Musgrave--Matt (Student--2004)

Displaying 1 - 33 of 33 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Challenging the computer addiction
Northern Iowan 101:54, p.7
Encourages students to take a day away from their computer.
2 Sacred seats in the Security Council
Northern Iowan 101:52, p.7
Feels the Security Council of the United Nations needs to be changed.
3 Cubs bring 'next year' to mind
Northern Iowan 101:50, p.9
Compares the alleged curses of the Chicago Cubs and the Boston Red Sox.
4 Some Christians only talk the talk
Northern Iowan 101:48, p.7
Believes all religions need to focus more on kindness towards others.
5 A columnist's job is never done
Northern Iowan 101:46, p.7
Encourages students to write letters to the editor if they feel strongly about an issue.
6 Despite urination, on-campus living still rules
Northern Iowan 101:43, p.5
Feels he is not ready to move off campus just yet.
7 Stop the obsession: celebrities are human, too
Northern Iowan 101:41, p.7
Thinks that people should not care so much about the lives of celebrities.
8 'Northern' creates stigma for UNI
Northern Iowan 101:39, p.7
Feels UNI is at a disadvantage due to the name containing a direction.
9 What's wrong with being average?
Northern Iowan 101:37, p.7
Believes people see being "average" as negative; discusses the notion of a letter grade of C, which is average, as being bad.
10 Fast food advertising hits and misses
Northern Iowan 101:35, p.7
Feels that a recent McDonald's advertisement is unknowingly projecting the wrong message.
11 Do we know how to spell R-E-S-P-E-C-T?
Northern Iowan 101:33, p.5
Believes it is important to treat people with respect by using such words as "mister", miss", and "sir".
12 Creationism coming back to schools
Northern Iowan 101:31, p.5
Feels evolution is an important scientific model; attempts to clear up myths about it.
13 Swift marriages end up down the toilet
Northern Iowan 101:27, p.7
Believes people should not rush into marriage.
14 Christmas lights blinding the Thanksgiving turkey
Northern Iowan 101:25, p.5
Disagrees with the excessive commercializing of Christmas that leads to ignoring the importance and meaning of other holidays.
15 Taking a stand for smokers everywhere
Northern Iowan 101:23, p.7
Believes the backlash against smokers has gone to excess.
16 Taking advantage of abundance of electives
Northern Iowan 101:21, p.7
Believes UNI should expand the field of university electives available to students.
17 Student apathy abounds despite important issues
Northern Iowan 101:19, p.5
Republication of an earlier article on how important it is for students to vote.
18 'Dracula' sure to draw blood and a crowd
Northern Iowan 101:17, p.7
Description of 'Dracula' performance to be given by the Interpreters' Theatre.
19 Thieves can't take away what matters most
Northern Iowan 101:15, p.7
Addresses thieves who robbed his dorm room.
20 Scorn for those labeling AIDS "punishment"
Northern Iowan 101:13, p.7
Denounces those who believe AIDS is a form of divine retribution.
21 Complete disregard for decency and law
Northern Iowan 101:11, p.7
Revisits a California sexual assault case in order to warn students to be on their guard for similar actions during Homecoming.
22 Adaptability essential in changing business
Northern Iowan 101:9, p.5
Believes the American auto industry should change with the times and begin producing more environmentally friendly vehicles instead of trying to defeat legislation supporting fuel efficient vehicles.
23 Columnist publicly relives a painful night
Northern Iowan 101:7, p.7
Columnist describes his attempt at suicide.
24 Columnist comment
Northern Iowan 101:6, p.8
Matt Musgrave apologizes for falsely accusing people of drunkenness at football games.
25 Drunken fans not a positive family image
Northern Iowan 101:5, p.7
Believes drinking and Family Weekend events should not go hand in hand.
26 Bookstore prices bring discomfort for all
Northern Iowan 101:2, p.5
Speaks out against the alleged pricing practices of the University Book and Supply as well as those of textbook publishers.
27 Space travel has unappreciated benefits
Northern Iowan 100:62, p.5
Feels space exploration is a benefit to the invention of new products.
28 Jeopardy player crushing competition
Northern Iowan 100:61, p.5
Describes current "Jeopardy!" champion and his thirty consecutive game winning streak.
29 Rape Shield Law provides poor armor
Northern Iowan 100:60, p.5
Expresses disgust at the defense strategy and subsequent jury reaction at a recent rape trial in California.
30 Diapers to dribbling in no time
Northern Iowan 100:59, p.5
Speaks out against the trend of NBA teams drafting players directly out of high school in such large numbers.
31 Free legal counsel might be cheap
Northern Iowan 100:58, p.5
Speaks out against those with money experiencing more success in the American legal system than those without.
32 Apathy abounds in student voters
Northern Iowan 100:57, p.5
Encourages college age citizens to vote.
33 Reagan's reign offers Bush lessons
Northern Iowan 100:56, p.5
Describes list of similarities and differences between Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.