McKone--Madison Elizabeth (Student--2012)

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Counting our blessings versus counting our cash
Northern Iowan 110:26, p.3
The author believes that Black Friday shopping is deteriorating the meaning of Thanksgiving. Black Friday shopping has become so chaotic that shoppers are getting trampled and injured. She suggests relaxing with family is a better way to spend the day.
2 Take a bite and appreciate the American farmer
Northern Iowan 110:22, p.3
Author expresses the importance of the agricultural industry in the U.S. economy. She also talked about the hard work and dedication that it takes to be a farmer.
3 Connecting without making a connection
Northern Iowan 110:17, p.3
Says people should unplug from technology to enjoy life. Says time spent away from technology is liberating.
4 Arts fight for a seat in the classroom
Northern Iowan 110:15, p.3
The author expresses the importance of fine arts in education. She also points out that decreases in funding and budget cuts are causing art classes to be eliminated from many schools. This is taking away an important aspect of a well-rounded education.
5 Women face bias and inequality in the workplace
Northern Iowan 110:11, p.1
Though women attained suffrage in 1920, many women still face the issue of inequality in the workplace. Men, on average, receive higher wages than women.
6 Beat the heat and grab a glass
Northern Iowan 110:4, p.3
The author stresses the importance of staying hydrated especially with the high temperatures. Drinking plenty of water is one of the easiest ways to beat the heat.
7 Cheating the system or cheating yourself?
Northern Iowan 109:49, p.4
Cheating in academics is on the rise. Due to advances in technology students have found even more ways to cheat. However, by cheating in school you are not only cheating the system, but also yourself. Employers care more about honesty than grades.
8 Picking up a drink? Put the keys down
Northern Iowan 109:45, p.5
Author reminds readers of the dangers of driving while under the influence. She shares some safe options to get home including taking the UNI SafeRide bus.
9 Stressed? Don't get busy - sit back and relax
Northern Iowan 109:41, p.3
Says that stress causes illnesses. Take time to relax and recuperate; photo.
10 Nurturing what's natural
Northern Iowan 109:37, p.3
The author expresses support for the movement towards organic foods. The author also give tips on how to implement this into daily life.
11 Moving toward multiculturalism
Northern Iowan 109:33, p.4
Author encourages readers to take pride in the diversity of this country and take progressive steps in moving toward multiculturalism; photo.
12 Politeness is not just an outdated notion of the past
Northern Iowan 109:24, p.4
America has adopted a new concept of manners-- one that lacks respect and regard for others. Author believes manners and social graces are not a thing of the past, but should be passed on and encouraged today and in the future.
13 Wellness 101: lose weight the healthy way
Northern Iowan 109:20, p.5
Author explores health and weight loss myths in our society. Tips and strategies for healthy weight loss; photo.
14 Extracurriculars are not just for fun: it pays to get involved
Northern Iowan 109:16, p.4
Believes that extracurricular activities broaden the college experience, enhance a student's social life, and unite classroom and more practical knowledge.
15 Voting: it starts with a whisper
Northern Iowan 109:12, p.4
Encourages students to vote in the upcoming election. Voting is a sacred right that dates back to the early days; is an outlet to get your voice and ideas heard ; every vote makes a difference.
16 Study abroad and see the world from a new perspective
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.4
Taking advantage of the opportunity to study abroad provides experiences the student will never forget. Ninety percent of the programs available are in English speaking countries. Financing is aided by scholarships and grants; photo.
17 Stop the waste, ditch the bottled water
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.5
Bottled water is very expensive and the claim that it is more healthy can be easily disputed. Sale of bottled water costs over $8 billion per year. Save some cash. Fill up your water bottle at the tap; photo.