Nardini--Danielle (Student--2015)

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Wi-Fi outcry at UNI
Northern Iowan 112:40, p.2
2 Psych charge possible
Northern Iowan 112:38, p.2

The Student Health Center moves forward with a proposal to charge students for psychiatric care, a currently free service, prompting campus discussions; photo.

3 BSU skating party
Northern Iowan 112:38, p.2

The Black Student Union (BSU) held its annual skate night on February 12.

4 Historic run for presidency
Northern Iowan 112:34, p.1

Campaigning for student body president began February 8. Jamison Whiting and Aaron Friel are running on one ticket, and Hunter Flesch and Avery Johnson on the other; photos.

5 Skeptics promote Darwin week
Northern Iowan 112:33, p.1

The UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI} will host Darwin Week, their annual lecture series, February 8-11 in the Center for Multicultural Education. Speakers will include Michael Shermer, professor Kimberly MacLin, and others; photo.

6 Ceramists bring "Women's Work" to UNI
Northern Iowan 112:29, p.4

"Women's Work: An Insight into Nature, Beauty and the Domestic Object," curated by professor JoAnn Schnabel, is on display in the UNI Gallery of Art until March 1. Artist Virginia Scotchie will present a lecture in the Kamerick Art Building on January 19 followed by an opening reception. Later in the spring, "Race and Social Justice," curated by students from professor Elizabeth Sutton's course, will open; photo.

7 (Net)working Women
Northern Iowan 112:24, p.4

The first annual Cedar Valley Women's Entrepreneurship Day will be held in the Commons on November 19.

8 Sororities flourish; fraternities plateau
Northern Iowan 112:18, p.2

While UNI sororities have doubled in size, fraternities have remained similar over the past five years. Members comment on recruitment and benefits of participating in Greek Life.