Crownfield--David R. (Philosophy and Religion Facu

Displaying 1 - 50 of 51 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Hearst poetry reading inspires gratitude in friend
Northern Iowan 98:31, p.9
Thanks the Northern Iowan for covering the Hearst poetry reading, and looks back on acquaintance with James Hearst.
2 Department of religion professors not disdainful
Northern Iowan 84:20, p.2
Professor Crownfield strongly defends his department; believes faculty show respect.
3 Compromise needed
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.3
Professor Crownfield looks at the program and favors the new general education proposal.
4 Untitled
Northern Iowan 80:55, p.2
This letter is reprinted because of typesetting errors.
5 Untitled
Northern Iowan 80:54, p.2
Professor David Crownfield elaborates on Jack Ratekin's opinions about Unions.
6 Crownfield responds
Northern Iowan 75:43, p.2
Professor Crownfield wants to be sure that he made no implication whatsoever that the decertification election was responsible for insufficient gains in the recent contract.
7 Partisanship clouds facts
Northern Iowan 74:5, p.2
Professor Crownfield disagrees with Professor Morgan; outlines significant achievements of the first faculty contract.
8 Crownfield comments on collective bargaining
Northern Iowan 73:15, p.2
David Crownfield provides further comments on collective bargaining.
9 Salary presentation joint work of faculty and student organizations
Northern Iowan 71:53, p.2
Professor Crownfield attempts to credit those who assisted with the presentation to the General Assembly.
10 AFT supports women's suit
Northern Iowan 71:24, p.3
Professor Crownfield talks about the continuing support of the AAUP for the faculty women's discrimination suit.
11 AAUP shocked by low pay increase
Northern Iowan 71:9, p.2
Does not compare favorably with rise in cost of living.
12 A yes to pass-no credit
Northern Iowan 69:30, p.2
Professor Crownfield outlines benefits of grading system; asks for consistency.
13 'Let us do together what we should have done then'
Northern Iowan 68:6, p.2
Professor Crownfield now supports those who will hold a vigil against the war in Viet Nam.
14 'Take control of your lives'; Crownfield tells students
Northern Iowan 68:2, p.2
Text of Professor Crownfield's remarks.
15 Dr. Crownfield on campus disorders
Northern Iowan 66:60, p.3
Text of letter to Regents.
16 Picture of forum inadequate
Northern Iowan 66:28, p.2
Professor Crownfield challenges Dean Voldseth's analysis of University Forum.
17 Berkeley, Harvard, Columbia . . . UNI
Public Relations News Release 66:27, p.5
Professor Crownfield outlines reasons why radical protest might break out at UNI; outlines ways to avoid outbreak.
18 Presents the facts
Northern Iowan 66:23, p.2
Professor Crownfield addresses issues of the pre-planned structure of a recent faculty meeting.
19 Crownfield supports black proposals
Northern Iowan 66:22, p.4
Professor Crownfield goes over Afro-American Society demands one-by-one.
20 Decision deserves support
Northern Iowan 66:21, p.2
Applauds decision to include minority person on committee.
21 UNI isn't racist
Northern Iowan 66:20, p.2
Professor Crownfield believes that "colorblind" policies may enhance racism.
22 Participate in forum
Northern Iowan 66:5, p.2
Professor Crownfield urges people of all viewpoints to come to forum.
23 Berkeley, Harvard, Columbia . . . UNI?
Northern Iowan 65:60, p.2
Professor Crownfield sketches scenario of possible student protest.
24 Crownfield defends faculty resolution
Northern Iowan 65:57, p.2
Professor Crownfield believes that the General Assembly should allow the Regents to distribute funds, but that the Regents should revise their distribution formula.
25 State should carry burden; support withheld
Northern Iowan 65:52, p.2
Professor Crownfield outlines reasons for not supporting Union boycott.
26 Results of operating budget
Northern Iowan 65:36, p.3
Professor Crownfield believes that the proposed budget will lead to increased tuition, deterioration of the student-faculty ratio, and poorer quality of instruction.
27 Some further perspectives; NYC teachers' strike
Northern Iowan 65:26, p.2
Professor Crownfield offers additional views on strike.
28 An AFT statement
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.2
States that President Maucker has not formally responded to requests for a meeting with the AFT, and asks him to do so; asks that he give AFT treatment equal to that of other faculty organizations.
29 Defends plus-minus
Northern Iowan 65:4, p.2
Reprint of reply letter by David R. Crownfield to Des Moines Register editorial on plus-minus and pass/fail grading; states that these reforms should reduce grade pressures, not increase them.
30 AFT denies statements
Northern Iowan 64:61, p.2
Professor Crownfield denies that reporting of AFT meeting included comments about unionization and consequent raises in salary.
31 Which showed open discussion April or May?
Northern Iowan 64:56, p.2
Professor Crownfield has question.
32 'Can reasonable men agree?;" perspective
Northern Iowan 64:53, p.3
Professor Crownfield offers proposal relating to general education and the proposed Bachelor of Technology degree.
33 'Whites out of hand'
Northern Iowan 64:47, p.2
Professor Crownfield outlines plans for redressing racial grievances.
34 In Memoriam (Dr. Martin Luther King)
Northern Iowan 64:46, p.2
Professor Crownfield considers Dr. King's thoughts and values.
35 How to stop the war; perspective
Northern Iowan 64:42, p.2
Points out ways, other than draft resistance, in which to oppose the war.
36 Canada, jail or what?; perspective
Northern Iowan 64:38, p.3
Professor Crownfield gives his answers to those who face the draft.
37 Hopes for wiser decision
Northern Iowan 64:37, p.3
Hopes that faculty will not approve Bachelor of Technology degree; Faculty Senate made only a recommendation.
38 Pass-fail not 'bogged down' in EPC -- Crownfield
Northern Iowan 64:36, p.3
Professor Crownfield explains that significant change takes time.
39 How do we stop the war?; perspectives; a column of opinion
Northern Iowan 64:32, p.2
Professor Crownfield muses over difficult problem.
40 'Hoffmans made me think'
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
Professor Crownfield believes that Ed Hoffmans is worth listening to on Viet Nam issue.
41 'Don't care how many'
Northern Iowan 64:7, p.2
Professor Crownfield believes that the quality of ideas at the recent meeting was good; hearing will resume.
42 Counseling: an urgent need
College Eye 63:38, p.2
Encourages strengthening of the counseling available at UNI.
43 Ministers express views on speakers programs
College Eye 63:34, p.2
Commends the discussion on homosexuality; contends that it is important to discuss such issues openly.
44 Crownfield has questions
College Eye 63:33, p.3
Scolds the paper and the Student Senate for the way they both have dealt with the comprehensive examinations.
45 Wiesenfeld neglects some points
College Eye 63:11, p.3
Clears up some ideas about Black Power.
46 Will we lose our humanity
College Eye 63:2, p.2
Discusses changes that may have to be made once SCI becomes a university.
47 Art professors should discuss portrait on its merits
College Eye 60:54, p.2
Criticizes people who have argued for or against the Lechay painting because of they way they try to criticize.
48 Obiter Scripta: SCI should be high quality college, not poor university
College Eye 60:40, p.2
Discusses the possibility of SCI becoming a university, and whether it will be good for SCI or not.
49 Obiter Scripta: Discussion groups make classes both efficient, intimate
College Eye 60:32, p.2
Claims that with enrollment growing, classes must grow as well so that the university does not have to hire more instructors.
50 Quick SCI cash hurts strikers' wage battle
College Eye 60:23, p.2
Informs students about the present Holiday Inn strike, and asks them if they are willing to get in the way just to earn money.