Ruane--Blake Steven (Student--2012)

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 All that matters is the ending
Northern Iowan 109:52, p.3
Says that all that counts in life is how one finishes something. Society is obsessed with the ending. It is unsatisfied if something is left open-ended. People need a sense of completion. However, commencement is not the end; life has just begun.
2 I've made a huge mistake
Northern Iowan 109:48, p.4
Netflix has a national following of 27 million people. Says that a lot of those people are probably college students.
3 The dragon is not a metaphor
Northern Iowan 109:44, p.5
The author feels that his assigned readings and additions to his workload, he does not have enough time for leisure reading.
4 Apathy is the name of the game
Northern Iowan 109:40, p.4
Student Blake Ruane voices his opinion on the lack of voters for the NISG elections. He thinks that more students should become involved because the students elected are representing the whole student body in important decisions.
5 Live a more meaningful life
Northern Iowan 109:36, p.4
The movie "American Beauty" is described. Says to look for the beauty in life; look past the stress.
6 You can handle the truth
Northern Iowan 109:32, p.4
Author feels people do not communicate with each other any more. E-mails and texts are sent rather than confronting a person face to face. Instead of telling someone how we feel, we use Facebook and Twitter to vent; photo.
7 We are living in the golden age of television
Northern Iowan 109:28, p.4
Author compares sitcoms of the '90s to the serialized drama shows of today. You don't have to feel ashamed to turn on the TV. There are shows out there now for everyone whether you appreciate dramas or old-fashioned sitcoms.
8 'Twilight' is destroying America
Northern Iowan 109:27, p.5
Movie review of Twilight Saga, including discussion of content, acting, and story. Opinion on the effects of "Twilight" on American society, ephasizing negative view for teenage girls.
9 Movie theater etiquette is dead
Northern Iowan 109:22, p.3
Author rages against people in movie theaters who show no respect for people around them. Texting and carrying on conversations with friends shows no regard for others.
10 We all need to mind our own business
Northern Iowan 109:18, p.4
Believes that people should not be concerned about same-sex marriage.
11 Dreams can change, but your expectations shouldn't
Northern Iowan 109:14, p.5
Student expresses concerns of losing sight of aspirations and dreams. Encourages others to pursue their ambitions.
12 Elephants, donkeys and the death of civility
Northern Iowan 109:6, p.4
Believes that our political system is designed to encourage discourse. Too often discourse ends up with mudslinging. We need to demand more than a popularity contest. How are the candidates going to lead the country?; photo.
13 We're all here, but not all of us know why
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.5
Some students attend college for the education and some for the parties. All students have the opportunity to enjoy the freedom of expression. Each student can search for who they really are and what they wish to do with the rest of their lives.
14 Letter to the Editor
Northern Iowan 108:42, p.12
Fallout from the faculty meeting and vote of no confidence in President Allen. Student, faculty, and staff urged to stand together during these troubling times.