
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Better some than none
Northern Iowan 72:40, p.3
David Foster commends the Northern Iowan for its coverage of the 24-hour visitation issue.
2 Says coed dorms are quieter
Northern Iowan 72:38, p.3
David Foster promotes 24-hour visitation; finds fault with Vice President Hansmeier's arguments.
3 Pass/fail may have future effects
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.3
4 Foster clears up history case
Northern Iowan 71:46, p.2
Says professors should be toasted, not roasted.
5 Who has the History Club?
Northern Iowan 71:44, p.3
Believes History Club should organize; has suggestions for discussion topics.
6 Student gov. should look at foreign student dilemma
Northern Iowan 71:42, p.2
Believes they really do face hardships over holiday breaks.