Leach--James R. (Student--1990-1994)

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Van Wormer ignores sacrifices of ROTC
Northern Iowan 96:15, p.9

Letter disagrees with Katherine Van Wormer's letter in 10/4/99 issue of U.S. News and World Report; argues that ROTC and military insure continued existence of academic and personal freedoms.

2 Some things need to be left for next year
Northern Iowan 90:58, p.7
His will to UNI.
3 Low voter turnout sets new record for UNI
Northern Iowan 90:57, p.1
Graph shows voting turnout for last fifty years.
4 Don't judge Nixon by Watergate
Northern Iowan 90:56, p.7
Nixon left great legacy.
5 We could learn a lot from past generations
Northern Iowan 90:50, p.4
Should take responsibility and observe examples of elders.
6 Peace dividend may prove to be costly in the future
Northern Iowan 90:42, p.5
Military cuts may hurt.
7 NATO must back threats with action
Northern Iowan 90:38, p.5
Comments on situation in Bosnia.
8 China, little kids counting on Clinton for MFN
Northern Iowan 90:34, p.4
Thinks China should receive enhanced trade status.
9 Clinton must deliver on his (Republican) promises
Northern Iowan 90:32, p.5
Waiting cautiously for Clinton to fulfill promises.
10 Watchdog' press bites public servant
Northern Iowan 90:30, p.5
Not necessary to cover every aspect of public figures' private lives.
11 A nuclear-free Christmas wish
Northern Iowan 90:29, p.6
Hopes for solutions to global problems.
12 Clinton must pass North Korea test
Northern Iowan 90:27, p.5
Must learn to deal with difficult situation.
13 Veterans Day a time to remember national heroes
Northern Iowan 90:22, p.8
Proud of veterans and the armed services.
14 Both sides exaggerating NAFTA's effects
Northern Iowan 90:24, p.6
Believes NAFTA will be beneficial over the long term.
15 "Generation X" must make a difference
Northern Iowan 90:20, p.6
One way or the other, Generation X is the future.
16 Please, no more foreign policy help
Northern Iowan 90:18, p.5
Believes that Congress is not helping Clinton with foreign policy problems.
17 Another compromise is needed
Northern Iowan 90:16, p.6
Believes that there is conflict in policies relating to homosexuals in military service; believes both sides must recognize real world needs.
18 Mr. President, the world is calling
Northern Iowan 90:14, p.7
Believes Clinton not equipped to handle foreign policy.
19 One step forward, one step back
Northern Iowan 90:12, p.10
Believes Clinton stance on Somalia is wrong, but attitude toward Russia is correct.
20 ROTC leadership training needed by UNI, nation
Northern Iowan 90:10, p.7
Purposes of ROTC are different from most strictly academic programs.
21 Cedar Rapids, Florida violence not far apart
Northern Iowan 90:8, p.6
Believes decreasing numbers of guns would cut down on violence.
22 Peace (or at least a good start)
Northern Iowan 90:6, p.8
Praises Middle East agreement.
23 U.S. can¿t win in Bosnia
Northern Iowan 90:4, p.11
Believes problems in Bosnia are not US problems.
24 "Don't ask, don't tell" best for U.S. defense
Northern Iowan 90:2, p.8
Supports policy in US military forces.
25 Marine view on gays in military
Northern Iowan 89:51, p.3

Believes that allowing open homosexuality in military will have bad effects.

26 Another endorsement for Judas/Fuhrman
Northern Iowan 89:33, p.2

Supports candidates.

27 Lobby Day participation encouraged
Northern Iowan 89:32, p.2

Two buses will travel to Des Moines; urges UNI students to join group which will talk with legislators.

28 Personal attack on Judas unwarranted
Northern Iowan 89:22, p.3

Believes there was no reason to question Judas's integrity.

29 Nissen receives Caligula nomination; columnist fits criteria for his own award
Northern Iowan 88:34, p.2

Believes writer completely wrong in his analysis of the Iraq invasion.