Reiling--Diane Jean (Class of 1990)

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Public Relations conference held
Northern Iowan 86:51, p.5
Conference highlights; photo.
2 Avoiding acquaintance rape
Northern Iowan 86:24, p.1
Officer Milissa Wright offers tips on preventing assault.
3 Rumors unsubstantiated
Northern Iowan 86:20, p.1
Dean Shoars reports that he can find no substance to rumors about sexual assaults.
4 Student assaulted near Russell Hall
Northern Iowan 86:20, p.6
Male student assaulted by three men.
5 Shoars keeps campus safe
Northern Iowan 86:9, p.5
Profile of Dean Shoars.
6 Spring Institute held today
Northern Iowan 85:51, p.3
Will hold international relations institute.
7 Boiler nearing completion
Northern Iowan 85:36, p.1
UNI may receive an additional $1.1 million to complete the new plant near Hudson Road.
8 New billing system begins this spring
Northern Iowan 85:31, p.1
Description of new telephone billing system.
9 Smoking policy changes in Union
Northern Iowan 85:30, p.7
Changes from smoking building with several designated non-smoking areas to non-smoking building with several designated smoking areas.
10 Variety show performs to full house
Northern Iowan 85:28, p.15
Quick review of the show; photo.
11 Phone directories have finally arrived on campus
Northern Iowan 85:20, p.1
Will be distributed in the next few days.
12 Panthers lose in Ames; end regular season 32-4
Northern Iowan 84:25, p.15
UNI lost to Iowa State on Tuesday, 3-2; photo.