Osborne--Ann Marie (Class of 1991)
Displaying 1 - 31 of 31 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Pikes "push for a better life" Northern Iowan 86:18, p.1 |
Will raise money for Multiple Sclerosis and SADD. | |
2 | Students attend Model UN Northern Iowan 86:18, p.1 |
Fifteen UNI students attend Des Moines symposium; brief history of UNI involvement in Model UN. | |
3 | Quartet to debut Monday evening Northern Iowan 86:16, p.4 |
Montclaire Quartet will make their official debut; group members talk extensively about their history of playing together; photo. | |
4 | Greeks prepare for Homecoming Northern Iowan 86:14, p.4 |
Float pairings and float themes. | |
5 | At Board of Regents meeting: duplication arguments heard Northern Iowan 86:7, p.1 |
UNI representatives present cases in favor of retaining the Department of Home Economics and the Ed. D. | |
6 | Southern colleges recruit more in North Northern Iowan 86:6, p.5 |
Professor Fryman talks about his research relating to where African-American students go to college. | |
7 | TKE national fraternity scraps pledge program Northern Iowan 86:4, p.4 |
Local chapter adopts new program immediately. | |
8 | Untitled Northern Iowan 86:3, p.2 |
Considers reaction to recent column on abortion and Catholicism. | |
9 | Class urges students to raise questions when they need to be Northern Iowan 86:3, p.3 |
Department of Philosophy and Religion offers course on biomedical ethics. | |
10 | Church interferes in abortion issue Northern Iowan 86:2, p.3 |
Recounts questions aroused after attending Catholic wedding. | |
11 | UNI: quantity or quality? Northern Iowan 86:1, p.2 |
Glad that UNI is growing, but notes many signs of overcrowding. | |
12 | Regents will study 10 programs Northern Iowan 85:65, p.1 |
Will be in addition to Peat Marwick recommendations. | |
13 | Grievance policy passed unanimously by Board Northern Iowan 85:65, p.1 |
Roy Sandstrom develops grievance procedure. | |
14 | Board of Student Publications looks at grievance guidelines Northern Iowan 85:64, p.1 |
Will consider establishing a procedure for grievances against NI. | |
15 | Talk is cheap, but diverse Northern Iowan 85:63, p.2 |
Enjoys television talk shows. | |
16 | Academic experts do not agree with proposed program exchanges Northern Iowan 85:63, p.1 |
Other outside consultants do not agree with Peat Marwick study. | |
17 | Regents vote in 90 days Northern Iowan 85:63, p.1 |
Will consider matters after they officially receive the report. | |
18 | UNI to serve as RAGBRAI host Northern Iowan 85:62, p.1 |
A look at activities. | |
19 | Price laboratory head shocked by proposal Public Relations News Release 85:60, p.1 |
David Else points out the strengths and benefits of PLS. | |
20 | UNI scheduled to start new real estate program Northern Iowan 85:59, p.2 |
Support for program would be financed by licensing fees. | |
21 | Consulting firm recommends changes at state universities Northern Iowan 85:59, p.1 |
Peat Marwick report recommends dropping of Ed. D. degree, close study on value of Price Lab School, and other curricular changes. | |
22 | Day of joy, celebration turns into tragedy for UNI graduate Northern Iowan 85:58, p.1 |
Parents of Debbie Leach killed on way to Commencement. | |
23 | Campus facelift continues at UNI Northern Iowan 85:58, p.1 |
A look at construction projects underway this summer; photo. | |
24 | Sunseri to retire after this semester; planning to move to New Mexico Northern Iowan 84:56, p.4 |
Profile of Professor Sunseri; photo. |
25 | 'Life. Let's be with it' theme of Suicide Awareness Week Northern Iowan 84:49, p.5 |
List of activities. | |
26 | Solicitors must be aware of legalities Northern Iowan 84:46, p.4 |
Solicitation forbidden in dorms. | |
27 | UNI Orchestra to perform under direction of Giunta Northern Iowan 84:45, p.7 |
Will be first time that he has worked with the UNI Orchestra. | |
28 | MDA planning dance Northern Iowan 84:40, p.5 |
Outline of plans for the dance. | |
29 | Fraternities, sororities rushing Northern Iowan 84:36, p.1 |
Description of spring informal rush procedures. | |
30 | Jack Kemp Northern Iowan 84:34, p.3 |
31 | Alpha Chi Omega reorganizes; Nu Sigma Phi granted recognition Northern Iowan 84:33, p.3 |
Alpha Chi Omega lost charter; group organizes as Nu Sigma Phi, the name of the local sorority before it became Alpha Chi Omega. |