Krob--Nicholas Joseph (Student--2008)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 68 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 My inevitable farewell
Northern Iowan 108:53, p.5
Nicholas Krob expresses his thanks to faculty and students for their support and sharing of knowledge. UNI is an amazing school; supplying opportunities and successes beyond the wildest of dreams; photo.
2 Undue criticism
Northern Iowan 108:50, p.4
Response to Eileen Dare's comments concerning the "Men and Feminism" panel discussion. Ms. Dare's comments during the panel presentation were against the rules set forth by the moderator; photo.
3 Misguided priorities
Northern Iowan 108:44, p.5
Conflicts over proper ways to solve the budget problems. Pride shown in students standing up for their beliefs. Concerns expressed over the direction of the University. Athletics Yea or Nay; photo?
4 Social media obsession
Northern Iowan 108:41, p.5
Author explains feelings about not participating in the Facebook craze. Humans are more than a biography and a series of tweets. Mystery, privacy, and anonymity have been lost.
5 Elevator Aversion
Northern Iowan 108:37, p.4
Living in a country with the highest rate of obesity in the world is not surprising. Lines of students waiting at elevators, instead of using the stairs, is certainly an indicator of the problem.
6 The theft of creativity
Northern Iowan 108:31, p.4
The Stop Online Piracy Act is aimed at stopping the piracy of information on the Internet.
7 Santorum's Christian crusade
Northern Iowan 108:29, p.4
Author examines Presidential candidate's message and suggests that the message disregards critical thought; photo.
8 Our gluttonous waste
Northern Iowan 108:25, p.3
Thanksgiving is over for this year. Statistics shared showing an alarming number of people dying due to hunger related causes each year. The amount of food wasted is mind boggling; photo.
9 Persistent parking woes
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.5
Criticizes student parking on campus. Parking passes are over sold. Suggests designating an area for students to park free of charge; photo.
10 A crucial benefit from Occupy Wall Street
Northern Iowan 108:18, p.4
Occupy Wall Street movement has brought to center stage the gross overpayment of CEOs in our capitalist society. The average CEO salary in 2010 was $9 million. The money gap in our society is widening.
11 The damage of capitalism
Northern Iowan 108:13, p.4
The ills of a capitalist society are discussed. It would appear that we are all driven by the search for the almighty dollar; photo.
12 Making a case for winter
Northern Iowan 108:8, p.5
Winter can be beautiful. The white snow covers the defects of the brown earth. We should embrace the season, not shun it. Author realizes that many will disagree with his view.
13 The failure of a few
Northern Iowan 107:53, p.14
Professors urged to become more engaged during their teaching. Do not just teach the textbook, but add relevant, up to date materials. Do not just read from your PowerPoint. Challenge your students to look outside the textbook for answers.
14 Next to soccer, baseball strikes out
Northern Iowan 107:49, p.10
Case made for soccer being the American pastime instead of baseball. Writer admits that many will disagree with his suggestion; photo.
15 A music industry alternative
Northern Iowan 107:46, p.5
An examination of the music industry and what drives the success of recording artists.
16 Congratulating a villain
Northern Iowan 107:43, p.8
The Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church is a victory for free speech, but it does leave a bad taste in some people's mouths. Free speech is not totally free, nor is it always pleasant; photo.
17 Can you be too old to drive?
Northern Iowan 107:39, p.9
Statistics show that new teen drivers and elderly drivers are equally dangerous behind the wheel. Elderly people do not want to lose their independence by giving up their driver's license. The elderly are slow to accept change.
18 Shooting ourselves in the foot
Northern Iowan 107:36, p.10
Believes that the lack of big name musical groups in the area may be due to rude and immature audiences. Recent local concerts had prompted comments from band members.
19 Best of Cedar Falls
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.12
Scratch Cupcakes, 4 Queens Dairy Cream, Gravy's Diner, Mulligan's, Pablo's, Hearst Center for the Arts, and the Wild Hair Salon named favorite Cedar Valley establishments.
20 A losing game
Northern Iowan 107:30, p.7
Prices for textbooks on all campuses are very high. Students urged to purse the cheapest option; including exchanging books among classmates; photo.
21 A free mattress
Northern Iowan 107:27, p.10
A parental decision to offer a used mattress for free results in an eye opening experience. The disparity between those that have and those that do not have is immense.
22 23 minutes of nonsense
Northern Iowan 107:24, p.9
Bill Wiese's book, "23 Minutes in Hell", leads to the author's assumption that Christianity is propagated by fear, and ultimately exists only because of the gullible nature of its followers.
23 A legitimate reason to hate Notre Dame
Northern Iowan 107:20, p.7
The death of a junior at Notre Dame used as a reason to hate the university. Declan Sullivan died while filming a practice session. Wind gusts were reported to be sixty miles per hour and the young man was atop a fifty foot scissor lift.
24 Vote to retain Supreme Court justices on Nov. 2
Northern Iowan 107:17, p.9
Reasons expressed for the retention of three Iowa Supreme Court justices. Readers urged to vote.
25 The damage of Wal-Mart
Northern Iowan 107:13, p.7
Wal-Mart taken to task for paying employees low wages and in some alleged cases failing to pay the correct amount due to employees. The closing of small town stores has also been placed on the doorstep of the company; photo.
26 The greatest decision ever made
Northern Iowan 107:10, p.8
Finds that the adoption of two cats came with some adjustments, but the end result was positive.
27 Internal investigations, internal biases
Northern Iowan 107:7, p.9
When police departments hold internal investigations, the perception is that the loyalties and friendships within the department will be taken into account. Many question the fairness and objectivity of these investigations.
28 Study Abroad
Northern Iowan 107:3, p.9
Author appreciates the United States following his trip to England and Italy. His interactions with other students from Hong Kong, Seattle, Portugal, and the Czech Republic were more enlightening than the formal classes; photo.
29 Taking a stand for freedom of speech
Northern Iowan 106:53, p.7
A group, U.S. Revolution, has warned the producers of the television show South Park about a recent episode depicting the prophet Mohammed in a bear suit.
30 Life, liberty and the pursuit of dying peacefully
Northern Iowan 106:51, p.5
Considers the situations when death might be preferable to life.
31 The pains of American travel
Northern Iowan 106:44, p.2
Believes train travel in the United States needs drastic improvement. Dependence on airplanes is much more costly and includes many delays. Many times trains can continue their routes when air travel is shut down due to weather conditions.
32 Butt out of smoking
Northern Iowan 106:42, p.6
The dangers of smoking repeated, but the case is made that smoking is a personal choice. The reported three thousand people dying from second hand smoke does allow non-smokers a voice in the matter.
33 The real reason behind American obesity
Northern Iowan 106:40, p.6
Fifty-eight million Americans are overweight, with over forty million obese. Fast food is commonly blamed as the culprit. The real blame rests on the shoulders of people. No one forces you to eat.
34 What's so bad about prostitution anyway
Northern Iowan 106:39, p.3
Makes case for the legalization of prostitution.
35 Irrelevance of religious pro-life arguments
Northern Iowan 2008:30, p.5
Abortion revisited.
36 A regression of humanity
Northern Iowan 106:27, p.6
Recent hate crimes remind us of the existence of racism and prejudice. Society must admit that a problem exists, put pride aside, and not permit or accept acts of hatred or prejudice.
37 Check out my tat, man
Northern Iowan 106:24, p.3
Believes tattooing is an art form. Most tattoos seen on college campuses lack meaning and are rather bland. Too often those who chose to get a tattoo forget that the ink is permanent and how the tattoo might look in twenty or thirty years.
38 One hit wonders fail to impress
Northern Iowan 106:15, p.7
Many of today's top recording artists will have only one or two hits during their careers. Commentary on the sad state of the music world of today.
39 Protecting our rights
Northern Iowan 106:12, p.6
Believes blasphemy day resulted in reminding people of the freedom of speech and the values in that freedom. The increased discussion on campus was refreshing.
40 Bulk shopping is hurting our society
Northern Iowan 106:9, p.5
Sam's Club and the Wal-mart mentality focused on low prices and large quantity purchases. Buying in volume allows lower prices, which puts a strain on local establishments.
41 Life in the Northern Iowa kingdom
Northern Iowan 106:6, p.3
Freshmen are subjected to a great deal of advice from upper classmen. Much of the information is incorrect. A student needs to go to class. Many professors are fantastic resources. Sincere offers to help an underclassman are welcome.
42 Two cents on marriage
Northern Iowan 105:52, p.3
Supports the recent ruling legalizing gay marriage in Iowa.
43 Bragging about laziness
Northern Iowan 105:50, p.3
Discussion with fellow college students revealed many have not set future career goals, place a low emphasis on grades, and possess a weak work ethic. Luckily these traits strengthen as the student grows older.
44 Extraordinary rendition exports U. S. dirty work
Northern Iowan 105:47, p.8
President Clinton granted permission for the CIA to take suspects and ship them to third party countries in order to be tortured to gain information. This practice seems to be against many of the inalienable rights granted to our citizens.
45 A change in perspective
Northern Iowan 105:44, p.3
An invitation to participate in a discussion group focused on race enlightened the members of the group.
46 Opportunities for involvement
Northern Iowan 105:41, p.4
University filled with wide ranging student groups. All are eager for new members.
47 Teaching children manners, courtesy
Northern Iowan 105:39, p.6
Finds behavior in public places by children aged three through twelve lacking. Parents need to teach and demonstrate proper behavior in public to their children.
48 Optimism hurt by video comments
Northern Iowan 105:37, p.5
Believes commentary following the death of a motocross rider was uncalled for and unkind.
49 Modern day race relations need improvement
Northern Iowan 105:35, p.6
Believes that racism is a serious issue. People of all colors should be aware of the problem and begin to make changes within themselves. These changes will expand to cities, towns, countries, and the world.
50 Putting money in the garbage disposal
Northern Iowan 105:33, p.8
Asks why only freshmen are required to purchase a 14 meal per week plan and why students should be billed for meals that they do not eat.