Leonard--Jane Little

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 VP Leonard talks about Texas plan
Northern Iowan 68:11, p.2

Believes UNI should adopt pre-Christmas semester end, despite problems posed by student teaching schedules.

2 Leonard thanks people involved
Northern Iowan 67:55, p.2

Grateful to those who helped with faculty evaluation.

3 Faculty evaluation swings into action tomorrow
Northern Iowan 67:50, p.11
Prepared to administer instrument.
4 Complete faculty evaluation for UNI: the first
Northern Iowan 67:48, p.1

History of evaluation development; plans for administration of instrument.

5 Faculty evaluation format drawn
Northern Iowan 67:46, p.1
Plans for administration of form.
6 Evaluation assistance
Northern Iowan 67:43, p.2

Asks for help in administering faculty evaluation forms.