
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Homecoming '88: the greatest show in Iowa
Northern Iowa Today 16:3, p.4
Schedule of events.
2 Parking fines prime source of income; paying the piper
Northern Iowan 84:54, p.1
Over $100,000 in fines collected each year; Pete Mazula talks about the appeal process.
3 UNI dorms, buildings prepared for possibility of campus tornado
Northern Iowan 84:51, p.5
Quick survey of building emergency plans.
4 Work-study to be emphasized
Northern Iowan 84:45, p.4
Will promote work over loans to help keep students out of debt.
5 Giving money to UNI, leaving money in wills has benefits
Northern Iowan 84:43, p.5
Bill Calhoun talks about estate planning.
6 Computer labs to open soon
Northern Iowan 84:41, p.8
Twelve lap-top units will be available shortly; labs in Educational Media Center and Education Center will be open soon.
7 UNI's recruiting methods vary
Northern Iowan 84:40, p.8
Administrators talk about ways of bringing good students to campus.
8 Romano to begin duties June 1
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.1
Renee Romano looks at her new job.
9 Kanter tells of television's impact on vote
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.4
Paul Kanter delivers lecture.
10 Candidate Hart blasts media, criticizes candidates in speech
Northern Iowan 84:34, p.4
Gary Hart speaks on campus; photo.
11 Faculty Senate looks at double-counting
Northern Iowan 84:33, p.3
Some question about whether or not the Senate can change something already approved by the entire faculty; also establish committee that will look at use of part-time and temporary faculty.
12 Peace activists use music, slides to explain U.S.-Soviet experience
Northern Iowan 84:29, p.7
Bruce Bishop and Patty Ankrum offer their views.
13 'Earl the Dead Cat', UNI insignia hits with Christmas shoppers
Northern Iowan 84:29, p.11