Price--Malcolm Poyer (President of ISTC)

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Letter from President Price
College Eye 41:38, p.2
Thanks members of the College Eye staff for their cooperation and fine work they have done.
2 Message from President Price
Alumnus 34:1, p.6
Urges alumni to interest capable students in the teaching profession.
3 Hilltopics
College Eye 41:5, p.2
President Malcolm Price explains reasons for keeping T. C. a professional teaching school.
4 Letter from President Price
College Eye 40:33, p.2
Announces that the college will be closed on July 4.
5 To the faculty and students:
College Eye 38:27, p.2
President Price announces parking fine payment procedures.
6 A message from our President
College Eye 37:15, p.2
President Price welcomes students back to a new year, and recaps the momentous events from the previous year.
7 From friend to friend
College Eye 37:9, p.2
President Price welcomes back alumni.
8 To the Dads
College Eye 37:6, p.1
President Price welcomes the Dad's to campus as first postwar guests.
9 Our responsibilities in peace
College Eye 36:44, p.1
The president addresses the end of World War II and the importance of education in maintaining democracy.
10 A New Year's message
Alumnus 28:1, p.
President Price addresses far-flung alumni; goals for the upcoming year; photo.
11 President Price's Speech
Public Relations News Release 1943:121, p.2
The entire article is a speech that President Price gave on the subject "Youth Faces War."
12 The President's message to a college at war
College Eye 34:35, p.4
President Malcolm Price claims that it is vital to continue to educate and train teachers during the war.
13 The classroom is a post of duty
Alumnus 27:2, p.
President Price states that teaching is never trivial, even during war; photo.
14 President greets the navy
College Eye 34:42, p.1
President Price hopes the WAVES will enjoy being in Cedar Falls; photo.
15 Price Makes Announcement
Public Relations News Release 1943:156, p.2
President Price announced that uppercalass men that are interested in becoming officers in any branch of the army can enlist in the new Reserve Corps. The different classes of officers and the training required is described.
16 President greets 'the college voice'
College Eye 33:21, p.1
President Price congratulates the student newspaper on its 50th anniversary.
17 Greeting from our new leader
Alumnus 25:1, p.3
President Price's holiday greetings.
18 'Hello'---Dr. Price
College Eye 32:7, p.1
President Price encourages student participation for the best Homecoming yet.