Rouse--Anthony Joseph (Student--2010)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Is a corporation a person
Northern Iowan 108:25, p.3
Author feels that corporations are definitely not persons. They are formed by persons and made up of people, but the structure is not a person. Interesting discussion.
2 A response to "The damage of capitalism"
Northern Iowan 108:15, p.4
Government's influence on production through taxes, regulations, and embargoes makes our system a crony capitalism. In true capitalism, production is owned by the private sector.
3 In response to "The damage of Wal-mart"
Northern Iowan 107:14, p.9
Facts presented in a previous article challenged.
4 Eliminating middleman not a good thing
Northern Iowan 106:46, p.4
Removal of state and federal government agencies for lending money to college students seen as sure way to reduce inflated tuition rates. Private lenders realize tuition is too high and choose not to lend money to students.