O'Loughlin--Emily (Student--2008)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 62 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Sit down and write a letter
Northern Iowan 109:27, p.5
Author encourages readers to write a hand-written letter. Explains benefits of writing and sending letters as correspondence in society distracted by technology.
2 What really changes (a reflection on the effect of the election)
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.4
Column underscores how citizens affect their own life by the choices they make and the relationships they experience. People should define for themselves what is most important and what does not change.
3 The American political scene lacks proper discussion
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.6
Election season fosters negative attitude in politics. Author encourages readers to judge rationally and fairly. We must try to judge each candidate based on their individual merits and shortcomings.
4 Consumerism, sincerity and integrity in politics
Northern Iowan 109:15, p.4
Discussion of the meaning of consumerism, sincerity, and integrity. Author expresses concern for lack of integrity and information in upcoming elections. Provides information on access to more resources. Readers encouraged to be critical.
5 Identify yourself
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.7
Talk to others. Examine your goals. It is OK not to know where you want your life to lead. Join campus groups. You will find yourself and your path. Most of all, try to discover who you are and what principles you stand for.
6 Happy Valentine's Day for all
Northern Iowan 108:36, p.4
Students challenged to find a way to enjoy the day, whether they are in a romantic relationship, or not. Make certain those friends you care about know how you feel.
7 A whole new world for youngsters
Northern Iowan 107:59, p.2
Gretta Berghammer started the Sturgis Youth Theatre program twelve years ago. This year students in the fourth grade and up have the opportunity to learn and act in "Aladdin"; photo.
8 Appreciate the opportunity summer provides
Northern Iowan 107:52, p.11
Students urged not to get too involved with summer jobs and internships. Summer should be a time for relaxation, a refreshing change, and time to spend with family and friends.
9 We've made progress!
Northern Iowan 107:50, p.12
America has made progress. One must remember that our lives are always changing; sometimes progressing, sometimes standing still, and sometimes regressing.
10 Clothes and Costumes
Northern Iowan 107:47, p.9
Clothing selection differs among people. Many do not want to follow the "trends". They look for functional, sturdy, well-constructed clothing that is not flashy or flimsy.
11 Opinions, dogmatism and a need for discussion
Northern Iowan 107:42, p.9
Believes that differing opinions can come to a point at which discussion will take place. These forums should not be forgotten or attacked. Discussing differences of opinions is healthy.
12 'Because I want to'
Northern Iowan 107:39, p.8
Risking future plans for a few moments of enjoyment is not the brightest idea in the world. Wants and needs are seldom the same thing. We all have choices and must remember there are consequences to choices.
13 On reason and society
Northern Iowan 107:38, p.11
Writer responds to her opinion column critics. The intention was to share a recurring thought: that society places so much emphasis on reason, that it becomes an ultimate authority in defining existence.
14 UNIFI makes a religion of science
Northern Iowan 107:36, p.10
Suggests that the Freethinkers and Inquirers could learn from a statement in Marcelo Gleiser's book: "Scientists should not use science as a weapon against belief by making it into a belief system"; photo.
15 Friends and acquaintances
Northern Iowan 107:33, p.5
Social networking has somewhat diminished the term "friend". College allows people to meet acquaintances and make new friends. Friends are those who become a part of our lives and allow us to continue to grow and learn.
16 Please drink responsibly
Northern Iowan 107:29, p.7
Turning 21 allows consumption of alcohol to be legal. Today's attitude among college students toward reckless drinking needs to be discussed. Alcohol in excess is not needed to have fun.
17 UNI's cancellation process
Northern Iowan 107:26, p.1
College campus closings are very rare, but due to extremely dangerous conditions, sometimes classes are cancelled. Students are notified via E-mail, television, and radio reports
18 Forbes editor visits University Book and Supply
Northern Iowan 107:1, p.8
Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine, visited campus for a short presentation and book signing; photo.
19 Numerous study places, opportunities for help around campus
Northern Iowan 106:54, p.
Study areas are provided in Maucker Union, Rod Library, main and individual house lounges in the dorms, and classroom buildings.
20 Scenic spots on and near the UNI campus
Northern Iowan 106:54, p.
Bike trails, benches on campus, and the Greenhouse are relaxing places to stop and watch the world go by.
21 Landlord accountability ordinance works to improve rental properties
Northern Iowan 106:53, p.1
Landlords can have permits suspended if the point total for violations of city code reaches fifteen; photo.
22 Tuition surcharge to be refunded to students
Northern Iowan 106:52, p.1
$100 surcharge had been collected with spring 2010 tuition; General Assembly passed supplemental appropriation to cover the surcharge.
23 Warm weather encourages students to enjoy outdoors
Northern Iowan 106:52, p.1
Students enjoy food, fun, and games; photo.
24 Author Joel Best to present "The Stupidity Effect" lecture
Northern Iowan 106:50, p.8
Joel Best will be presenting two lectures and serve as keynote speaker of the Iowa Sociological Association's annual meeting.
25 UNI Construction Management program receives $75,000
Northern Iowan 106:50, p.6
Master Builders of Iowa have awarded money to be used toward receiving accreditation from the American Council of Construction Education; photo.
26 Mudd Advertising offers opportunities for students
Northern Iowan 106:49, p.7
Students urged to apply for internships and employment with local company.
27 Bills passed by the Iowa legislature in its 2010 session
Northern Iowan 106:48, p.1
Quick review of legislation on puppy mills, mental health, and same-sex marriage.
28 Cedar Bend Humane Society experiences influx of dogs
Northern Iowan 106:46, p.6
With the arrival of thirty-six dogs from a dog breeding facility, the Humane Society is looking for volunteers to help socialize the dogs. The dogs had not been allowed on grass, but confined to cages. Foster homes for cats are also needed; photo.
29 Professor researches balancing work, personal lives
Northern Iowan 106:44, p.3
Adam Butler, professor of psychology, notes that new technologies, which allow people to stay in touch constantly, have blurred lines between work and personal life. Students are also working more hours to help pay expenses; photo.
30 UNI services aid students with disabilities
Northern Iowan 106:42, p.1
Ashley Lerch encourages students with disabilities to register with Student Disability Services. Many times accommodations can be made in regard to classroom attendance during inclement weather; photo.
31 Summer Aid Days to explain financial aid resources for summer classes
Northern Iowan 106:37, p.1
The Office of Student Financial Aid is decorated with beach balls, palm trees, and beach towels in preparation for Summer Aid Days. Staff will aid students with financial aid for summer school classes; photo.
32 Prices around campus fairly comparable for frequently used items
Northern Iowan 106:34, p.5
Comparisons made among Wal-Mart, Target, Fareway, Hy-Vee, University Book and Supply, Essentials, 23rd Street Market, and Biscotti's on items normally used by college students; photo.
33 Texting while driving may potentially be banned
Northern Iowan 106:33, p.1
Iowa lawmakers are considering making texting while driving illegal. Four different bills have been proposed to deal with distractions while driving; photo.
34 News Brief: Bill to ban throwback bands' performances
Northern Iowan 106:33, p.1
Tribute bands may need to adjust a little if a new proposed bill becomes law. The bill would make it illegal to falsely identify with the original musical artists; photo.
35 UNI student showcases art in Waterloo Center for the Arts
Northern Iowan 106:31, p.7
Victoria Reed's first professional exhibition is titled, "We Bite", an illusion to the theme of animals in her work. All her work hinges on the premise that the mind supplies detail better than the eye.
36 Internships aid students with skills, careers
Northern Iowan 106:27, p.4
Employers are expecting to see internships on resumes. Many times an internship will lead to a full time job offer.
37 Sayers donate $400,000 in estate gift for University of Northern Iowa scholarships
Northern Iowan 106:26, p.1
The estate of Orville and Jane Sayers has established an endowed scholarship for students from Belle Plaine Community High School or Benton Community High School.
38 Tickets for Dalai Lama to go on sale January 8
Northern Iowan 106:26, p.1
The Dalai Lama will speak at two events in the McLeod Center on May 18. He will take part in a panel discussion at 9:30 and give a keynote address at 2:00. Students urged to attend; photo.
39 Advisors work to keep miscommunication to a minimum during registration
Northern Iowan 106:25, p.7
Advisors are trained regularly and evaluated every semester to ensure correct guidance of the student. Advisors work hard to stay current with the Liberal Arts Core and to give correct advice; photo.
40 university of Northern Iowa staff face potential furloughs
Northern Iowan 106:24, p.1
The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees and the State Police Officers Council have decided to work with Governor Culver by taking five days off without pay. The vote is to be completed by November 25.
41 More than 40 programs slated for elimination
Northern Iowan 106:22, p.1
Program reduction is a product of a process started over a year ago. Program reviews began within academic departments. Criteria were developed to evaluate programs, with enrollment being an important factor; photo.
42 Fire safety right to know regulations for colleges
Northern Iowan 106:21, p.4
United States Department of Education requires annual reports about fire safety and fire safety features in residence halls. Sprinkler systems, fire alarms, and tornado alarms are included; photo.
43 Police to pay more attention to alcohol-related issues at Homecoming
Northern Iowan 106:13, p.3
Homecoming brings more people to campus; with increased tailgating, over consumption of alcohol becomes more likely. Dave Zarifis warns that a zero tolerance will be used for drunk driving, open containers, and bootlegging; photo.
44 Secrets of underground tunnels revealed
Northern Iowan 106:9, p.9
Tunnels provide room for steam delivery to campus buildings. The tunnels allow easy access if repairs are needed; photo.
45 Bad luck for good
Northern Iowan 105:53, p.5
Logic used to explain common superstitions.
46 Learning responsibility
Northern Iowan 105:48, p.5
Believes that cleaning up after yourself makes for neater dining areas, parks, and work areas. This simple act also appears to make those around you happier.
47 Vanishing views
Northern Iowan 105:47, p.7
Views from an airplane window reveal the "scars" on the planet left by man.
48 Dependence on cell phones
Northern Iowan 105:44, p.3
The convenience of using cell phones noted. Expanded functions of phones questioned.
49 Writing or typing?
Northern Iowan 105:41, p.3
Writing by hand is becoming a lost art.
50 Dress for success
Northern Iowan 105:39, p.6
Students urged to take the time to examine themselves in a mirror prior to being seen in public. Tucking shirts in and combing hair can help a person's self image and improve his or her mood.