Rawe--Jennifer Kristina (Class of 2000)

Displaying 1 - 36 of 36 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Surround yourself with people who challenge you
Northern Iowan 96:55, p.8
Our arguments, thoughts, and evidence should be defended as well as our personal experiences.
2 Capitalism: our way is not always the best way
Northern Iowan 96:53, p.6
Brings attention to the recent protests against the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund.
3 Health care crisis lies in Clinton's hands
Northern Iowan 96:51, p.6
Believes US needs some major health care reform efforts.
4 Instead of talking about change, fight for your risks
Northern Iowan 96:49, p.5
Feels the student body at UNI is uninterested and uninvolved in doing anything about political or social change.
5 Flag burning: First Amendment right to freedom of speech
Northern Iowan 96:47, p.6
Believes that the burning of the flag is a political statement. Yet there is controversy over whether it should be outlawed.
6 Sanctions severely affect innocent civilians
Northern Iowan 96:45, p.6
Describes economic sanctions and their impact on Iraq.
7 Political 'princes' win majority of presidential primaries
Northern Iowan 96:44, p.6
Observations on the 2000 presidential campaign.
8 Uncontrolled censorship comes at cost to women
Northern Iowan 96:42, p.5
Relationship of issues relating to censorship, pornography, and women.
9 Advocates of death penalty just as guilty as criminals
Northern Iowan 96:40, p.7
Column about the death penalty.
10 Women's issues often put on back burner by Washington
Northern Iowan 96:38, p.6
Believes women are given less attention in the political sphere.
11 Adam and Eve, or Adam and Steve?
Northern Iowan 96:36, p.7
A viewpoint about same-sex marriages.
12 Party system ultimately decides who will run the White House
Northern Iowan 96:34, p.6
Comments on the results of the New Hampshire primary.
13 What would make Helms happy?
Northern Iowan 96:32, p.6
Senator Jesse Helms' statements made in "Newsweek" last week are reviewed.
14 Caucuses serve important function in Iowa
Northern Iowan 96:30, p.7
Voting in Monday's caucus can make a difference for a candidate.
15 John McCain: fighting the good fight
Northern Iowan 96:29, p.8
Presidential candidate John McCain has been under attack for his past behavior.
16 Republican touched by Bradley's honesty
Northern Iowan 96:28, p.6
Bill Bradley impressed the columnist when he spoke in Seerley Hall Sunday.
17 Violence interrupts trade conference
Northern Iowan 96:26, p.6
Thousands protested in the streets of Seattle, Washington, this week during meetings of the World Trade Organization.
18 U. S. demonstrates hypocrisy in trade relations
Northern Iowan 96:24, p.5
U. S. and China have recently negotiated a trade agreement, allowing China into the World Trade Organization.
19 Have a voice in your future--get involved
Northern Iowan 96:22, p.5
Columnist has suggestions of how to get involved in this year's election.
20 Tipper encourages students to become involved
Northern Iowan 96:20, p.5
Major points of Tipper Gore's short address include voting and campaign involvement.
21 Political ads may indicate new campaign tactics
Northern Iowan 96:18, p.5
Presidential campaign advertisements point out the positive aspects of the candidates instead of weaknesses of opponents.
22 Resignation of Dole affects other Republicans
Northern Iowan 96:16, p.6
Column ponders the effect of Elizabeth Dole's withdrawal from candidacy upon the campaigns of George W. Bush and John McCain.
23 Non-discrimination policy provides rights for all
Northern Iowan 96:14, p.5
Column traces history of sexual orientation language in university's non-discrimination policy.
24 Upbringing impacts political views
Northern Iowan 96:12, p.5
Column questions how well American political parties serve their members.
25 Buchanan opens mouth, inserts foot
Northern Iowan 96:10, p.5
Column examines and disagrees with controversial opinions of Pat Buchanan.
26 Sanctions illustrate flaws in foreign policy
Northern Iowan 96:8, p.6
Column blames outdated U. S. sanctions for hunger and health problems in Cuba.
27 Public awareness of candidates equals secure future
Northern Iowan 96:6, p.6
Urges readers to learn as much about the candidates as possible and then to vote.
28 Political confusion concerning Gore, Quayle
Northern Iowan 96:4, p.6
Some quotations attributed to Al Gore in previous column may actually have been by Dan Quayle or may have been fictitious; political scene is confused by misinformation and candidates' conflicting statements.
29 Gore runs for best 'bumbling idiot'
Northern Iowan 96:3, p.8
Examines strengths and weaknesses of Al Gore as next election approaches.
30 "Moral witch hunts" distract presidential hopefuls
Northern Iowan 96:1, p.10
Attacks on George W. Bush by other GOP hopefuls may divide party and weaken chances against Al Gore.
31 The Kennedy curse continues
Northern Iowan 95:61, p.4
Kennedy family has lived through a string of tragedies dating back to 1944.
32 Ventura may lure voters to shift political parties
Northern Iowan 95:60, p.4
The Reform Party may make its mark in the next election.
33 LGBT persons treated as 'second class citizens'
Northern Iowan 95:59, p.4
Laws in the United States do not protect lesbian and gay individuals against hate crimes and discrimination.
34 Candidates move to middle of road
Northern Iowan 95:58, p.4
Trend is for presidential candidates to have platforms "in the middle of the road."
35 U.S. continues to play 'global police'
Northern Iowan 95:57, p.4
Iraq seems to be the chosen national enemy of the United States.
36 Clinton still failing to 'walk the walk'
Northern Iowan 95:56, p.4
Columnist comments on Clinton's policy in Kosovo and other "broken promises" from his administration.