Osborne--Ann Marie (Class of 1991)

Displaying 1 - 31 of 31 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Pikes "push for a better life"
Northern Iowan 86:18, p.1
Will raise money for Multiple Sclerosis and SADD.
2 Students attend Model UN
Northern Iowan 86:18, p.1
Fifteen UNI students attend Des Moines symposium; brief history of UNI involvement in Model UN.
3 Quartet to debut Monday evening
Northern Iowan 86:16, p.4
Montclaire Quartet will make their official debut; group members talk extensively about their history of playing together; photo.
4 Greeks prepare for Homecoming
Northern Iowan 86:14, p.4
Float pairings and float themes.
5 At Board of Regents meeting: duplication arguments heard
Northern Iowan 86:7, p.1
UNI representatives present cases in favor of retaining the Department of Home Economics and the Ed. D.
6 Southern colleges recruit more in North
Northern Iowan 86:6, p.5
Professor Fryman talks about his research relating to where African-American students go to college.
7 TKE national fraternity scraps pledge program
Northern Iowan 86:4, p.4
Local chapter adopts new program immediately.
8 Untitled
Northern Iowan 86:3, p.2
Considers reaction to recent column on abortion and Catholicism.
9 Class urges students to raise questions when they need to be
Northern Iowan 86:3, p.3
Department of Philosophy and Religion offers course on biomedical ethics.
10 Church interferes in abortion issue
Northern Iowan 86:2, p.3
Recounts questions aroused after attending Catholic wedding.
11 UNI: quantity or quality?
Northern Iowan 86:1, p.2
Glad that UNI is growing, but notes many signs of overcrowding.
12 Regents will study 10 programs
Northern Iowan 85:65, p.1
Will be in addition to Peat Marwick recommendations.
13 Grievance policy passed unanimously by Board
Northern Iowan 85:65, p.1
Roy Sandstrom develops grievance procedure.
14 Board of Student Publications looks at grievance guidelines
Northern Iowan 85:64, p.1
Will consider establishing a procedure for grievances against NI.
15 Talk is cheap, but diverse
Northern Iowan 85:63, p.2
Enjoys television talk shows.
16 Academic experts do not agree with proposed program exchanges
Northern Iowan 85:63, p.1
Other outside consultants do not agree with Peat Marwick study.
17 Regents vote in 90 days
Northern Iowan 85:63, p.1
Will consider matters after they officially receive the report.
18 UNI to serve as RAGBRAI host
Northern Iowan 85:62, p.1
A look at activities.
19 Price laboratory head shocked by proposal
Public Relations News Release 85:60, p.1
David Else points out the strengths and benefits of PLS.
20 UNI scheduled to start new real estate program
Northern Iowan 85:59, p.2
Support for program would be financed by licensing fees.
21 Consulting firm recommends changes at state universities
Northern Iowan 85:59, p.1
Peat Marwick report recommends dropping of Ed. D. degree, close study on value of Price Lab School, and other curricular changes.
22 Day of joy, celebration turns into tragedy for UNI graduate
Northern Iowan 85:58, p.1
Parents of Debbie Leach killed on way to Commencement.
23 Campus facelift continues at UNI
Northern Iowan 85:58, p.1
A look at construction projects underway this summer; photo.
24 Sunseri to retire after this semester; planning to move to New Mexico
Northern Iowan 84:56, p.4

Profile of Professor Sunseri; photo.

25 'Life. Let's be with it' theme of Suicide Awareness Week
Northern Iowan 84:49, p.5
List of activities.
26 Solicitors must be aware of legalities
Northern Iowan 84:46, p.4
Solicitation forbidden in dorms.
27 UNI Orchestra to perform under direction of Giunta
Northern Iowan 84:45, p.7
Will be first time that he has worked with the UNI Orchestra.
28 MDA planning dance
Northern Iowan 84:40, p.5
Outline of plans for the dance.
29 Fraternities, sororities rushing
Northern Iowan 84:36, p.1
Description of spring informal rush procedures.
30 Jack Kemp
Northern Iowan 84:34, p.3
31 Alpha Chi Omega reorganizes; Nu Sigma Phi granted recognition
Northern Iowan 84:33, p.3
Alpha Chi Omega lost charter; group organizes as Nu Sigma Phi, the name of the local sorority before it became Alpha Chi Omega.