Konrardy--Nathan Arnold (Student--2011)

Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI I am... sick of this slogan
Northern Iowan 109:53, p.4
Author believes that the slogan, "UNI I am . .." is not creative and focuses on the present. Higher education is about preparing for the future. The author believes that UNI's slogan should reflect this.
2 Keep an eye on NISG
Northern Iowan 109:49, p.4
The author urges students to hold our elected officials of NISG accountable. Leaders need to be able to do the work expected of them, and lead by example. He hopes that our newly elected president and vice president will get the job done.
3 We need more like Macklemore
Northern Iowan 109:45, p.6
Author expresses the influence popular musician Macklemore has had on society. Many of Macklemore's songs are about social revolution and issues like homosexuality and consumerism.
4 Sparknotes are killing the classics
Northern Iowan 109:41, p.3
Says that Sparknotes.com makes reading easier. Instead of spending hours reading a book, a student can just read the summary online. However, this is killing the classics.
5 The pundits and trolls are getting old
Northern Iowan 109:37, p.3
The author feels that anonymous twitter accounts such as @Panther_Pundit and @NISGtroll are getting a little out of hand. The authors of these accounts are making bold and somewhat rude claims about the student body presidential election.
6 The more you (and I) know
Northern Iowan 109:33, p.4
Author maintains involvement in extracurricular activities while at UNI is an experience everyone should have. Involvement in any capacity provides important learning experiences that are necessary for personal growth.
7 Real eyes realize real lies
Northern Iowan 109:29, p.3
Author discusses the "American dream". Advises readers to explore their potential, discover what makes them happy, and then pursue it; photo.
8 UNI I am . . . Going to get in trouble for this title
Northern Iowan 109:25, p.4
Author expresses discontent with rules for advertising with University Relations at UNI. Readers encouraged to consider the negative effect of established rules.
9 Bird brains and bike frames
Northern Iowan 109:21, p.4
Author addresses incorrect use of bike racks on campus. Readers are encouraged to stop and think before taking action. Relates incorrect use of bike rack to other areas of life; photo.
10 Know thyself
Northern Iowan 109:17, p.4
Believes that the best way to make the correct choices about one's future is to know oneself.
11 $en, CHuck GR@ssley vs. the machine
Northern Iowan 109:13, p.4
Senator Chuck Grassley causes controversy with shorthand messages on Twitter. Some see messages as borderline offensive. Grassley is accused of attacking President Obama's intelligence; photo.
12 We too have value: the plight of a student majoring in something other than business
Northern Iowan 109:9, p.3
Student objects to notice sent by Career Services stating "over half the employers at the fair will be seeking ALL MAJORS." Believes that students in all fields of study deserve attention.
13 Destroying America, the task of the modern day patriot
Northern Iowan 109:4, p.4
Listening to other points of view can strengthen your beliefs. It forces a person to examine why they believe. Patriotism means different things to different people; photo.
14 Our brains are infatuated with the mundane
Northern Iowan 109:1, p.8
Believes that the goal of UNI students should be learning how to learn, not merely learning how to get rich. Each student will have a unique goal. Achieving that goal will be most satisfying.
15 Atheists: a misunderstood minority
Northern Iowan 108:52, p.4
Atheists are still human beings. Believes atheists belong to one of the most discriminated social minorities. People are encouraged to talk and get to know someone before becoming judgmental.
16 From Graffiti to Garfunkel
Northern Iowan 108:49, p.5
Art has the essence of subjectivity. Art tricks us into appreciating a difference of opinion. A model for open mindedness is provided by interpretation.
17 The 'Race' Race
Northern Iowan 108:47, p.5
Believes that diversity is often discussed, but currently is not embraced. Progress has been made in bringing minorities to campus, but inclusion seems to be another matter; photo,
18 Meditations on the NISG masked vigilante
Northern Iowan 108:43, p.4
The source of 225 tweets between February 10 and March 7 has not been identified. The tweets dealt with the NISG elections and the results.
19 Incredibly loud and extremely close-minded
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.4
Believes that the response to the current budget situation has too much ignorance and name calling. Everyone urged to get the facts in order to think rationally.
20 Twitter ? I hardly know her!
Northern Iowan 108:37, p.5
Twitter is not as common in society as Facebook. This is due to people's sheer lack of knowledge of the potential.
21 From the introspective perspective of an introvert
Northern Iowan 108:33, p.4
Introverts make up twenty-five percent of society. Introverts don't feel the need to be affiliated with anything in order to feel relevant. Don't be too quick to judge those different from yourself.
22 The 5 million dollar question
Northern Iowan 108:30, p.5
The Redeker Center expansion questioned. Perhaps a solution is increased hours of service instead of spending money to enlarge the facility; photo.
23 We don't need no education
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.5
Challenges present system of education. The process of cramming for exams and simply restating the material needs to be replaced with actual learning that uses critical thinking and creativity.
24 Increasing our tuition without our permission
Northern Iowan 108:17, p.4
Finds it ironic that the NISG resolution supporting a 3.75% increase in tuition was still in the office; waiting to be mailed on October 24th. The Board of Regents announced on the 21st that they were proposing the same rate.
25 The pollution solution
Northern Iowan 108:13, p.4
New does not always mean better. Believes mankind simply over consumes. The need to reuse and do so creatively is apparent. We should take a sincere interest in our environment before it is too late.
26 Face to Facebook communication
Northern Iowan 108:11, p.4
Facebook is intended to connect family and friends. Before you post a thought, think what your words really say about you and how they might be interrupted.
27 T. C. would agree
Northern Iowan 108:5, p.3
The wearing of purple and gold by students is encouraged. It is time for alliances to former teams to end.
28 A pebble for the political pond
Northern Iowan 108:2, p.5
The Republican straw poll held in Ames is taken to task. Writer prefers candidates who earn his vote, not buy it.