Otting--Gary (Student--1983-1985)

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Differing opinions given for KCRS funding cuts
Northern Iowan 81:56, p.4
UNISA and KCRS staff have different perceptions on the advisor's opinion on adequate funding, staff competence, and station value.
2 Fernandez, a great performer
Northern Iowan 81:22, p.9
A review of classical guitarist Eduardo Fernandez.
3 Calling the shots
Northern Iowan 81:9, p.13
Pool trick shot master Paul Gerni gave a presentation in the Union that wowed the audience; photo.
4 Something to laugh about
Northern Iowan 81:8, p.10
Don Reese from Sioux City stole the show with his amazing wit during the break between performances at Steb's Amusement; photo.
5 UPB has 2 positions open
Northern Iowan 81:5, p.20
Information concerning the 2 open positions on the Union Policy Board.
6 Anderson walks, knocks and talks
Northern Iowan 81:5, p.22
Ted Anderson is in the middle of a door-to-door campaign for re-election.
7 Holly presents peace documentary
Northern Iowan 81:3, p.17
A former photographer for the Northern Iowan, Chuck Holley, presented his undergraduate project.