Meinecke--Heather (Student--2003)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 56 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Coping with reaching the end of the beginning
Northern Iowan 102:55, p.7
Emotions of the end of college and entering the world of business are shared by the author.
2 Much to be learned in this wide open world
Northern Iowan 102:53, p.7
College student relates her experiences while traveling in Egypt.
3 Procrastination an issue to be talked alone
Northern Iowan 102:51, p.7
Putting things off seems to be common.
4 Driving in Italy a task best left to Italians
Northern Iowan 102:49, p.7
Talks about dangerous driving in Italy.
5 U. S. oil shouldn't depend on Alaskan reserve
Northern Iowan 102:45, p.7
Offers argument against drilling for oil in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
6 Life not stopping for your needed rest time
Northern Iowan 102:44, p.5
Believes that a person must simply push through the rough patches.
7 Best years of our lives? How about stressful
Northern Iowan 102:42, p.5
Has found her student teaching assignment stressful.
8 Dreams of debt relief Powerball style
Northern Iowan 102:40, p.7
Reflects on what could be done with a $365 million lottery jackpot.
9 Stepping outside of the box with your life
Northern Iowan 102:38, p.7
Encourages students to explore interests before leaving college when it may seem too late.
10 'A Million Little Pieces' of pure lies
Northern Iowan 102:36, p.7
Angered after learning that parts of book by James Frey are fabricated.
11 Post-graduation identity crisis for columnist
Northern Iowan 102:34, p.5
Finds position as student teacher caused re-evaluation of actions outside of class.
12 Gay cowboy movie helps remove stereotype
Northern Iowan 102:32, p.5
'Brokeback Mountain' is a tasteful movie addressing masculine homosexuality.
13 When dressing presentable makes you a freak
Northern Iowan 102:30, p.5
Feels that all people are guilty of stereotyping and judging people they know nothing about.
14 Vilsack's latest promises leave many questions
Northern Iowan 102:29, p.5
Hopes Governor Vilsack's plans to improve Iowa's schools are more than wishful thinking.
15 Recapping the nine semesters of UNI life lessons
Northern Iowan 102:28, p.7
Offers advice after reflecting over years at UNI.
16 UNI literary magazine accepting submissions
Northern Iowan 102:26, p.14
Inner Weather accepts writing and artwork to be published in yearly magazine.
17 Finals stress factor #1: waiting until the last minute
Northern Iowan 102:26, p.7
Wonders why procrastination is so prevalent since it is known to induce more stress.
18 Waste not, want not: put it into perspective
Northern Iowan 102:24, p.5
Realizes that things we take for granted would be luxuries to underprivileged people.
19 Mediocre America lacks capacity to care
Northern Iowan 102:22, p.5
Believes Americans are falling behind in areas such as intelligence and communication.
20 Today's musical content seriously lacking
Northern Iowan 102:20, p.5
Wonders why artists don't seem to be creative or original.
21 Costume decisions difficult to make
Northern Iowan 102:18, p.7
Explains that Halloween is a great time to make a creative outfit, but rules out a lot of ideas.
22 Straights not necessarily more fit parents
Northern Iowan 102:16, p.5
Explains that sexuality should not be the basis of deciding if a couple is fit to adopt a child.
23 Surveillance on the Hill for your protection
Northern Iowan 102:14, p.7
Believes the protective services including police and cameras are a bit excessive, but students should enjoy other aspects of Homecoming, including the football game.
24 Woman/minority president good idea
Northern Iowan 102:12, p.7
Writer supports idea of a woman and/or minority president, but worries about the pressure and scrutiny the person would be subjected to.
25 Random rants hold some truth
Northern Iowan 102:10, p.7
Writer covers several random topics including air fresheners, student wardrobes, and being engaged.
26 Entertainers overpaid, for what?
Northern Iowan 102:8, p.7
Writer thinks that Americans place too much value on entertainers and not enough on jobs that are more important, such as doctors and teachers.
27 However you look at it, abortions here to stay
Northern Iowan 102:6, p.7
Comments about new Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John G. Roberts, and about abortion, a subject about Mr. Roberts has been questioned.
28 Atheists are people too
Northern Iowan 102:4, p.7
Writer encourages people to explore their religious beliefs and chose an affiliation that is right for them.
29 My car's a piece of crap . . . and I love it
Northern Iowan 102:3, p.7
Reflects on the adventures of owning older and less reliable cars.
30 Regrets after all these years . . .
Northern Iowan 102:1, p.7
Urges students to stick with their harder classes and enjoy general education classes more.
31 Give credit where it's due
Northern Iowan 101:61, p.5
Believes that her generation, just as older generations, deserve respect; photo.
32 Think before you breed
Northern Iowan 101:60, p.5
Knows having children means making sacrifices.
33 Taxing cigarettes bad for your health
Northern Iowan 101:58, p.5
Believes taxing cigarettes has gone too far.
34 Living in Iowa isn't all that bad
Northern Iowan 101:57, p.5
Urges Iowans to acknowledge all the great things Iowa has to offer.
35 Don't be lame this summer, do something
Northern Iowan 101:56, p.5
Offers productive ideas on how to spend the summer months, rather than doing nothing.
36 Taking the next step: getting engaged while in college; over five years and still going strong--Jessie and Brian plan to wed in '06
Northern Iowan 101:51, p.9
A profile of Brian Gwinner and Jessie Armstrong; photo.
37 Oddly enough, Iowa is not normal
Northern Iowan 101:48, p.12
Describes some of the unique attributes of Iowa listed in "Oddball Iowa" by Jerome Pohlen; photo.
38 International students improve English skills at UNI
Northern Iowan 101:47, p.3
Describes the Culture and Intensive English Program at UNI.
39 Fake marriages show how to be 'civil' in the Union
Northern Iowan 101:47, p.1
Students in one of professor Karen Mitchell's classes held mock weddings to show support for same sex unions.
40 The Fab 4: students, athletes, coaches, employees; students fit volunteer hours into hectic work week
Northern Iowan 101:45, p.11
A profile of four students who volunteer as coaches in the Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Association; photo.
41 Hot plants for hot pants; chocolate and herbs serve as aphrodisiacs say ethnobotanist
Northern Iowan 101:36, p.7
Chris Hilham, an ethnobotanist for the University of Massachusetts, believes that chocolate and other herbs can lead to an enhanced love life; photo.
42 Despite rumors liberal arts core is here to stay
Northern Iowan 101:34, p.1
The rumors about the demise of Personal Wellness in the Liberal Arts Core are false.
43 Men and women against violence
Northern Iowan 101:23, p.9
Michael Kaufman, founder of the White Ribbon Campaign to end violence against women, speaks on campus; photo.
44 Great American Smokeout aims to educate, encourage quitting
Northern Iowan 101:23, p.1
Description of the 28th annual Great American Smokeout, designed to reduce the number of cigarette smokers in America; photo.
45 Best Buddies show appreciation for troops in Afghanistan
Northern Iowan 101:22, p.9
Best Buddies program assembles gift packages for eighty-seven American soldiers in a military unit in Afghanistan; photo.
46 Michael Moore addresses packed house
Northern Iowan 101:16, p.1
Filmmaker and social activist Michael Moore speaks at Luther College in Decorah; photo.
47 Former UNI students sign record deal
Northern Iowan 101:15, p.9
Spotlight on local band Marcato.
48 Inner Weather a chance for students to see publication
Northern Iowan 101:14, p.9
Description of Inner Weather publication, consisting of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork created by students.
49 Outsource Bush 2004 blasts more than just music Oct. 16
Northern Iowan 101:13, p.11
The Reverb to host musical event geared toward encouraging young people to vote; profiles of local bands set to play; photo.
50 Until the violence stops
Northern Iowan 100:38, p.9
"The Vagina Monologues" to be performed to raise money for SAVE, as well as the Juarez Women of Mexico effort; photo.