Maltby--Craig S. (Class of 1982)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Greeks award annual honors
Northern Iowan 77:52, p.7
Roster of groups and individuals honored.
2 Hamilton: 'Russia must maintain economic ties'
Northern Iowan 77:48, p.1
Excerpts from speech by Jerry Hamilton on US relations with Soviet Union.
3 'Suddenly Single' role presented
Northern Iowan 77:46, p.5
Professor Franken talks about the roles of unmarried people.
4 Unique activities highlight dance
Northern Iowan 77:44, p.1
Schedule for dance marathon.
5 Career options for marketing majors
Northern Iowan 77:41, p.8
Steve Corbin talks about the potential for marketing students; plan changes in curriculum.
6 Center helps launch careers
Northern Iowan 77:39, p.5
Pat Bassett talks about Career Center services.
7 Economist advocates money control system
Northern Iowan 77:36, p.1
Excerpts from speech by Robert Laurent.
8 Student turnout for Artists Series 'lousy'
Northern Iowan 77:35, p.11
Currently only 3% of students buy season tickets. Professor Jones talks about the reasons.
9 Glee Club to sing in Denver on spring tour
Northern Iowan 77:35, p.13
10 UNISA requests state aids for UNI
Northern Iowan 77:34, p.3
Campaign will attempt to get students to write to their representatives.
11 New president for UPB
Northern Iowan 77:31, p.6
Kathy Conzett talks about plans.
12 No 'quick cure' for flu
Northern Iowan 77:30, p.1

Barb Meysenburg talks about the flu.

13 Turn Table
Northern Iowan 77:16, p.11
Reviews of new albums by Iron Maiden and Jean-Luc Ponty.
14 Turn Table
Northern Iowan 77:8, p.8
Review of albums by The Motels and The Cars.
15 New auditorium at UNI
Northern Iowan 77:7, p.2
UNI needs to do some research to find out the potential of a new auditorium.
16 Turn table; Benatar is here to stay; Beck is back
Northern Iowan 77:2, p.14
Review of albums by Jeff Beck and Pat Benatar.