Lewis--Lawrence Guy (Class of 1961)

Displaying 1 - 35 of 35 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Tales from the South
College Eye 52:16, p.6
2 Lewis is a poet, too!
College Eye 52:13, p.8
A Christmas poem.
3 And don't ask so many questions
College Eye 52:12, p.8
4 Back at the Olde Inn
College Eye 52:10, p.8
An allegory about the recent election.
5 Dissent necessary
College Eye 52:8, p.8
Dissent shows the possibility of individual choice.
6 As sounding brass
College Eye 52:6, p.8
An allegory.
7 A few questions
College Eye 52:5, p.8
Speculates on meaning of recent campus straw vote.
8 The more they change
College Eye 52:4, p.6
Hard to tell politicians apart.
9 Counterpoint; a plague on both your houses . . .
College Eye 51:38, p.4
Comments on the idea of each person being equal.
10 Counterpoint; so all good men came to the aid . . . .
College Eye 51:37, p.4
11 Counterpoint; a humble suggestion . . .
College Eye 51:36, p.4
12 Counterpoint; one for the road . . . .
College Eye 51:35, p.4
13 Counterpoint; voicing the good life
College Eye 51:34, p.4
Claims that college students are not politically minded.
14 Counterpoint; O, brave new way!
College Eye 51:33, p.4
Discusses education as defined in a course textbook.
15 Counterpoint; the lantern's going out . . . .
College Eye 51:32, p.4
Discusses the troubles of Dick Clark and Secretary of State Herter.
16 The last gasp
College Eye 46:32, p.2
Author could think of nothing to write an editorial on.
17 Stuff and nonsense
College Eye 46:31, p.2
United States culture and value system is filled with contradictory behavior.
18 Bully for Bermudas
College Eye 46:30, p.2
Sarcastic view on the decision 'to wear or not to wear' Bermuda shorts.
19 Walking must go
College Eye 46:28, p.2
Automobiles are taking over society.
20 Will they remember?
College Eye 46:27, p.2
Albert Einstein died this week; how will the world remember him?
21 Why shortcuts?
College Eye 46:26, p.2
Questions motives of students who come to college to learn, but seek the least beneficial ways.
22 Morality for moderns
College Eye 46:25, p.4
Money, societal status, sexual attractions have replaced subjects of the Ten Commandments.
23 Which way should we go?
College Eye 46:24, p.2
Nuclear war will inevitably bring about the end of the human race.
24 Lower the voting age?
College Eye 46:21, p.2
Eighteen-year olds, along with nineteen and twenty-year olds, should not be allowed to vote.
25 Are we anti-intellectual?
College Eye 46:20, p.2
'Egghead' and 'intellectual' are common derogatory labels aimed at those considered smart.
26 Ever read a paper?
College Eye 46:19, p.2
Discouraging to College Eye staff that students are apathetic toward the newspaper.
27 A slight misunderstanding
College Eye 46:17, p.2
College Eye does not have problems with the aims of religion.
28 How about UMT?
College Eye 46:16, p.2
Universal Military Training bill is before congress.
29 Religion in our life
College Eye 46:15, p.2
What role does religion play in the lives of TC students?
30 Prejudice: gone or dormant?
College Eye 46:14, p.2
McCarthy is been restrained, but his prejudices linger in the minds of some Americans.
31 So we are literate?
College Eye 46:13, p.2
Some teachers are a disgrace to the profession.
32 Security risks at ISTC?
College Eye 46:8, p.2
Satiric look at supposed security risks among faculty.
33 A threat to political freedom?
College Eye 46:3, p.2
Political parties cannot be outlawed in the US.
34 Strive for freedom
College Eye 45:28, p.2
Disagrees with Roy Abbott in that universities do not have doctrines.
35 Honest Abe has his day
College Eye 45:19, p.3