Pope--David William (Student--2012)

Displaying 1 - 44 of 44 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 NISG candidates receive support
Northern Iowan 110:39, p.3
Several students wrote letters to the editor about the upcoming NISG election. These students spoke out about which candidates were the most qualified and what these candidates have already done to help improve the University of Northern Iowa; photo.
2 It's here, it's queer, it's the new LGBT Center
Northern Iowan 110:28, p.3
The new LGBT Center opened December 10, 2013. The new center is meant to meet the needs of LGBT students. UNI has come a long way in supporting the LGBT community; photo.
3 Pledge to go turkey free this Thanksgiving
Northern Iowan 110:25, p.3
Says that millions of turkeys are killed in the United States for Thanksgiving each year. They are raised for slaughter under less than ideal conditions. Asks readers to consider a vegetarian option for their Thanksgiving feast.
4 Animals are mindless? Think again
Northern Iowan 110:21, p.3
The author brings up many studies that suggest animals are more intelligent than expected. Animals are capable of communication, emotion, and cooperation. The author urges people to change the abusive ways in which we treat animals; photo.
5 Books still hold relevancy in today's society
Northern Iowan 110:16, p.3
Author insists that printed books still top tablets and e-readers. He explains that since books do not need electricity or the internet, they are more reliable. Books also may be better for the environment in the long run; photo.
6 Miss un-American: racism in the U.S.
Northern Iowan 110:7, p.3
Miss New York was crowned Miss America. Social media was outraged because she is Indian. She was born in the United States, but social media continues to call her an Arab. Racism is still relevant in today's society.
7 Let your walls crumble down
Northern Iowan 110:4, p.3
The author encourages readers to be open and honest about who they are. He wants people to share their deepest thoughts and secrets with those closest to them.
8 Watch out: this column was leaked
Northern Iowan 110:1, p.4
Author lists multiple examples of government information being leaked to the public. He asks if we should be outraged by the informant or the government featured in these leaked stories.
9 We're all fracked!
Northern Iowan 109:54, p.4
Says fifty percent of Iowa's water supply is in danger of fracking. "Fracking" is a mining technique in which pressurized water and sand is jetted into underground rock to free up bubbles of natural gas. This would reduce the water supply.
10 Grit 'n' Glam: What's your fashion philosophy?
Northern Iowan 109:54, p.6
Column features a quiz and results on the reader¿s fashion philosophy.
11 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:51, p.7
Author gives readers a few tips on how to lose those extra pounds before summer.
12 Just break up already!
Northern Iowan 109:50, p.3
Says that in relationships, whether they be romantic or otherwise, sometimes it is necessary to let go. Some relationships are not meant to last. Pretending everything is fine hurts the relationship more. Just breaking up may be the best option.
13 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:49, p.7
Author suggests accessories for your pet or 'petcessorise' to spice up your pets look. Anything from a new collar to shoes are available.
14 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:47, p.7
Author gives six reasons why a thrift shop is the perfect place to go shopping for your new spring wardrobe.
15 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:45, p.7
The author gives readers tips on how to dress in drag in honor of UNI Proud's drag show.
16 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:42, p.7
Author mentions some beauty essentials to take on your spring break getaway.
17 We should all be pro-life
Northern Iowan 109:42, p.4
The author voices his opinion on abortion and some possible consequences of outlawing it.
18 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:40, p.6
Fashion advice about starting over in spring. Author suggests dying one's hair.
19 Websites to watch
Northern Iowan 109:38, p.6
Discusses different websites used for online shopping.
20 Stand up; speak out; participate
Northern Iowan 109:38, p.4
NISG elections are going on. It is very important for people to do their part and vote.
21 Embrace you flabulosity
Northern Iowan 109:36, p.7
Says that even if you have a few extra pounds, embrace who you are. Be who you want to be.
22 Let us pee in peace (and choose who we live with)
Northern Iowan 109:34, p.4
Author feels students have fewer and poorer choices when it comes to the lack of open, gender-neutral housing and bathrooms.
23 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:34, p.9
This article gives many ideas of how to repurpose accessories and clothing to create new pieces.
24 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:32, p.7
Fashion questions asked and answered; photo.
25 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:30, p.7
Style and beauty column focuses on the Grit 'n' Glam Fierceness Scale.
26 Kick the ladder down
Northern Iowan 109:30, p.4
Author states it is our differences, not our sameness, that allows us to challenge the status quo and transform our world. Don't deny you difference. Emphasize it. Don't climb the ladder, but kick it down.
27 Grit 'n' Glam Holiday Gift Guide
Northern Iowan 109:27, p.7
Gift suggestions for the holiday season. Suggestions include messages, art, books, gift cards, gift sets, video games, movies, donations.
28 Bienvenido al nuevo America
Northern Iowan 109:26, p.4
Author addresses concern with discrimination against natural-born Hispanic/Latino community. Raises concern of racism and encourages readers to consider equality. Students encouraged to engage in Hispanic/Latino Student Union events; photo.
29 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:25, p.7
Reader can take the "High maintenance" quiz and see the results.
30 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.6
Column expresses the author's definition of glamour and grit.
31 Don't get comfortable
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.4
Column advises not to let recent political triumph cause us to turn a blind eye or deaf ear to the actions of the present government. Democratic victory is a relief, but is not end of the struggles we face as a nation.
32 Grit 'n' glam
Northern Iowan 109:22, p.5
Fashion column discusses tips for staying warm during Iowa winter.
33 LGBT Center committee responds to anti-Center campus posters
Northern Iowan 109:20, p.6
Student responds to anti-LGBT letters posted on campus and social media. Addresses the need for an LGBT Center to educate the campus community.
34 Grit 'n Glam
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.10
Fashion column discusses costume ideas; advice on which costume to choose.
35 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:15, p.8
Tips for TV interviews and appearing in the news.
36 YES to Wiggins-YES to justice
Northern Iowan 109:14, p.4
Analysis of Justice David Wiggins position in Iowa Supreme Court. Discusses importance of upholding equal rights and abiding by Iowa Constitution.
37 Grit'n Glam
Northern Iowan 109:13, p.6
Advice on how to dress appropriately for one's personal limitations and contexts.
38 Grit 'n Glam
Northern Iowan 109:11, p.5
Style and beauty column focuses on fashion examples of Michelle Obama.
39 We're here, we're queer and we need an LGBT center
Northern Iowan 109:11, p.3
Column urges improvement of services offered to LGBT students. Expresses concerns of LGBT students in regard to safety and environment. Encourages students to get involved and support this effort.
40 Grit' 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:9, p.4
Fashion questions asked and answered; photo.
41 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:7, p.8
Fashion questions asked and answered; photo.
42 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.13
Fashion questions asked and answered; photo.
43 Grit "n" Glam
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.9
Column will provide weekly advice about how to solve your beauty woes and how to keep your look fresh. Readers questions addressed; photo.
44 You have got to be kidding me with this
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.5
Todd Akin's recent statement about "legitimate rape" is just the latest of incorrect comments made my major politicians. Rich Santorum and Michelle Bachmann also had embarrassing verbal slips.