
Displaying 1 - 34 of 34 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Has strong ideas for Psych department; new Psych head
Northern Iowan 70:22, p.12
Detailed profile of Professor Gilgen; photo.
2 Spanish holiday
Northern Iowan 70:19, p.9
Union offering spring break trip to Spain.
3 Hand slapping in order?
Northern Iowan 70:15, p.2
Unhappy after recent food fight in Redeker Center.
4 Visual world experiment
Northern Iowan 70:4, p.4
Class conducts experiment by giving away what is generally considered to be junk.
5 SISEA: no rinky-dink organization
Northern Iowan 70:3, p.3
Description of activities associated with group.
6 Faculty meeting kicks off new year
Northern Iowan 70:1, p.13
Professor M. B. Smith outlines opportunities for the year; President Kamerick notes improvements, but cites enrollment as potential problem.
7 "Consider the Watergate"
Northern Iowan 69:62, p.8
Quick chat with a squirrel.
8 Give a little!
Northern Iowan 69:61, p.2
Urges students to give blood.
9 Dancer Hall living "unique" in summer
Northern Iowan 69:59, p.5
Description of summer life.
10 "God'll getcha for that"
Northern Iowan 69:59, p.2
Believes that there are moral issues involved.
11 Abortion--cop out!
Northern Iowan 69:57, p.2
Believes that there is no longer an excuse for unwanted pregnancies.
12 "Tartuffe"--good entertainment!
Northern Iowan 69:54, p.7
Review of play: "Tartuffe."
13 Co-ed housing: success or fizzle?
Northern Iowan 69:53, p.6
Administrative Council authorized continuation of co-ed living for two floors of Dancer Hall; student reaction is mixed.
14 Planetary culture a reality?; Thompson questions
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.1
William Irwin Thompson considers futures.
15 Prizes to be awarded for third annual pledge walk
Northern Iowan 69:43, p.4
Phi Beta Lambda will raise money for intensive care nursery at hospital.
16 Women's softball looks promising
Northern Iowan 69:42, p.7
Panther women prepare for their season opener.
17 Wrage vows fight to regain security job
Northern Iowan 69:41, p.1
Marge Wrage plans to take action to keep job as first female member of security force.
18 Speak-out focuses on prevention of rapes
Northern Iowan 69:35, p.4
Local women and officials consider problem.
19 "Women's studies help develop a new view on women"
Northern Iowan 69:32, p.5

Professors Grace Ann Hovet and Marie Kloss present views on incorporating the study of women into the curriculum; excerpts from their comments.

20 Pre-Christmas semester plan gets faculty approval
Northern Iowan 69:31, p.1
Faculty members point out good and bad points; must now await approval of specific calendar.
21 Credit earned at local station
Northern Iowan 69:27, p.5
Lynn Barnes works at local radio stations.
22 Dragon Inn, a Chinese Western, to be presented
Northern Iowan 69:27, p.1
Film preview
23 Gymnastics for women? Sure!
Northern Iowan 69:23, p.11
Several UNI women meet to enjoy gymnastics.
24 Home Start gives students a learning experience with children
Northern Iowan 69:23, p.1
Professor Scott explains purposes of program.
25 Rackstraw proposes need for mass media approach to composition
Northern Iowan 69:16, p.9
Professor Rackstraw proposes reformation of introductory composition courses.
26 Miller versus Clark
Northern Iowan 69:14, p.1
Senator Miller and Dick Clark present their views; photo.
27 Join SISEA!; students in education
Northern Iowan 69:7, p.8
Detailed description of SISEA program.
28 University views financial dilemma
Northern Iowan 69:6, p.1
Reports on meeting held to discuss proposed budget cuts.
29 Just what is CQE?
Northern Iowan 69:5, p.5
Coalition for Quality Education formed in reaction to Governor Ray's proposed budget cut.
30 "The school which isn't a school"; alternatives in education
Northern Iowan 69:3, p.8
Description of New School in Waterloo.
31 Orientation staffers meet ups and downs; a complete other thing
Northern Iowan 68:62, p.5
A day in the life of a summer orientation staff member.
32 The long and winding road whys told; it's 1.7 miles
Northern Iowan 68:60, p.4
Architect Robert Porter attempts to explain lack of direct access to campus.
33 Hillside Courts is new concept in family living
Northern Iowan 68:59, p.4
Forty-three families moved in last October; 131 of 278 units in use by June 21; detailed description of facilities and plans for future of complex; photo.
34 Education Complex nears completion
Northern Iowan 68:59, p.4
Phase 1 should be completed by fall 1972; Phase 2 scheduled for completion by fall 1973; brief description of facilities; photo.