Gibbs--Hannah Marie (Student--2013)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Panther Portrait: CAB presents Mayhem Poets feat. Some Assembly Required
Northern Iowan 112:43, p.5

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) hosted Mayhem Poets and Some Assembly Required in the Maucker Union ballroom on March 3; photos.

2 For the kids
Northern Iowan 112:42, p.1

UNI Dance Marathon held their fifth annual Big Event in Maucker Union on March 5; photos.

3 'Let's Get Physical' with CAB
Northern Iowan 112:31, p.1

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) hosted the event Let's Get Physical on January 28; photos.

4 YouTuber Oakley visits campus
Northern Iowan 111:32, p.1
Online video blogger Tyler Oakley visited campus to speak about LGBT issues and answer questions chose by the audience; photo.
5 Foam ballin' blast
Northern Iowan 111:30, p.4
Campus Activities Board hosted "bongo ball" a safe paintball alternative for students to painlessly have some fun; photo.
6 To Write Love On Her Arms comes to life at UNI
Northern Iowan 111:23, p.1
The founder of To Write Love On Her Arms came to speak at UNI to inspire and encourage struggling students; photo.
7 Activist, former nurse condemns abortions
Northern Iowan 110:43, p.1
UNI Right to Life brought Jill Stanek to campus to speak out against abortion. Jill Stanek formerly worked in a hospital that allowed late-term abortions and told stories of the things she witnessed while working there; photo.
8 Panther Portraits: CAB event: Jamie Lono and Oxygen Bar
Northern Iowan 110:31, p.7
Photographs of the Campus Activities Board event that featured a performance by Jamie Lono and an Oxygen Bar; photo.
9 UNI looks at reducing student hours
Northern Iowan 110:27, p.2
UNI is looking into limiting the number of hours student employees can work to 10-15 hours. Average UNI students are working 9.3 hours. There have been studies that show working more than 20 hours can hurt students academically.
10 Obamacare could affect student hours
Northern Iowan 110:22, p.1
Due to the Affordable Care Act, UNI is looking into limiting student employee hours to twenty hours a week. This will help the university to reign in insurance fees once the Affordable Care Act has been implemented.
11 Crowdsourcing: Peer assessments in the classroom
Northern Iowan 110:12, p.1
Many professors are implementing peer evaluations and grading into the classroom. Not all professors agree that peer grading is the best approach, but many see that it can be beneficial in some circumstances.
12 Students may face financial issues with shutdown
Northern Iowan 110:12, p.1
The recent government shut down could have negative effects on college students and their financial aid. The shut down could also affect federal funds for UNI and research grants.
13 Strayer-Wood performance to analyze American eating
Northern Iowan 110:12, p.4
"American Way of Eating" is coming to the Strayer-Wood Theatre this fall. It is based on the book written by Tracie McMillian who went undercover to discover where American's food actually comes from. The cast consists of nine UNI students.
14 'College Dayz' spreads humor across campus
Northern Iowan 110:11, p.4
Seniors Tyler Polk and Zack Hampton are sharing their humor through their original online comic, "College Dayz." They came up with the comic during their freshman year.
15 Construction on Viking
Northern Iowan 110:7, p.1
The city of Cedar Falls is widening West Viking Road. The construction is expected to last until the end of October; photo.
16 Students and families gather for Panther-filled weekend
Northern Iowan 110:3, p.1
Family Weekend will include a variety of events for all ages. Students and their families can attend the soccer and football games. There will also be other events including a tailgate, juggling performance, and magic shows; photo.