Nodurft--Diane M. (Class of 1994)

Displaying 1 - 31 of 31 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Snow sucks! And so does the mall!
Northern Iowan 91:30, p.19
Facing reality.
2 Need a Christmas gift? Give out rump roasts
Northern Iowan 91:27, p.2
Suggests doing Christmas shopping at grocery store.
3 Nation has lost capacity to be shocked by violence
Northern Iowan 91:24, p.5
Believes people have become accustomed to violence around them.
4 Only 35 more payments and Rocky IV will be mine . . .
Northern Iowan 91:22, p.6
Critical of local bank's advertisement.
5 Parents' Weekend helps bring out that special family bond
Northern Iowan 91:18, p.5
Recounts experiences as store clerk.
6 Go ahead, make her day, ask about job at mall
Northern Iowan 91:16, p.4
Ironic look at malls.
7 Garage sales exemplify true American values
Northern Iowan 91:14, p.6
Describes bargains she has acquired.
8 Relaxation proves simple method for sanity
Northern Iowan 91:12, p.5
People need to relax to relieve stress.
9 Watch out for dreamers playing in traffic
Northern Iowan 91:10, p.6
Anticipates the reality of graduation.
10 The virtues of being a weenie
Northern Iowan 91:8, p.6
Has come to admire tactfulness.
11 Coincidence becomes routine: it's a small (a very small) world
Northern Iowan 91:6, p.7
Marvels at webs of human relationships.
12 Building higher education through neglect
Northern Iowan 91:3, p.5
Complains about conditions in Old Auditorium.
13 A little prayer helps UNI student; "So have you found someone?"
Northern Iowan 91:1, p.2
Experiences of a new apartment and a job as author approaches graduation.
14 These boots are make for walking
Northern Iowan 90:65, p.2
Has difficulty scheduling classes.
15 Lack of direction in life proves to be blessing
Northern Iowan 90:64, p.3
Likes to have an edge in life; not security.
16 Independence Day '94: redefining the American Dream
Northern Iowan 90:63, p.3
Outlines personal dreams.
17 Avoid maturity by skipping a car payment
Northern Iowan 90:62, p.3
Recalls experience with brother at Sturgis Falls Days.
18 Rate your father on the dad-o-meter
Northern Iowan 90:60, p.3
Considers different types of fathers.
19 A fanatic speaks out: cars affect personality
Northern Iowan 90:59, p.3
Life has changed since she has owned a car.
20 The environment in jeopardy
Northern Iowan 90:54, p.8
Describes local environmental problems.
21 Finance by volunteering; Clinton's National Service Act offers tuition dollars to student volunteers
Northern Iowan 90:33, p.8
Possible community work.
22 UNI senior wants to give back
Northern Iowan 90:33, p.9
Julie Mitchell considering national service work.
23 THUNDR rolls on
Northern Iowan 90:32, p.8
Computer poetry group provides forum for creative work.
24 Three local bands to "Rock for Awareness"
Northern Iowan 90:13, p.7
Fat Bertha, Mugwump, and Feck and Ellie to play at "alternative party"; photo.
25 Play boasts famous cast
Northern Iowan 90:7, p.9
"Hamlet, Santa Claus, Nietzsche, and Job" is first of Theatre UNI Studio Series; photo.
26 CDs: the next audio dinosaur? Sony and Philips vie for markets with next generation of musicology
Northern Iowan 89:57, p.8
Considers possible next recording medium.
27 Love in TV-land
Northern Iowan 89:40, p.8
Preview of production of "Square One"; photo.
28 Woyzech: violence, despair, karaoke and cash prizes
Northern Iowan 89:36, p.7
Preview of "Woyzech".
29 The beauty of truth
Northern Iowan 89:33, p.6
A review of the book "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt.
30 Local bands in concert Thursday
Northern Iowan 89:15, p.13
House of Large Sizes, Fat Bertha, and 'Bout Haddit will play in benefit for Planned Parenthood and in support of voter registration; photo.
31 Armchair environmentalist walks across Africa
Northern Iowan 89:11, p.8
Patrick Giantonio will speak on campus; photo.