
Displaying 1 - 50 of 78 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Magma "Kohntarkosz"
Northern Iowan 71:21, p.6
Review of the album "Kohntarkosz" by the band Magma.
2 Rick Wakeman "Journey to the Centre of the Earth"
Northern Iowan 71:1, p.7
Review of Rick Wakeman's album "Journey to the Centre of the Earth".
3 Sweden: best place to be a woman; Sommer conducts cross-cultural study
Northern Iowan 70:55, p.14
Pam Sommer talks about her visit to Sweden; photo.
4 Making the way to Golden Country; St. Louis, Minneapolis and Chicago roll in
Northern Iowan 70:51, p.1
Students enjoy the Eagles and REO Speedwagon; Steely Dan refuses to perform; photo.
5 Cottontop fights back!; new health food club in Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 70:50, p.12
History of Cottontop Coop; photo.
6 Women: the case of dependency vs. freedom; "Hey little mama, how about a . . ."
Northern Iowan 70:49, p.5
Professor Siddens discusses her new course, "Women, Art, and Society"; photo.
7 Seminar on Marxism, diseases available; individual studies offers alternatives
Northern Iowan 70:48, p.5
Individual Studies will offer nine exploratory courses.
8 Comparing local prices; milk prices rise higher, eggs drop
Northern Iowan 70:48, p.7
Food prices in local grocery stores.
9 "That ten ton hunk of tree"; art student carves memorial sculpture
Northern Iowan 70:43, p.5
John Faust talks about his sculpture and his plans for life; photo.
10 How to bite the hand that feeds you
Northern Iowan 70:34, p.6
Excerpts from presentations by Sam Keen.
11 Milk product and meats still high
Northern Iowan 70:31, p.7
Survey of food prices in local stores.
12 Milk products and pork still high
Northern Iowan 70:23, p.9
Survey of local food prices.
13 "Working Together"; conference on bilingualism
Northern Iowan 70:20, p.6
Conference program.
14 "Books for less"
Northern Iowan 70:18, p.6
Students continue to work on project to set up own bookstore.
15 Alternative studies--self-motivation
Northern Iowan 70:18, p.1

Professor Amend talks extensively about the Individual Studies Program and about the courses offered.

16 Mayor candidates talk on issues . . .
Northern Iowan 70:15, p.3
Interview with Jon Crews and Emory Peterman; photo.
17 Comparing local food prices
Northern Iowan 70:13, p.8
Survey of prices at local grocery stores.
18 History of an art sculpture
Northern Iowan 70:12, p.1
Description of the process in which a campus sculpture is selected; "Environmental Place" is the example.
19 Planning a trip to China
Northern Iowan 70:9, p.7
Professor Cheng takes a close look at China today.
20 Comparing local food prices
Northern Iowan 70:8, p.9
Survey of local food stores.
21 An interview with Country Joe
Northern Iowan 70:7, p.8
Brief conversation with Joe McDonald; photo.
22 Mixed emotions
Northern Iowan 70:5, p.7
Review of music: Fanny and Country Joe.
23 Matter of priorities
Northern Iowan 70:5, p.2
Critical of Towers Art Project; believes money could be better spent on local student artwork.
24 UNI begins recycling drive; environmental groups combine efforts
Northern Iowan 70:4, p.1
Conservation Club will attempt to involve may UNI groups.
25 KCRS: your station!; positions are available for radio-minded
Northern Iowan 70:3, p.5
Difficult financial times; reorganization of staff; programming.
26 Where the wild things are . . .; visit the UNI greenhouse
Northern Iowan 69:52, p.6
A look at the plants and animals in the Greenhouse.
27 Free concert!
Northern Iowan 69:39, p.4
Profile of Bonnie Raitt.
28 Buy your tickets now!
Northern Iowan 69:35, p.12
John Hartford show; photo.
29 "Birthday Party" premieres Wednesday
Northern Iowan 69:31, p.8
Play preview.
30 Union sponsors Coffeehouse
Northern Iowan 69:25, p.4
Weekly coffeehouse will begin in January.
31 Wishes, lies, and dreams
Northern Iowan 69:25, p.5
Demonstration of teaching technique.
32 Conservation speaker here Monday; Mr. Sylvan Runkel
Northern Iowan 69:23, p.8
Will speak on man and his natural environment.
33 Concert in review; Virgil Fox, "Heavy Organ"
Northern Iowan 69:19, p.7
Review of music: Virgil Fox.
34 Air Force protested
Northern Iowan 69:15, p.9
Some students do not want military recruiters on campus; photo.
35 Free school sponsors picnic
Northern Iowan 68:62, p.6
Will allow those interested to learn more about the concepts.
36 "More of a nuisance"?; library fines
Northern Iowan 68:62, p.6
Survey of fines and procedures.
37 Kluge's Project Coal: "Get involved"
Northern Iowan 68:61, p.3
Visiting professor Gordon Kluge plans to paint coal pile.
38 Kluge pushes energy; criticizing indirect approach
Northern Iowan 68:59, p.1
Visiting art instructor Gordon Kluge talks about his art and life; photo.
39 Variety of entertainment to be offered at the Gadfly
Northern Iowan 68:58, p.4
Waterloo Free School will sponsor coffeehouse.
40 Former actress, now instructor Hebald publishes novella Clara Kleinschmidt
Northern Iowan 68:54, p.4
Review of work by Carol Hebald.
41 Free school info available at alternatives booth
Northern Iowan 68:53, p.1
Alternative Placement Center booth will be set up in Union.
42 Faculty segregation by sex protested; separate but equal?
Northern Iowan 68:52, p.1

Professor McIntosh asks why Faculty Men's Club does not admit women; Mayor Jon Crews addresses club.

43 Bill passed to tighten Student Senate attendance requirements
Northern Iowan 68:52, p.4
Two consecutive absences will lead to loss of seat.
44 Union booth peddles peace for mom
Northern Iowan 68:51, p.5
Another Mother for Peace group will staff Union booth.
45 Indochina project exhibits S. E. Asian life; attempt to increase understanding
Northern Iowan 68:49, p.1
On display at College Square.
46 Roberts examines social movements in new book; Soc. prof's book explains why
Northern Iowan 68:49, p.6
Professor Roberts talks about his book on social movements.
47 Student Senate discusses requirements
Northern Iowan 68:48, p.1
Considering harsher attendance requirements.
48 Faculty evaluation to be conducted
Northern Iowan 68:48, p.7
Scheduling evaluation times now.
49 New senators oriented
Northern Iowan 68:45, p.1
Wayne Morris addresses Senate on duties and responsibilities.
50 Senate grinds out budget; RHA cut
Northern Iowan 68:43, p.1
Budget breakdown.