Pershall--Mary K. (Class of 1973)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 83 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 This was 1972-1973--remember; Northern Iowan pictorial panorama
Northern Iowan 69:55, p.5
Picture essay on the school year.
2 "A head full of fond memories"
Northern Iowan 69:54, p.2
Thinks back over college.
3 'A whimper rather than a bang'
Northern Iowan 69:53, p.2
Attempts to understand why campus has been so quiet.
4 King mushroom
Northern Iowan 69:52, p.2
Recounts home mushroom hunts.
5 Europe or bust
Northern Iowan 69:50, p.2
Getting ready to travel.
6 Forced realistic participation
Northern Iowan 69:49, p.2
Believes students should get realistic look during field experience.
7 Diet, oh diet
Northern Iowan 69:48, p.2
Humorous look at weight loss.
8 Snow and reminiscence
Northern Iowan 69:46, p.2
The wonders of a late snowstorm.
9 Back again
Northern Iowan 69:44, p.2
Recounts her student teaching experience.
10 Remember when . . .
Northern Iowan 69:28, p.3
Remembering things now gone.
11 Resolutions
Northern Iowan 69:27, p.2
Conversation with a boyfriend.
12 Gifts
Northern Iowan 69:25, p.2
Humorous gift ideas for campus and national figures.
13 No purpose in eliminating D's & F's
Northern Iowan 69:24, p.2
Believes Ds are certainly bad grades, but still sees no reason to eliminate them.
14 An interesting month
Northern Iowan 69:23, p.2
Christmas memories.
15 "Something finally happened"
Northern Iowan 69:22, p.2
Deeply impressed with Harold Hughes' speech.
16 Twilight zone and tears
Northern Iowan 69:21, p.3
An imaginary dialogue with a freshman.
17 Honors--for everyone
Northern Iowan 69:20, p.2
All undergraduates may take honors seminars; independent study also available.
18 "Fellow winter-haters"
Northern Iowan 69:19, p.2
Does not like winter.
19 "Outwit the pollsters"
Northern Iowan 69:16, p.2
Pollers take most of the mystery out of elections.
20 McGovern endorsement
Northern Iowan 69:16, p.3
NI staff supports Senator McGovern.
21 McGovern support
Northern Iowan 69:15, p.2
22 The ultimate contest
Northern Iowan 69:15, p.3
Election year experiences.
23 A war we lived with
Northern Iowan 69:14, p.2
War in Viet Nam seems to have lasted a very long time.
24 Another endangered species
Northern Iowan 69:12, p.2
Concerned about family farm ownership.
25 A try at politicking
Northern Iowan 69:11, p.2
Canvasses for McGovern in Vinton.
26 Plastic and ecology
Northern Iowan 69:10, p.2
Distressed by the amount of plastic in the marketplace.
27 Time to keep-up
Northern Iowan 69:9, p.3
Has difficulty in getting down to study.
28 Why not at UNI?
Northern Iowan 69:8, p.2
Would like UNI to consider more interdisciplinary studies.
29 Puni Uni
Northern Iowan 69:7, p.4
A critical look at UNI.
30 A guided tour
Northern Iowan 69:5, p.2
Gives campus tour to friend.
31 Pass-fail grading
Northern Iowan 69:4, p.2
System has both advantages and disadvantages.
32 Why corn stifles
Northern Iowan 69:3, p.3
Impressions of Iowa life.
33 Register here and now
Northern Iowan 69:2, p.2
Urges students to register to vote in Cedar Falls.
34 Gold, silver, and bronze awarded; Corn Stifles
Northern Iowan 69:1, p.2
Humorous Olympics medals for campus achievements.
35 That great grade sheet in the sky
Northern Iowan 68:62, p.2
An interview with St. Peter.
36 A short quiz
Northern Iowan 68:61, p.2
Humorous look at campus and summer school.
37 Corn Stifles
Northern Iowan 68:60, p.2
Tackles the problem of mediocrity.
38 Corn Stifles
Northern Iowan 68:59, p.2
Thinking about her family on vacation.
39 Corn Stifles
Northern Iowan 68:58, p.2
Straight talk for a freshman.
40 Corn Stifles
Northern Iowan 68:57, p.2
Talks about her home town.
41 Majority rights proposals discussed by Regents
Northern Iowan 68:56, p.1
Regents attempting to determine what the new legal age of 19 will mean especially as it relates to consumption of alcohol and required residence in dorms.
42 Discipline policy being considered; the discussion continues
Northern Iowan 68:54, p.5
Vote down substitute plan; lack of quorum prevents action on original plan.
43 Faculty Senate sets goal to give approval this year; the new faculty constitution
Northern Iowan 68:52, p.1
Despite quorum problems, faculty recommends that constitution be approved.
44 Peter explains levels of incompetence
Northern Iowan 68:51, p.1
Extensive excerpts from speech by author of the Peter Principle.
45 Present grading policy upheld by faculty
Northern Iowan 68:50, p.1
Pass/fail grading will not be expanded.
46 Faculty Senate endorses disciplinary plan
Northern Iowan 68:48, p.1
Endorses set of graduated disciplinary steps for faculty who violate Regents rules.
47 Senator Miller culminates Pan-Am week
Northern Iowan 68:47, p.1
Excerpts from Senator Miller's speech; photo.
48 Faculty accepts A. A. degree as general ed equal
Northern Iowan 68:46, p.1
Numbers of transfer students up from 4% to 7%.
49 ACTION may be for you; recruiter tells experiences
Northern Iowan 68:44, p.5
50 Faculty won't consider pre-Xmas semester
Northern Iowan 68:43, p.1
Continuing debate on length of half-terms.