Displaying 1 - 50 of 106 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Inner Weather Northern Iowan 80:38, p.9 |
Creative work. | |
2 | Sauer to retire after 32 years Northern Iowan 77:56, p.14 |
Brief profile of Pauline Sauer and brief history of UNI Museum. |
3 | Varsity Men's Glee Club--on the road Northern Iowan 77:51, p.7 |
A quick look at the spring trip; photo. | |
4 | Variety show tonight Northern Iowan 77:50, p.12 |
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia will sponsor show; group is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. | |
5 | Lithographs on display in Union Northern Iowan 77:48, p.12 |
Jo Siddens shows work; photo. | |
6 | 'Altered States' plays it safe Northern Iowan 77:45, p.8 |
Review of "Altered States"; photo. | |
7 | 'Habeas Corpus' mixes sex, humor Northern Iowan 77:42, p.6 |
Cast of UNI's 'Habeas Corpus' makes the most of every line. | |
8 | Eats: it's small, quiet, elegant Northern Iowan 77:41, p.11 |
The Depot provides a quiet setting for great tasting food. | |
9 | Bring own supplies to shelter Northern Iowan 77:41, p.14 |
Outdated civil defense shelter supplies removed from campus and will not be replaced. | |
10 | Faculty show diverse Northern Iowan 77:38, p.7 |
Faculty art show provides more than just letting the public see their work. | |
11 | Eats: grownin' up on Hwy. 218 Northern Iowan 77:37, p.10 |
The Brown Bottle offers the best food, prices, and atmosphere in town. | |
12 | New Wave artists on 'Progression' Northern Iowan 77:37, p.14 |
Steve Maravetz talks about the music. | |
13 | Spring art conference to include Lash, Page Northern Iowan 77:35, p.12 |
Highlights of the conference. | |
14 | Eats: slip into the Slipper Northern Iowan 77:35, p.9 |
Silver Slipper is a country-western style bar and restaurant which serves large portions for a small price. | |
15 | Eats: it's the place to try Northern Iowan 77:33, p.9 |
Yen Ching provides great Chinese food for low price. | |
16 | Bake it yourself: eats Northern Iowan 77:31, p.9 |
Prima Pizza provides the delicious pizzas which you bake at your home. | |
17 | Eastwood still 'the tough guy' Northern Iowan 77:31, p.12 |
Clint Eastwood is still the standard tough guy in "Any Which Way You Can." | |
18 | Union Film Society continues Northern Iowan 77:30, p.9 |
Union Film Society offers more movies to UNI. | |
19 | It's guaranteed, folks Northern Iowan 77:29, p.10 |
The Sirloin Stockade guarantees steak the way you like it. | |
20 | Play captures more than movie: 'Elephant Man' Northern Iowan 77:29, p.11 |
American Theater Production's "Elephant Man" performed differently from on the big screen. | |
21 | Cable tabled for awhile for residence hall: university determines when to install it Northern Iowan 77:27, p.7 |
A look at the present television situation in the community and predictions about the future. | |
22 | Don't go overboard Northern Iowan 77:27, p.10 |
Red Lobster food is good but remember to order lunch items when there for lunch otherwise lunch can be expensive. | |
23 | 'Black and White' is back Northern Iowan 77:26, p.16 |
Preview of the magazine. | |
24 | Eats Northern Iowan 77:26, p.12 |
Review of Embers. | |
25 | Hume discusses photos Northern Iowan 77:25, p.12 |
Sandy Hume talks about his art; photo. | |
26 | In review: Woody Allen's new movie is complex, vain, but enjoyable Northern Iowan 77:25, p.10 |
Review of the film "Stardust Memories." | |
27 | Eats Northern Iowan 77:24, p.14 |
Review of Village Inn. | |
28 | Eats Public Relations News Release 77:22, p.10 |
Review of the restaurant Fourth and Main. | |
29 | Anderson's art makes conference Northern Iowan 77:21, p.10 |
Review of the performance by Laurie Anderson and highlights of Visual World conference; photo. | |
30 | Eats Public Relations News Release 77:20, p.10 |
Review of Pickerman's Pantry. | |
31 | Punk 'Prometheus' is innovative, imaginative Northern Iowan 77:19, p.12 |
Review of the play "Prometheus Bound." | |
32 | Eats Northern Iowan 77:18, p.8 |
Review of Granny's Grub Box. | |
33 | Eats Northern Iowan 77:16, p.12 |
Review of Shakey's restaurant. | |
34 | O. P. raises MS funds Northern Iowan 77:15, p.17 |
Raise over $2100 during auction; photo. | |
35 | 'Metro Dance Theatre in concert' Northern Iowan 77:15, p.15 |
Lynda Carr and two students will perform with troupe. | |
36 | Herzog's 'Nosferatu' could become classic Northern Iowan 77:15, p.12 |
Review of the movie "Nosferatu the Vampyre;" photo. | |
37 | Eats Northern Iowan 77:14, p.14 |
Review of Wild Boar Pizza & Pub. | |
38 | 'The Great West,' where even real is ideal Northern Iowan 77:14, p.17 |
Review of the photograph display, "The Great West, Real/Ideal"; photo. | |
39 | Goldie Hawn knocks 'em dead Northern Iowan 77:14, p.18 |
Review of the film "Private Benjamin"; photo. | |
40 | Eats Northern Iowan 77:10, p.9 |
Review of The Great Plains Sauce and Dough Co. | |
41 | 'Big Red One' like old war movie Northern Iowan 77:9, p.6 |
Review of the movie "Big Red One." | |
42 | Eats Northern Iowan 77:8, p.8 |
Review of the Other Place on the Hill. | |
43 | 'Those Lips, Those Eyes' boring song, dance Northern Iowan 77:7, p.12 |
Review of the movie "Those Lips, Those Eyes." | |
44 | Eats Public Relations News Release 77:6, p.10 |
Review of the Candy Kitchen. | |
45 | If reruns are too much, try one of these Northern Iowan 77:4, p.8 |
Gives alternative of watching public television, attending theatrical productions, and listening to the radio. | |
46 | Eats Northern Iowan 77:4, p.9 |
Review of the Malt Shoppe on the Hill. | |
47 | Viewpoint Northern Iowan 77:2, p.3 |
A summary of current movies. | |
48 | Xanadu dances in promising; bows out weak Northern Iowan 77:1, p.8 |
Review of the movie "Xanadu". | |
49 | Local novelist to give address at Commencement ceremony Northern Iowan 76:56, p.1 |
Nancy Price Thompson will give this year's Commencement address. | |
50 | Pottery is functional, impractical Northern Iowan 76:55, p.4 |
Review of Rudy Autio's artwork; photo. |