Rubenbauer--Andrew (Student--2013)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Strayer-Wood Theatre brings spin on Shakespeare
Northern Iowan 109:51, p.6
Review of "Merchant of Venice (Beach)!" performed at the Strayer-Wood Theatre. This is a spin on the classic Shakespearian comedy "Merchant of Venice".
2 Punk rock musical brings Green Day music to Gallagher-Bluedorn
Northern Iowan 109:45, p.7
The musical, "American Idiot" was recently performed at the GBPAC. The musical is about three friends who move to the big city to become rock stars and the challenges they face. Several students interviewed said they really enjoyed the show.
3 Upcoming UNISTA performance brings spin to pedophilia in families
Northern Iowan 109:44, p.7
UNISTA is showcasing the play "How I Learned to Drive." It follows Li'l Bit's life. She has been sexually abused by her uncle since she was eleven years old; photo.
4 UNISTA celebrates tradition, brings back 'Broadway'
Northern Iowan 109:42, p.6
The UNI Student Theatre Association presented their seventh annual 10-Minute Play Festival featuring six different plays written and performed by UNI students. They also did a Best of Broadway showcase.
5 'Clogging the System' challenges social norms
Northern Iowan 109:40, p.6
The play "Clogging the System" was written and directed by student Harrison Postler. It is about public toilets in the workplace, but has a message of self-liberation and acceptance. Audiences have seemed to respond well to this somewhat crude topic.
6 Music students bring 'Opera Gala' to GBPAC
Northern Iowan 109:38, p.5
The School of Music brought opera to UNI with the 'Opera Gala.' The audience met various forms within the world of opera.
7 Broadway's 'West Side Story' brings Latin flair, new life and a little street cred to Gallagher-Bluedorn
Northern Iowan 109:34, p.7
The Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center, along with Troika Entertainment, brought "West Side Story" to UNI. The show was a hit; it was enjoyed by students, alumni, and community members.
8 In 'Convict,' jailbirds sing song of prison reform from behind bars
Northern Iowan 109:33, p.6
"Convict" calls to the audience's attention a system that needs to be fixed by keeping what works and changing what does not work; photo.
9 Kaleidoscope series presents Rosa Parks play to children for MLK Day
Northern Iowan 109:31, p.5
"Walk on: the Rosa Parks story" was presented by Mad River Theater as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations.