughout Pride Week '99
Northern Iowan 95:49, p.4
Pride Week will be April 12-17; variety of speakers, discussions, and activities will be offered throughout the week with keynote speaker Elias Farajaje-Jones.
10 Writing conference offers creative learning
Northern Iowan 95:48, p.5
Celebrating Critical Writing Conference will be held April 9 for Iowa college and high school students; Leonard Pitts, Jr., will be featured speaker.
11 UNI's National Alcohol Screening Day marks first
Northern Iowan 95:48, p.4
Results of individual alcohol surveys will be reviewed with a mental health professional April 8 in the Union.
12 Fuentes urges 'embracing' of other cultures, people
Northern Iowan 95:47, p.5
Carlos Fuentes spoke on the importance of multiculturalism, language, and society March 29.
13 Search continues to fill Follon's place
Northern Iowan 95:46, p.1
Committee searching for new Vice President for Educational and Student Services will be conducting phone interviews of candidates Friday and hopes to hire someone before summer.
14 UNI students to publish national PR newsletter
Northern Iowan 95:45, p.1
UNI's chapter of PRSSA will produce national newsletter FORUM; Ivy Sprague will be editor in chief.
15 Simon stresses importance of foreign language in society
Northern Iowan 95:43, p.1
Former Senator Paul Simon spoke on language in society yesterday in the Union as part of the Meryl Norton Hearst Lecture Series; photo.
16 Simon says: Former senator on languages; Illinois rep on campus Monday
Northern Iowan 95:42, p.1
Former Senator Paul Simon will speak at the Meryl Norton Hearst Lecture Series Monday in the Union; Simon will speak on the topic of language and society.
17 Hu-DeHart to speak on new millennium, culture
Northern Iowan 95:40, p.6
Evelyn Hu-DeHart will speak on multiculturalism with respect to the new millennium Tuesday in the Union Expansion; photo.
18 Dartmouth's decision: unconstitutional?
Northern Iowan 95:40, p.1
UNI students question the constitutionality of Dartmouth College requiring their Greek system to go co-ed.
19 UNI's PR degree program one of top 23 in nation; first class faculty and 'impressive mix'
Northern Iowan 95:39, p.1
Program recently earned national recognition by being named 23rd out of 165 programs nationwide.
20 COLOR-O reaches out to students
Northern Iowan 95:36, p.1
New group created by L.G.B.T.A. "Coming Out, Living Out, and Reaching Out" will provide safe atmosphere for those just coming out or questioning their sexuality.
21 Former professor dies from Parkinson's
Northern Iowan 95:35, p.7
Former professor of English and journalism Bernard C. DeHoff died Saturday February 6, 1999; photo.
22 Midwest keeps blood supply flowing; Heartland supplies most blood in U.S.
Northern Iowan 95:35, p.1
Red Cross states that 11% of the people in the Midwest donate blood compared to national average of 5%; SAE blood drive will be today in Union.
23 Black History Month calls on all cultures
Northern Iowan 95:34, p.1
Variety of campus activities celebrating Black History Month will broaden student's viewpoints.
24 Essay contest offers chance for expression
Northern Iowan 95:32, p.6
Students can win $100 in the Leadership Essay Contest.
25 Politics and ethics subject of lecture
Northern Iowan 95:31, p.5
Jean Bethke Elshtain will lecture on "Politics and Forgiveness" February 5.
26 Forum created for grads' concerns
Northern Iowan 95:31, p.3
Graduate Dean's Student Advisory Committee has been created to address graduate students' concerns, ideas, and experiences.
27 Fights erupt on the Hill
Northern Iowan 95:31, p.1
Fight breaks out in front of Tony's on the Hill allegedly between UNI athletes and non-UNI students from Waterloo.
28 Volunteerism builds resume; opens doors to future success
Northern Iowan 95:29, p.3
Spring 1999 Volunteer Fair will be Wednesday in Union.
29 Impeachment process heats up over break
Northern Iowan 95:29, p.1
Second Presidential impeachment trial began yesterday.
30 Speaker inspires NI staff member
Northern Iowan 95:27, p.9
Student was inspired by AIDS speaker Earl Alexander last Tuesday.
31 KGRK trivia contest provides 24 hours of mayhem, tradition
Northern Iowan 95:27, p.3
37th Annual KGRK Trivia Contest held December 4-5.
32 Awareness goal of AIDS Day
Northern Iowan 95:26, p.1
Many activities were held Tuesday to observe World AIDS Day.
33 Award-winning author warns of dangers of alcohol and sex
Northern Iowan 95:26, p.1
Earl Alexander spoke on campus about the dangers of alcohol abuse and unprotected sex; photo.
34 UNI continues annual tree-lighting tradition
Northern Iowan 95:25, p.1
Annual tree-lighting ceremony will be December 1.
35 Student follows dream to New York; David Letterman awaits
Northern Iowan 95:24, p.1
Fred Hexom will intern as a writer for the David Letterman show; photo.
36 Three UNI staff members win award
Northern Iowan 95:21, p.3
Kathleen Gulick, Winston Burt, and C. George Pavelonis received Regents Staff Excellence Award; photo.
37 New game show calls UNI students on "College Knowledge"
Northern Iowan 95:20, p.4
UNI students can compete for prizes on "UNI's College Knowledge" game show produced by electronic media students.
38 Search for new provost is on
Northern Iowan 95:20, p.2
Search is beginning now for a new vice president for academic affairs and provost.
39 Jenkins encourages UNI students to go to polls
Northern Iowan 95:17, p.6
Willard Jenkins, candidate for State Representative, spoke on campus Thursday; photo.
40 Rain doesn't damper 'Panther Reign"
Northern Iowan 95:15, p.1
Although UNIght was cancelled and College Hill bars were packed, 1998 Homecoming was calm; only thirteen arrests were made.
41 NISG special election results in; more than 500 students turn out to vote
Northern Iowan 95:12, p.5
Over five hundred students voted in special NISG election Wednesday; ten new campus representatives were elected.
42 Fire sends residents dancing out of dorms
Northern Iowan 95:9, p.1
Dancer Hall was evacuated Friday morning when a fire broke out in a seventh floor room.
43 Late UNI student lives through art exhibit
Northern Iowan 95:8, p.2
"Dan Miller: A Memorial Exhibition" will open Monday to honor the works of former graduate student Dan Miller who died last summer; photo.
44 Tuition hike gets rise from students
Northern Iowan 95:8, p.1
Students oppose the Board of Regents proposed 5.2% tuition increase for next year; graph.
45 Terrorist activity sparks patriotism in Camp Adventure
Northern Iowan 95:6, p.2
Students in Camp Adventure living in American embassies bonded together with news of the attacks in Kenya and Tanzania; photo.
46 Workshops offer seniors a clearer view of the future
Northern Iowan 95:5, p.2
Workshop "Selecting the Job Offer" will help seniors evaluate job offers.
47 UNI survey: crime prevalent in Iowa
Northern Iowan 95:3, p.4
Results of Iowa Adult Crime Victimization Survey, completed by UNI Center for Social and Behavioral Research in 1997, show much crime exists in Iowa.