Findley--Blake Thurston (Student--2010)
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | 2. From your NISG president and vice president Northern Iowan 109:54, p. |
Student body president, Tom Madsen, and vice president, Blake Findley, welcome new students to UNI. They encourage them to join different student organizations on campus. They explain why NISG is important; photo. | |
2 | Student Health 101 readership picking up Northern Iowan 109:46, p.1 |
The Wellness and Recreation Center began offering the Student Health 101 magazine in September of 2012. Recently, the number of students reading the magazine has increased. The magazine includes many different health related topics. | |
3 | AAUP releases report on cuts Northern Iowan 109:33, p.1 |
The report addressed five "issues of concern". According to the report, several faculty members expressed a lack of trust in President Allen's administration that started before the events of 2012; photo | |
4 | Cornerstone subject of Liberal Arts Core discussion Northern Iowan 109:28, p.1 |
Changes may occur in the Liberal Arts Core, because of President Allen's retirement and a new curriculum cycle. A proposal has been made to require freshmen to take the Cornerstone Experience. The Department of Communication Studies has approved. |
5 | Liberal Arts Core at a crossroads Northern Iowan 109:27, p.1 |
Curriculum committees discuss changes to Liberal Arts Core at UNI. Suggestions include changes to social sciences category, humanities requirement, language requirements, removal of personal wellness requirement. Disscusses formal process for changes. | |
6 | Faculty express concerns about Study Abroad Center; restructuring, compensation, faculty oversight committee discussed in meeting Northern Iowan 109:25, p.1 |
Faculty raise concerns over compensation from Study Abroad programs. Senate meeting proposes faculty oversight committee for Study Abroad to make appropriate decisions about Study Abroad courses; photo. | |
7 | AAUP president express concern over Allen's actions Northern Iowan 109:23, p.1 |
Professor Dan Power, the AAUP-United Faculty President (American Association of University Professors), expressed concern that President Allen's actions have strengthened the possibility that the AAUP Congress will censure UNI at its meeting in 2013. | |
8 | Grievance against professor resolved Northern Iowan 109:20, p.1 |
Issues involve National Guard duty and effect on taking a test for a class. Panel meets to find solution for future conflicts. | |
9 | Hagemann transitioning to coed hall next year Northern Iowan 109:17, p.1 |
Women's hall will go co-ed; Lawther Hall will remain a women's hall; response to demand for more co-ed housing; most Hageman Hall residents seem to favor the change; photo. | |
10 | Students, faculty share experiences with Mandarin Chinese course Northern Iowan 109:16, p.1 |
Twelve students enroll in Chinese language course; taught by visiting faculty member from Taiwan; students share their reactions to the course. | |
11 | Faculty Senate debates access to course graduation distribution Northern Iowan 109:14, p.1 |
Senate shows support of making grade distributions more public. Senate members discuss concerns and implications of this decision. Business student gives supporting opinion. | |
12 | Life after Price Lab: Level II field experiences Northern Iowan 109:7, p.1 |
New field experience consists of a two week mini-course followed by a minimum of twenty-five hour field experience during a six week period. Waterloo and Cedar Falls schools are providing areas for field experience; photo. | |
13 | A look into the UNI Faculty Senate Northern Iowan 109:6, p.1 |
The role of the Faculty Senate examined: what does the senate do, how was it created, and what is the chair of the faculty senate. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend senate meetings. | |
14 | WRS makes health promotion magazine available to students Northern Iowan 109:3, p.3 |
Student Health 101 is an electronic magazine. Wellness and Recreation Services have subscribed, according to Kathy Green. Articles are written by health professionals. Many more students can be reached via this method. | |
15 | Friends, colleagues remember Martin Northern Iowan 109:1, p.1 |
Drake Martin died as the result of a fall at Backbone State Park. He served as the assistant director of residence. He was a positive influence on untold numbers of students. He will be missed. |
16 | UNI CDC relocating to Hillside Courts Northern Iowan 108:54, p.4 |
The Child Development Center will move from its present location in the Malcolm Price Laboratory School. The process is moving quickly. The anticipated change will take place after the end of the summer session. | |
17 | Arbitrator rules in favor of UF regarding merit pay grievance Northern Iowan 108:54, p.1 |
The university has been ordered to end the policy of requiring student evaluations for each course every semester as the basis for merit pay to professors. United Faculty filed the grievance on behalf of Betty DeBerg. | |
18 | Zarifis retiring after 40 years at UNI Northern Iowan 108:53, p.1 |
Director of Public Safety David Zarifis has seen many changes in his job description. He is looking forward to new challenges and "doing what his wife says" in retirement; photo. |
19 | Arbitrator rules UNI's termination of finance professor wrongful Northern Iowan 108:52, p.1 |
President Allen to consider the arbitrator's ruling on the case of Professor Gordon Klein. The university is not obligated to follow the ruling since the professor was not tenured. | |
20 | UNI partnering with Copyworks for printing services Northern Iowan 108:50, p.1 |
With the closing of UNI Print Services, the university will be turning to Copyworks for its printing needs; photo. | |
21 | Chats composting excess coffee grounds Public Relations News Release 108:48, p.1 |
Increasing interest in sustainability across campus spurred Lisa Kremer to investigate the possibility of composting. She learned there is a composting area on campus that accepts donations; photo. | |
22 | Provost Gibson to remain at Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 108:48, p.1 |
Withdraws application for chancellor position at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. The Provost stated that there is much work to be done here at UNI; photo. | |
23 | Lawsuit contests BOR's decision to close Price Lab Public Relations News Release 108:48, p.1 |
The question of who has the power to close Price Lab is the basis for a lawsuit filed in district court. The suit was filed on behalf of thirty-seven community members, parents, and educators; photo. | |
24 | Gibson a finalist for chancellor at SIUE Northern Iowan 108:46, p.1 |
Provost Gloria Gibson states, that if chosen, she can serve her alma mater, her home state, and be closer to her family. The decision will be made in late April and the announcement at the May 10 board meeting; photo. | |
25 | $14.5 million disparity between House and Senate budgets for UNI Northern Iowan 108:46, p.1 |
The houses of the Iowa legislature are far apart on proposed funding for the coming year. The House has voted to freeze tuition rates. This will cost UNI another three million dollars in income; photo. | |
26 | Students hold peaceful protest of potential academic cuts Northern Iowan 108:43, p.2 |
Students study in Seerley Hall. The Study Vigil lasted 24 hours a day for a week. Students were protesting the proposed cuts in academic courses; photo. | |
27 | Hundreds march to keep Price Lab open Northern Iowan 108:40, p.1 |
Students, parents, faculty, and community members marched from Price Laboratory School to Schindler Education Center. The event was organized to send a message to President Allen, the Board of Regents, the legislature, and the Governor; photo. | |
28 | President Allen to recommend closing Price Lab School Northern Iowan 108:39, p.1 |
Budget woes at the university have caused the President to call for the closure the Laboratory School. The museum will also close and academic programs will be cut; photo. | |
29 | Faculty senate discusses potential academic cuts Northern Iowan 108:39, p.1 |
Members express concerns about general funds being transferred to nonacademic departments. Several faculty members seed that the budget process seemed to be top down, with little input from the bottom up. | |
30 | Cuts possible for upcoming school year Northern Iowan 108:38, p.1 |
President Ben Allen announced that declining support from the Iowa Legislature may cause cuts in funding to Price Laboratory School, UNI Museum, Panther athletics, and academic programs; photo. | |
31 | Bartlett renovations nearly finalized Northern Iowan 108:37, p.1 |
Bartlett Hall will be transformed from a dormitory to faculty offices, following a year and a half of planning. Mechanical, electrical, and communications updates will be made. Faculty will move in during winter break of 2013-2014 or spring of 2014. | |
32 | UNIFI to host 'best Darwin week yet' Northern Iowan 108:35, p.1 |
The fourth annual Darwin week is filled with interesting and engaging talks outside the classroom. Joe Nickell, a world famous investigator of the paranormal, is the keynote speaker. | |
33 | Working to save lives Northern Iowan 108:35, p.1 |
Michael Walter and several students use the world's only "spore detector" to look for viruses that bind to anthrax spores; photo. | |
34 | Icy sidewalks lead to student injury Northern Iowan 108:32, p.2 |
The decision to put down ice melt on sidewalks did not help Shauna Happel. She fell on the ice and broke her leg. Paul Meyermann defended the decision not to put down sand. | |
35 | Abroad 101 ranks UNI as number four study abroad program in nation Northern Iowan 108:31, p.1 |
Six hundred students from UNI took advantage of the study abroad program last semester. The office has grown from one person to a staff that provides programs in over sixty countries; photo. | |
36 | Supreme Court recognizes ministerial exception in discrimination laws Northern Iowan 108:31, p.1 |
The unanimous ruling stated that religious institutions have the freedom to handle the employment of employees without involvement of the government. | |
37 | Romney remains top presidential candidate Northern Iowan 108:28, p.1 |
Mitt Romney won the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. According to recent polls, he is leading by nearly a fifteen point margin in South Carolina; photo. | |
38 | College of Education refocuses mission Northern Iowan 108:27, p.1 |
A new mission statement is meant to sum up the primary goals of the college: leadership, transformation, service, engagement, and diversity; photo. | |
39 | Proposed drop of personal wellness causes controversy Northern Iowan 108:26, p.1 |
Liberal Arts Core Review Steering Committee has suggested dropping the requirement for students to take a personal wellness class. HPELS staff upset and concerned. | |
40 | UNI offering online physical education master's program Northern Iowan 108:26, p.1 |
A new graduate program will be offered online. The course will take two years to complete. Students will take two courses per semester; including in the summer. Thirteen applications have been accepted thus far; photo. | |
41 | Proposed changes to LAC create controversy Northern Iowan 108:22, p.1 |
Social sciences faculty and students are concerned about the proposed decrease in social science requirements. The proposal cuts the requirements by one third. | |
42 | Pricing of pop differs from campus to campus Northern Iowan 108:21, p.3 |
Ken Connelly noticed a drastic price difference in soda on a trip to Virginia Tech. Difference can be explained by Pepsi being the exclusive provider on campus; providing scholarship dollars to the University; photo. | |
43 | Louisa Thomas to speak on nonviolent conflict resolution Northern Iowan 108:21, p.1 |
Center for Multicultural Education will host author known for nonviolent conflict resolution. Her presentation is entitled "Peaceful Resolution of International Conflict". | |
44 | 'Pay as You Earn' takes steps to lessen student loan debt Northern Iowan 108:20, p.1 |
President Obama's plan to aid student loan debt involves payments capped at ten per cent of the student's income. They would also be able to consolidate direct loans and Federal Family Education loans; photo. | |
45 | Proposal submitted to change Liberal Arts Core Northern Iowan 108:20, p.1 |
The proposed change is the first since the inception twenty years ago. Ian Goldsmith states that there is flexibility in the sixteen part proposal. Not everyone is supportive. | |
46 | Record analyst process changed to two-week period Northern Iowan 108:18, p.1 |
Checking to see if a student has enough hours to graduate used to be by appointment. This year a two week open house is being tried. Some students have had disappointing experiences with the experiment; photo. | |
47 | New building hours create conflict for music majors Northern Iowan 108:18, p.1 |
Practice time for music majors must be adjusted due to the closure of buildings at 2:00AM. Student and building safety were cited as the reason for the changes. Buildings are open and monitored for 116 hours per week. | |
48 | Discovery Channel to feature UNI's STEM initiatives Northern Iowan 108:16, p.1 |
Lou Gossett, Jr., will host a half hour segment highlighting the university's work in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. Exposure will aid in achieving the goal of increased learning in these areas. | |
49 | Prairie center gets a face-lift Northern Iowan 108:14, p.1 |
Tallgrass Prairie Center renovations include remodeled graduate offices, conference center, research labs, an expanded shop area, greenhouse, and updated storage facility; photo. | |
50 | Alumni, students react to closing of Bartlett Northern Iowan 108:14, p.1 |
Bartlett Hall's closing as a dormitory and conversion to offices brings out emotions from students and alumni. Many great memories of their stay in Bartlett are shared. |