
Displaying 1 - 50 of 69 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Freshmen should form government
Northern Iowan 66:15, p.2
Would help them to learn about service.
2 Should work for unicameral govt.
Northern Iowan 66:14, p.2
Believes Faculty and Student Senates should establish a University Senate.
3 UAB act unwise
Northern Iowan 66:13, p.2
Believes that there should not have been an entry fee to use the Union one night recently.
4 Education needed on Vietnam War
Northern Iowan 66:12, p.2
Applauds efforts during recent Moratorium.
5 Students to bridge appropriations gap
Northern Iowan 66:12, p.2
No easy solution to tuition surcharge problem.
6 Think, participate
Northern Iowan 66:11, p.2
Urges readers to consider war and moratorium.
7 Apply Boyd logic to Homecoming
Northern Iowan 66:10, p.2
Uses statement by University of Iowa President Boyd on the moratorium to make similar statement about Homecoming.
8 Function of UAB is use of Union
Northern Iowan 66:9, p.2
Believes UAB should limit its concerns to activities in and around Union.
9 Forum motivates black recruitment
Northern Iowan 66:8, p.2
Applauds efforts of Forum to attack racism.
10 Magazine format revives yearbook
Northern Iowan 66:7, p.2
Believes yearbook is thing of past; applauds magazine concept.
11 We should follow the city's example
Northern Iowan 66:6, p.2
Praises decision of Cedar Falls City Council to make the City Hall available for discussion; urges students to make efforts to engage faculty in discussion.
12 Little footballs, TP "support" Panthers
Northern Iowan 66:5, p.2
Believes cheerleaders can distract from game.
13 Tee off pass-fail general ed P. E.; fore!
Northern Iowan 66:4, p.2
Believes that taking general education physical education classes is good idea.
14 Oppose voting bill; act now
Northern Iowan 66:3, p.2
Urges opposition to bill which might effect residency requirements for students.
15 Beer issue brews; on the hill
Northern Iowan 66:2, p.2
Brief history of recent action on movement for beer permits for College Hill businesses.
16 Peace commitment; Vietnam moratorium
Northern Iowan 66:1, p.2
Urges students to observe one day class moratorium.
17 What have we accomplished?; looking back
Northern Iowan 65:59, p.2
A look back at 1968-1969.
18 UNI must fight for funds
Northern Iowan 65:58, p.2
Believes UNI must fight other Regents universities for its share of the funds.
19 Student queries unanswered
Northern Iowan 65:56, p.2
Believes that students have come out on the short end in the appropriations and tuition battle.
20 A great day in the Senate
Northern Iowan 65:55, p.2
Attempts to understand the recent events in the legislature regarding the $300,000 intended for UNI.
21 March on capital--ill-planned
Northern Iowan 65:54, p.2
March could have opposite of desired effects.
22 Uneasiness is self-wrought
Northern Iowan 65:53, p.2
Believes both blacks and whites have caused petty bickering and uneasiness.
23 Boycott could be effective
Northern Iowan 65:52, p.2
Link between Union and tuition and fees increase worth considering.
24 Union: a midway?
Northern Iowan 65:51, p.2
Early evidence of damage to new Union building.
25 Follow example set by Fox
Northern Iowan 65:51, p.2
Considers Professor Fox's "strike" against lack of proper teaching tools.
26 Student Senate rejects Union boycott proposed by SFT
Northern Iowan 65:51, p.1

Senate considers it an inappropriate gesture.

27 Key Hole is not hopeless
Northern Iowan 65:50, p.2
Cites early difficulties in use of room; hopes for quick solution.
28 . . . A gentle being
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.8
Profile of Herbert Aptheker; photo.
29 Must expect controversy
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.2
Does not necessarily believe that every speaker must be balanced by one with an opposing viewpoint.
30 Speakers Committee lauded
Northern Iowan 65:48, p.2
Believes Committee has done good job of bringing speakers to campus.
31 Should explain UNI position
Northern Iowan 65:48, p.2
Hopes Regents treat UNI fairly.
32 Culver, Aptheker, Legionnaires
Northern Iowan 65:47, p.2
Comments on upcoming speeches.
33 Less for more
Northern Iowan 65:46, p.2
Finds that UNI students are working more and borrowing more than their UI and ISU counterparts.
34 What is free press?; right to decide
Northern Iowan 65:46, p.2
Editor explains space limitations and the importance of paid advertising.
35 Aptheker to meet challenge
Northern Iowan 65:45, p.2
Aptheker said to be ready to address difficult situation.
36 Aptheker agrees to UNI talk
Northern Iowan 65:45, p.1
Dennis Ryerson interviews Aptheker in New York; Aptheker says he would like to come to campus to speak; photo.
37 Must change Student Senate
Northern Iowan 65:43, p.4
Proposes system to involve more students in government.
38 "They must get together"; Ray and Maucker
Northern Iowan 65:43, p.4
Believes that the Governor and the President need to come to resolution on budget matters.
39 Herb Aptheker cops out; spoils double feature
Northern Iowan 65:42, p.2
Welcomes visitors from General Assembly; disappointed by Aptheker cancellation.
40 Insecure campus security; night watchmen
Northern Iowan 65:41, p.2
Comments on difficulties faced by officers.
41 Yearbook concern
Northern Iowan 65:40, p.2
Concerned that only two students have applied for the editor's job.
42 "A country boy's opinion"; Messerly
Northern Iowan 65:40, p.2
Excerpts from conversation with Senator Messerly.
43 Left defenseless; only half-safe
Northern Iowan 65:39, p.2
Had difficulty in locating public safety officer when he needed one.
44 Governor's opinions sought; letter to Ray
Northern Iowan 65:39, p.2
Denny Ryerson's letter to the governor.
45 Lauds councilmen, mayor
Northern Iowan 65:38, p.2
Appreciates support on funding issues.
46 Has concern for freedom
Northern Iowan 65:38, p.2
Praises Professor Fox for his comments on a peaceful rally.
47 Legislators must face responsibilities
Northern Iowan 65:38, p.1
Finds it difficult to understand what legislators want.
48 Senator wants silent prexy; criticizes Maucker
Northern Iowan 65:37, p.2
Senator Flatt blames President Maucker for creating dissatisfaction among students.
49 Urge reappointment of Wolf; on Regents
Northern Iowan 65:37, p.2
Supports Regent Wolf in his stand on the anti-riot legislation.
50 Blind leading blind
Northern Iowan 65:36, p.2
Reacts to recent comments by David Stanley that the Regents universities are getting too large.