Forrest--John (Class of 1979)

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Bring back SUNI-Days!
Northern Iowan 94:46, p.9
Alumnus John Forrest wants UNI to bring back SUNI-Days celebration.
2 Suggestions for improving future Homecoming celebrations
Northern Iowan 92:15, p.8
Believes there may be potential associated with packed bars on College Hill at Homecoming.
3 Despite improvements, UNI still underfunded
Northern Iowan 83:30, p.2
Feels UNI is shortchanged in state funds.
4 Alcohol center theme of "From the Inside"
Northern Iowan 75:33, p.4
Review of the Alice Cooper album "From the Inside".
5 Super effects in a super movie
Northern Iowan 75:31, p.4
Review of the movie 'Superman' with Christopher Reeves and Gene Hackman.
6 It's a bird, it's a plane, it's . . . Balloonman!
Northern Iowan 75:29, p.12
Jeff Thompson talks about flying balloons; photo.
7 Additional bus service to UNI area
Northern Iowan 75:28, p.8
Coverage will extend to Married Student Housing.
8 . . . and a Beatles gift that might
Northern Iowan 75:26, p.6
Christmas gift suggestion.
9 Red Cross subject of film
Northern Iowan 75:26, p.9
Dave Mixdorf and Elaine Gartelos are making a film about the history of the Red Cross.
10 Tomahawk sponsors eatathon to raise money for clinic
Northern Iowan 75:25, p.10
Raises over $500 in pizza eating contest; photo.
11 Pollution controls advised by DEQ
Northern Iowan 75:21, p.1
Tom Paulson talks about measures that may be taken to cut emissions from the Power Plant.
12 Foreigner heats Dome with hot showstopper; over 14,000 event-conscious hipsters
Northern Iowan 75:21, p.5
Performance review.
13 Myths of aging explored at UNI; new program offered in gerontology
Northern Iowan 75:16, p.1
Professor Wallace talks about gerontology; UNI will offer "Introduction to Aging".
14 Flute-harp recital
Northern Iowan 75:5, p.4
Professor Pritchard and other faculty will present recital.
15 Competition to inspire awareness
Northern Iowan 75:2, p.5
Entries solicited for competitive photo exhibit to be held at the Waterloo Municipal Gallery.
16 Dog lives in Shull Hall; "Reuben" is guide dog for Robert Clayton
Northern Iowan 73:8, p.4
Guide dog allowed to live in Shull Hall.
17 Concert worth the money; Kansas/Rory Gallagher/Canned Heat
Northern Iowan 72:31, p.5
Review of the musical performances of Kansas, Rory Gallagher, and Canned Heat.
18 Hopes for speedy Iowan recovery
Northern Iowan 72:11, p.2
Finds almost nothing worth reading in recent Northern Iowan.