Fisher--Carrie A. (Classes of 1993 and 1996)
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Service with a smile: Blum reigns on student names Northern Iowan 87:27, p.12 |
Irene Blum memorizes 95% of the students' names as they come through her ticket line in the Campbell Hall Dining Center; photo. | |
2 | Students show concern; half birthday of Earth Week celebrated Northern Iowan 87:16, p.8 |
Hagemann Hall residents celebrated Earth Guard Week. | |
3 | Students react positively to "Choices" during Alcohol Awareness Week Northern Iowan 87:13, p.10 |
Students learn about social activities that do not involve alcohol during Alcohol Awareness Week. |
4 | Personal wellness is more than physical Northern Iowan 87:12, p.12 |
Wellness can be broken into spiritual, physical, emotional, career, intellectual, environmental, and social aspects. | |
5 | For real this time? Fire alarms likened to boy crying wolf Northern Iowan 87:11, p.9 |
Resident assistants must locate the source of fire alarms in residence halls. All 19 instances of fire alarms sounding this semester have been false. | |
6 | No dance style is impossible, Orchesis doesn't limit themselves Northern Iowan 87:10, p.8 |
History, purpose, and current goals of the student dance organization Orchesis; photo | |
7 | Hess 'gives something back' to UNI; parade shows results of hard work Northern Iowan 87:10, p.9 |
Senior Lori Hess was chairperson for the 1990 Homecoming Parade; photo. | |
8 | Back from the future Northern Iowan 87:9, p. |
View of UNI campus and College Hill in 1999. | |
9 | Folk dance highlights cultures Northern Iowan 87:7, p.8 |
International Folk Ensemble members learn and perform dances from around the world; photo. | |
10 | Dining services join the fiesta!; Hispanic Week celebrated by various groups on campus Northern Iowan 87:4, p.11 |
Authentic Hispanic food will be served during Hispanic Week in the dining centers. The special meal is just one of several theme meals offered throughout the year. | |
11 | Methodist church establishes new weekly singles group, M.A.S.T Northern Iowan 87:3, p.10 |
First United Methodist Church in Waterloo has organized a singles group, Meeting As Singles Together, for UNI students and others. | |
12 | UNI gains AM radio station Northern Iowan 87:2, p.17 |
New AM radio station KRNI was donated to UNI by the Hedberg Broadcasting Group this summer and will play a variety of music from classical to pop. | |
13 | It's been said "Two's company, three's a crowd"¿ Northern Iowan 87:1, p.16 |
Students find many benefits of being tripled in the residence halls; photo. |