Fisher--Carrie A. (Classes of 1993 and 1996)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Service with a smile: Blum reigns on student names
Northern Iowan 87:27, p.12
Irene Blum memorizes 95% of the students' names as they come through her ticket line in the Campbell Hall Dining Center; photo.
2 Students show concern; half birthday of Earth Week celebrated
Northern Iowan 87:16, p.8
Hagemann Hall residents celebrated Earth Guard Week.
3 Students react positively to "Choices" during Alcohol Awareness Week
Northern Iowan 87:13, p.10

Students learn about social activities that do not involve alcohol during Alcohol Awareness Week.

4 Personal wellness is more than physical
Northern Iowan 87:12, p.12
Wellness can be broken into spiritual, physical, emotional, career, intellectual, environmental, and social aspects.
5 For real this time? Fire alarms likened to boy crying wolf
Northern Iowan 87:11, p.9
Resident assistants must locate the source of fire alarms in residence halls. All 19 instances of fire alarms sounding this semester have been false.
6 No dance style is impossible, Orchesis doesn't limit themselves
Northern Iowan 87:10, p.8
History, purpose, and current goals of the student dance organization Orchesis; photo
7 Hess 'gives something back' to UNI; parade shows results of hard work
Northern Iowan 87:10, p.9
Senior Lori Hess was chairperson for the 1990 Homecoming Parade; photo.
8 Back from the future
Northern Iowan 87:9, p.
View of UNI campus and College Hill in 1999.
9 Folk dance highlights cultures
Northern Iowan 87:7, p.8
International Folk Ensemble members learn and perform dances from around the world; photo.
10 Dining services join the fiesta!; Hispanic Week celebrated by various groups on campus
Northern Iowan 87:4, p.11
Authentic Hispanic food will be served during Hispanic Week in the dining centers. The special meal is just one of several theme meals offered throughout the year.
11 Methodist church establishes new weekly singles group, M.A.S.T
Northern Iowan 87:3, p.10
First United Methodist Church in Waterloo has organized a singles group, Meeting As Singles Together, for UNI students and others.
12 UNI gains AM radio station
Northern Iowan 87:2, p.17
New AM radio station KRNI was donated to UNI by the Hedberg Broadcasting Group this summer and will play a variety of music from classical to pop.
13 It's been said "Two's company, three's a crowd"¿
Northern Iowan 87:1, p.16
Students find many benefits of being tripled in the residence halls; photo.