Moskowitz--Donald (Class of 1953)

Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Insight
College Eye 44:42, p.2
Liberal arts majors with no professional emphasis performed well on national teachers examination.
2 Advocates raising pay scale for food service workers
College Eye 44:41, p.2
Claims food service pay scale is biased.
3 Insight
College Eye 44:40, p.2
Effects of Korean War.
4 Insight
College Eye 44:36, p.2
Situation in Germany.
5 Insight
College Eye 44:35, p.2
War in Korea.
6 Readers comment on Eye, columns and editorials
College Eye 44:33, p.2
'Young men' in last week's editorial should not complain about their military commitments to America.
7 Commons board, exchange, reorganization highlight spontaneous student government
College Eye 44:33, p.3
A look at the progress of the 1952-1953 school year.
8 SLB president explains Board's latest resolution
College Eye 44:32, p.2
Terms 'American' and 'Christian' were used with innocent intents.
9 Moskowitz discusses SLB resolution concerning discrimination policies
College Eye 44:30, p.2
Encourages people of minority groups to apply when job opportunities are available.
10 SLB constitution changes discussed
College Eye 44:25, p.2
Suggested amendments to the constitution.
11 Moskowitz wants to give meaning to student government constitution
College Eye 44:23, p.2
Consideration should be given to the nature and purpose of the student government.
12 SLB president answers SCRA
College Eye 44:22, p.2
SCRA wants to break prior agreement.
13 Religious council request analyzed
College Eye 44:20, p.2
Religious committee should not subject itself to the rule of the Student League Board.
14 Students grieve death
College Eye 44:11, p.2
Sympathies to the family of Foy Cross of the Cross and Company bookstore.
15 Faculty's action questioned
College Eye 44:10, p.2
Faculty should allow a College Eye staff reporter to attend faculty meetings.
16 The UN can work
College Eye 43:25, p.2
Gives a vote of confidence to the organization.
17 More about books
College Eye 43:24, p.2
Contends that a student owned and operated bookstore would not be as successful as a simple book exchange.
18 Man can build skyscrapers, but can't live peacefully with others
College Eye 43:10, p.2
People just don't seem to care enough about wanting world peace.
19 Should the federal government give aid for public education? Yes!
College Eye 42:40, p.2
Differences in education can be discovered between regions.
20 Hilltopics
College Eye 42:36, p.2
Korea is neither a beginning nor an end of American foreign policy--it is just one step in a war against communism.
21 UWF is not answer to world problem
College Eye 42:35, p.2
World government is idealistic, but not practical.