Mooney--Keely A. (Class of 1981)

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Committee set to abolish problems
Northern Iowan 77:25, p.1
Committee of Cedar Falls council members, residents, and UNI representatives will work on problems.
2 Tenants protest petition to monitor their conduct
Northern Iowan 77:24, p.1
Loud parties and disorderly conduct lead to city council action.
3 Large crowd adds to 'confusion' in Union
Northern Iowan 77:18, p.1
Students have fun, watch election coverage in Union; photo.
4 Five teams into College Bowl semi-finals
Northern Iowan 77:17, p.1
5 Search for new grad dean
Northern Iowan 77:16, p.4
Professor Thompson leads efforts.
6 Memories of Mount St. Helen
Northern Iowan 77:10, p.5
Phi Alpha Theta sells volcanic dust at its book sale.
7 Sack lunch policy
Northern Iowan 77:7, p.3
8 'It's better than p-b sandwiches'
Public Relations News Release 77:6, p.5
Meal contracts have been sold to 387 off-campus students.
9 Funion--'Superstars of the '80s'
Public Relations News Release 77:5, p.1
Schedule of events for Funion is listed.
10 UNI radio--tune in for a change
Northern Iowan 77:3, p.7
Brief history of KUNI and description of what type of music is available on the three stations. KCRS will celebrate its 25th anniversary in November 1980.
11 'Journalism has arrived on the UNI campus'
Northern Iowan 76:44, p.2

A special thanks to Matt Hessburg for his article on "The Way".